TAAC: A Policy-Based Access Control System
Ian Jacobi
5 May 2008
Tetherless World Constellation
Computer Science Department
Decentralized Information Group
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Developed access control functionality on top of existing accountability system design
Implemented HTTP access control mechanism on top of AIR reasoner
Developed Firefox extension to handle authentication
TAAC System Design
Designed to work with accountability approach to information protection
Logs all accesses for later accountability checking
Modularity permits nested dependency structure
TAAC Server Design
A dumb client requires a 'smart' server.
TAAC Supports Recursion
A server acts as a client.
Cutting out the Reasoning
Relatively easy to cut out the reasoning through introduction of credentials
Credentials like HTTP authentication cache or cookies
Digests (e.g. md5(openID + ":" + privateKey)) can provide some security
Additional security by filtering credential file
TAAC Server Implementation
Utilizes mod_python for integration with existing AIR reasoner
OpenID serves as authentication mechanism
TAACcess Firefox Extension
Handles TAAC HTTP Headers seamlessly
Uses internal preference to save identity
Some work done on XMLHttpRequests using TAAC
Current Issues
Implementation is still preliminary
Server code is very slow
OpenID isn't RESTful: XHR won't work easily
Future Plans
TAAC Server
Work to develop more complex policies and mechanisms in AIR to import external information sources into policies
Implement separate credential files to cache authentications
Clean up log format
Profile server to reduce response time and server load
TAACcess Extension
Discuss with Firefox team about hooks to retry ALL connections on low level
Decide appropriate mechanism for XHR authentications
Allow Tabulator to aid configuration of identity
Work with groups working on 'RDFAuth', 'FOAF+SSL'
Redistribution License