Semantic Web Boot Camp: Materials

Not all the following are used

  1. Introduction to the Semantic Web
  2. Writing data (using Statements, URIs, and Vocabularies)
  3. Ontologies
  4. Converting existing systems
    • Putting existing data on the Semantic Web (slides)
  5. Procesing data with cwm/n3
  6. Semantics + Web = Semantic Web
  7. Exploring semantic web data: The Tabulator(slides)
    Tab'r starting points:
  8. Tabulator Internals nd AJAR library(slides) ( Addressbook example)
  9. Interaction on Semanic Web: UI Challengesslides)

Related materials

Tim Berners-Lee, MIT/CSAIL; Jim Hendler, RPI; m c schraefel, Southampton University