#This file is intended to show, in triples format, what KKW offered as the base logic is for determining if a data transfer was permissible under the Privacy Act

#The scenario only uses a subset of the rules (both internal to the Privacy Act and external to it) that actually would apply

# The Privacy Act applies to US government agencies and appears at 5 USC Section 552a

# A SORN is a "System of Records Notice" - a published statement about data activities of a federal agency

# A SOR is a "System of Records" - the physical repository of data

# Indents indicate the information needed and the answer to the preceding question

# Assumes the questions are fixed in code

# The lines finding the answers usually have subject and predicate pre-coded and are pulling object from transaction log or legal files

Data_transfers are permissible?

Data Covered_By Privacy_Act?

Data_Name has SORN?

Data_Name is Secure_Flight

SORN_citation is http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20051800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2005/05-12405.htm

Data_Name has SORN

Data Assumed_Covered_By Privacy_Act

#If there is not a SORN, I have provided the logic for determining if there should be one at the bottom of this file

Data has Valid_SORN?

SORN published_in Federal_Register?

SORN_citation is http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2005/05-12405.htm

#ALTERNATE: SORN citation 70_FR_36319

SORN published_in Federal_Register

SORN lists Legal_Authority?

Legal_Authority is 49_USC_114

Legal_Authority is 49_USC_44901

Legal_Authority is 49_USC_44903

SORN lists Legal_Authority

SORN lists SORN_Source?

SORN_Source_1 is Airline

#For this case, Airline is limited to airlines that flew domestically in June 2004

SORN_Source_2 is TSDB

SORN_Source_3 is Commercial_Data_Vendor

SORN lists SORN_Source

SORN lists SORN_Category?

SORN_Category_1 is PNR

SORN_Category_2 is Possible_Terrorist

SORN_Category_3 is Commercial_Data

SORN lists SORN_Category

SORN lists SORN_Purpose?

SORN_Purpose_1 is "enhance the security of domestic air travel by

identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding

an aircraft"

SORN lists SORN_Purpose

Routine_Use lists RU_Recipient?

RU_Recipient_1 is FBI

RU_Recipient_2 is Federal_Contractor

RU_Recipient_3 is Federal_Agency

RU_Recipient_4 is National_Archives

RU_Recipient_5a is Auditor

RU_Recipient_5b is Oversight_Authority

Routine_Use lists RU_Recipient

Routine_Use lists RU_Category?

RU_Category_1 is known_or_suspected_terrorist

RU_Category_2 is required_for_contracted_work

RU_Category_3a is related_to_claim

RU_Category_3b is related_to_complaint

RU_Category_3c is related_to_lawsuit

RU_Category_4 is

RU_Category_r5 is

Routine_Use lists RU_Category

Routine_Use lists Purpose?

RU_Purpose_1a is Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement

RU_Purpose_1b is Counterterrorism_Intelligence

RU_Purpose_2 is government_efficiency

RU_Purpose_3 is legal_defense_of_government

RU_Purpose_4 is records_management

RU_Purpose_5a is audit

RU_Purpose_5b is oversight

Routine_Use lists Purpose

Data has Valid_SORN

Data_Received_1 is permitted?

Source is Authorized?

Transaction_Source is American_Airlines

American_Airlines is Airline

SORN_Source_1 is Airline

Source is Authorized

Category is Authorized?

Transaction_Category PNR

SORN_Category_1 is PNR

Category is Authorized

Purpose is Authorized?

Transaction_Purpose is Secure_Planes

SORN_Purpose_1 is "enhance the security of domestic air travel by

identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding

an aircraft"

Secure is_like Security

Plane is_like aircraft

#Could we have something that performs the preceding thesaurus-like function?

Purpose is Authorized

Data_Received_1 is permitted

Data_Received_2 is permitted?

Source is Authorized?

Transaction_Source is TSDB

SORN_Source_2 is TSDB

Source is Authorized

Category is Authorized?

Transaction_Category is Possible_Terrorist

SORN_Category_2 is Possible_Terrorist

Category is Authorized

Purpose is Authorized?

Transaction_Purpose is Secure_Planes

SORN_Purpose_s1 is "enhance the security of domestic air travel by

identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding

an aircraft"

#Secure is_like Security

#Plane is_like aircraft

Purpose is Authorized

Data_Received_2 is permitted

Data_Received_3 is permitted?

Source is Authorized?

Transaction_Source is Lexis

Lexis is Commercial_Data_Vendor

SORN_Source_3 is Commercial_Data_Vendor

Source is Authorized

Category is Authorized?

Transaction_Category is Commercial_Data

SORN_Category_3 is Commercial_Data

Category is Authorized

Purpose is Authorized?

Transaction_Purpose is Secure_Planes

SORN_Purpose_1 is "enhance the security of domestic air travel by

identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding

an aircraft"

Secure is_like Security

Plane is_like aircraft

Purpose is Authorized

Data_Received_3 is permitted

Data_Transfer_1 is permitted?

Recipient is Authorized?

Transaction_Recipient is FBI

RU_Recipient_1 is FBI

Recipient is Authorized

Category is Authorized?

Transaction_Category is Possible_Terrorist

RU_Category_1 is known_or_suspected_terrorist

Terrorist is Terrorist

Possible is_like Suspected

Category is Authorized

Purpose is Authorized?

Transaction_Purpose is Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement

Transaction_Purpose is Counterterrorism_Intelligence

RU_Purpose_1a is Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement

RU_Purpose_1b is Counterterrorism_Intelligence

Purpose is Authorized

Consistent with Purpose for which it was Collected?

SORN_Purpose_1 is "enhance the security of domestic air travel by

identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding

an aircraft"

RU_Purpose_1a is Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement

RU_Purpose_1b is Counterterrorism_Intelligence

#Don't think we can do this through programming

#PRINT: It is unknown if Purpose_r1a; Purpose_r1b is consistent with Purpose_s1.

#PRINT: If "Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement; Counterterrorism_Intelligence" is consistent with

#PRINT: "enhance the security of domestic air travel by identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding an aircraft"

#PRINT: then Data_Transfer_1 is authorized.

Data_Transfer_1 permission_status unknown.

Data_Transfer_2 is permitted?

Recipient is Authorized?

Transaction_Recipient is FBI

RU_Recipient_1 is FBI

Recipient is Authorized

Category is Authorized?

Transaction_Category is Possible_Terrorist

RU_Category_1 is known_or_suspected_terrorist

Terrorist is Terrorist

Possible is_like Suspected

Category is Authorized

Purpose is Authorized?

Transaction_Purpose is Financial_Crime_Law_Enforcement

RU_Purpose_1a is Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement

Law_Enforcement is Law_Enforcement

#Don't think we can handle this through programming

#PRINT: It is unknown if Transaction_Purpose is consistent with RU_Purpose_1a

#PRINT: If "Financial_Crime_Law_Enforcement is consistent with

#PRINT: "Counterterrorism_Law_Enforcement"

#PRINT: then Purpose is Authorized.

Purpose permission_status unknown

Consistent with Purpose for which it was Collected?

Transaction_Purpose is Financial_Crime_Law_Enforcement

SORN_Purpose_1 is "enhance the security of domestic air travel by

identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding

an aircraft"

#Another one that code can't handle

#PRINT: It is unknown if Transaction_Purpose is consistent with SORN_Purpose_1.

#PRINT: If "Financial_Crime_Law_Enforcement; Counterterrorism_Intelligence" is consistent with

#PRINT: "enhance the security of domestic air travel by identifying passengers who warrant further scrutiny prior to boarding an aircraft"

#PRINT: then Data_Transfer_2 is authorized.

Data_Transfer_2 permission_status unknown


Data_Name has SORN?

Data_Name is Secure_Flight

SORN ciration Not_Found

Is Data SOR?

Data held_by Agency?

Data held_by TSA


DHS is Executive_Branch

Executive_Branch is Agency

Data held_by Agency

Data about identifiable_individual?

Data includes Person_Name

Person_name related_to DOB

Person_name related_to Address

Data about identifiable_individual

Data includes US_person?

Person_name related_to Address

Address includes US_state (or US_zipcode)

Person not_known_as Temporary_Visa_Holder

Person assumed_to_be US_Person

Data is SOR

SORN is Required