02:28:49 DIGlogger (n=dig-logg@pink-panther.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 02:28:49 topic is: Avi presnts Metaseed: An RDF store as a community web site 02:28:49 Users on #dig: DIGlogger lkagal webograph eikeon evoli DanC sandro crowell_work 10:35:02 [Global Notice] Hi all. If you are using Tor via an exit node to access freenode, we just wanted to remind you that exit node access is now being shut down. From this point on, access to freenode on Tor is via our hidden service. 10:35:51 [Global Notice] Please take a look at http://freenode.net/news.shtml for details, and look on http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml for information on how to switch to the hidden service. Thanks. 10:36:34 [Global Notice] If you don't use Tor to access freenode, or if you currently use the Tor hidden service, you will not be affected. Thanks. 13:46:50 ivo (n=ivo@c3eea1ddd.cable.wanadoo.nl) has joined #dig 13:47:11 ivo has left #dig 20:31:08 yosi_lap (n=syosi@static-71-243-122-114.bos.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 20:51:56 yosi_lap has quit ()