Breadcrumbs ... deevloping the javascript RDF tabulator code

Javascript weirdnesses

Coming forom python (and before that Objective C and C) the strageest thing was the iterations over arrays which don't in fact gve the array elements but their indexes

- Safari bug:

when you read the innerHTML of an element, it is a mixed content, but the < in the text are not escaped. You therefore can't read it and write it back again. This bug does not existin Firefox. Javascript weirdnesses: for (x in myArray) does not make x iterate through the members of myArray, but through the indeces! It is the same as (more or less) fot x in range(len((myArray)) in pythonm, not for x in myArray.

No network access

i had to work offline when deevloping. The XMLHTTP method is just that -- it gets XML using HTTP. So running in file: space was not possible my mapping URIs.

  1. In System Preferences, under Sharing, turn on "Web sharing"
  2. Make soft links as folows:

$ cd /Library/Webserver/Documents

$ ln -s /devel/WWW/2000 2000
$ ln -s /devel/WWW/2001 2001

$ ln -s /devel/WWW/2002 2002
$ ln -s /devel/WWW/2003 2003
$ ln -s /devel/WWW/2004 2004
$ ln -s /devel/WWW/2006 2006

And in the script, I put a URI mapper which wirks when the document.domain is 'localhost'. SiteMap[ "" ] =

"http://localhost/" // Salt to taste

The server does need security: not good to give access to all the filesystem

Notes on local apache server
Need mod_rewrite.c
# Try this:
LoadModule rewrite_module     libexec/httpd/
AddModule mod_rewrite.c# Authentication 
- local access only to this server
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule   ^/$  /devel/WWW/
<Directory /devel/WWW/>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from localhost

- Using the RDF API to test it out
