6.932 - Linked Data Ventures

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6.932 Linked Data Ventures will teach you a new web technology and then have you build a working prototype and a viable business pitch. The course provides the instruction and the platform for EECS students to team with Sloan students to build viable, sustainable entities. Your final project can be an entry in the $100K competition, the cornerstone of a new business, or sustainable freeware.

Linked Data is a new way to publish and consume data on the Web, as if all participating sites were one database able to be searched and manipulated together. Guest lecturers will talk about blazing the trail in established companies such as Best Buy and The New York Times, launching companies such as Siri and Metaweb, building utilities that service parties from SonyMusic to the White House, and new products built by recent former students.

The course is team taught by instructors from both CSAIL and Sloan, including: Tim Berners-Lee, Lalana Kagal, and K. Krasnow Waterman from CSAIL and Reed Sturtevant and Katie Rae, Entrepreneurs in Residence from Sloan.


6.932 consists of two weekly class sections, Tues & Thurs 4-5:30PM in Room 32-144.

Stellar: http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/15/fa11/15.377/index.html

Course Texts

Reading materials will include technical papers, articles, and other online resources. Students may also refer to the following books that are available through MIT's online library