Computational Policies

Lalana Kagal

MIT 6.805/STS085: Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier


What do we mean by a policy ?

Example policy

Example policy: Three Laws of Robotics

I, Robot Dust Jacket Illustration
Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.

On policies, rules, and laws

Use of policies

Applications of policy

Computational policies

Implementing computational policies

Policy Management

Enforcement versus accountabilility

Enforcement versus accountabilility

TAMI project

  • Focused on privacy management
    • Not just about preventing access to certain information
    • Also regulates what you can do with the information - statistical analysis, research, civil case, criminal investigations
  • Facilitates compliance of usage policies by reasoning over audit trails
  • Social system holds agents accountable for policy violations
Accountability mechanisms in TAMI

TAMI project

Scenario 0

MIT Prox Card Data Policy: Prox card data can only the basis for an adverse consequence in a criminal investigation

Example AIR policy for scenario 0

:MITProxCardPolicy a air:Policy;
    rdfs:label "MIT prox-card policy #1";
        :U a air:UseEvent;
            :refers-to :D;
            air:purpose :P.
        :D a :ProxCardEvent.
         rdfs:label "MIT prox-card policy #2";
         air:pattern { :P air:is-member-of pur:criminal-investigation };
         air:assert { :U air:compliantWith :MITProxCardPolicy };
          rdfs:label "MIT prox-card policy #3";
          air:pattern { :P air:is-not-member-of pur:criminal-investigation };
          air:assert { :U air:incompliantWith :MITProxCardPolicy };

Working through Scenario 0


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