Other interests: Electronics, Bicycling, Machining, Eating
About The Project
Policy Assurance: making sure that we are playing by the rules.
Different rules for different systems, regulating access control, use of data, permissions.
More general than ACLs, allowing us to encode abstract concepts.
Uses logical reasoning to show (prove!) that rules are being followed or broken.
Allows us to demonstrate compliance while revealing less information
Great for secured databases
Recommendations, not strict access control (yet).
Goals and Timeline
February: Define sample scenario. Have sample queries working. Write policies in AIR, and queries in RDF using SPASQL/SPARQL.
March: Create an abstraction for these SPARQL queries, and
provide a meta level that removes dependence on the data structure.
April: Move from using SPARQL to using SQL directly,
either by converting SQL directly to RDF, or to SPARQL and then RDF.
May: Make everything work together nicely. Demonstrate more functionality. Give MasterWorks presentation and write thesis. Document everything for posterity.
June: Graduate!
How do we convert arbitrary SQL queries to SPARQL/RDF?
How do we encode abstract policies in a way conducive to reasoning?
How can we tie this in with an existing database in production?