00:10:41 lkagal_ (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 00:29:04 lkagal has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:59:23 ryanlee has quit () 01:09:58 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@pool-70-108-200-8.washdc.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 02:37:26 yosi_lap (n=syosi@ool-457d5ab6.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #dig 03:04:02 yosi_lap has quit () 03:07:17 sheets (n=dsheets@EASTCAMPUS-ONE-O-THREE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-SIX.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig 07:51:57 crem (n=Rupord@mm-124-154-57-86.adsl.mgts.by) has joined #dig 07:52:04 crem has left #dig 08:25:15 tlr (n=roessler@ip-83-99-58-85.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu) has joined #dig 09:45:59 timbl has quit (Remote closed the connection) 11:27:08 timbl (n=timbl@146-115-112-112.c3-0.lex-ubr1.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com) has joined #dig 11:27:16 timbl has quit (Client Quit) 11:47:53 RalphS (n=swick@30-7-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 14:18:44 timbl (n=timbl@146-115-112-112.c3-0.lex-ubr1.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com) has joined #dig 14:18:45 jambo (i=jambo@30-6-112.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:25:53 timbl has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:26:50 timbl (n=timbl@146-115-112-112.c3-0.lex-ubr1.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com) has joined #dig 15:41:51 Darn, the tabalator doesn't seem to follow links from HTML files any more 15:42:01 rel=alternate etc 15:42:16 Example: http://wikimania2006.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proceedings:DV2 15:42:21 no not that 15:42:28 http://norman.walsh.name/knows/who#norman-walsh 15:42:43 http://wiki.ontoworld.org/index.php/_Martin_Hepp 15:42:53 those two I think need links through HTML 16:07:01 harveyj (n=harveyj@pool-71-126-229-149.bstnma.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 16:19:56 amyvdh has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:23:56 alerer (i=markus@30-6-168.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:24:40 timbl, DanC: what do you think of full (maybe toggleable) tooltip help in tabulator? 16:25:04 Like I said yesterday I Ytink it is a godo idea. 16:25:06 so every element in the DOM has tooltips, so instead of having to read all these helpfiles, you can figure out how everything works just from that? 16:25:11 er... is this different from what we talked about yesterday? it seems obviously good. 16:25:13 Might be good to have a cookie option to turn it off 16:25:22 yesterday we talked about just the icons 16:25:28 in outliner 16:25:30 I mean EVERYTHING 16:25:34 like? 16:25:43 "expand" 16:25:46 would be good 16:25:52 like the TDs in the outliner, the "View and save query" button, the URI bar, etc. 16:25:54 not just icons 16:26:03 I already did it for icons. 16:26:17 checked in? 16:26:21 it might be really helpful, as long as it could be turned off 16:26:26 hmm... I wonder about the maintenance burden for EVERYTHING 16:26:46 incorrect docs are sometimes worse than no docs 16:26:51 yes 16:27:10 but things like "Select this field to get its URI in the URI bar or to create a query." 16:27:14 something along those lines 16:27:38 I guess it might be hard to maintain, but we could make one file with all the tooltips 16:27:47 and just stick them into the actual elements as variables 16:28:30 like a property TR in the outliner view 16:28:46 (that's a really bad tooltip explanation, I was just using it as an example) 16:30:44 well, it serves as an example of why not do EVERYTHING; because we won't spend the time necessary to make them all definitely helpful 16:31:27 true 16:31:34 this is not a compelling argument, but something to consider. 16:32:03 Maybe we should not tooltip text fields. 16:32:07 yeah...I'm not sure tooltips everywhere is the way to go, but when I (and probably many/most) go to a website, I almost never read the helpfile 16:32:22 and if there isn't something built in to teach me how to use it, I'll just give up 16:32:34 If people don't know what would happen if they double clicked, we should add an icon, or context-menu, to do the thing, with atooltip 16:32:56 yeah, that makes sense 16:33:07 How about all icons? 16:33:49 indeed, we shouldn't expect readers to read the helpfile. The helpfile is still valuable, though, (a) as a design record, and (b) for people that want to know what the tabulator does but don't want to use it just now. (e.g. they might want to quote the help file) 16:37:31 indeed 16:37:51 but tab should be usable without it...which it is not very 16:38:53 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@c-65-96-190-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 16:39:52 so I guess the bottom line is: if you're confident that a tooltip will improve usability, add it. But if you're not sure, maybe pass. And always think of ways of making the UI more obvious without any sort of docs. 16:59:37 hmm... "Migrate Sourceforge bugs to Roundup" -- http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/1 17:28:53 Tim? 18:02:39 sheets has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:05:45 alerer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:20:34 danny? 18:22:21 alerer (i=markus@30-5-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:25:50 Tim, still there? 18:27:16 Hi, briefly yes 18:27:34 I was going to head into wikimania for 4pm then back out 18:27:37 tim for a quick call? a few loose ends to tie up 18:27:41 ah 18:27:42 what's up? 18:27:51 some Chuck vest issues 18:27:57 can I call you? 18:29:24 +1 XXX XXX XXXX 18:29:38 calling 18:33:02 tlr has quit ("calling it a day") 18:52:11 timbl has quit () 19:54:55 timbl (n=timbl@dhcp-0000024507-9b-f1.client.fas.harvard.edu) has joined #dig 20:20:22 alerer has quit () 20:23:19 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 20:39:06 r1949: Implemented mostly-done version of the key. Need some good way of 20:39:06 letting the view know that a query's name has changed -- possibly some kind of 20:39:06 updateQuery function for query source / listener / view ? 20:39:19 Without the ability to update a query, the key has no efficient way of knowing 20:39:20 that a query's name has changed. 20:53:27 tlr (n=roessler@ip-83-99-58-85.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu) has joined #dig 21:17:53 timbl has quit () 21:18:50 timbl (n=timbl@dhcp-0000024507-9b-f1.client.fas.harvard.edu) has joined #dig 21:20:12 tlr has quit ("leaving") 21:25:01 jambo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:31:44 timbl has quit () 22:16:54 djweitzner has quit () 22:28:46 sheets (n=dsheets@dhcp-18-188-71-146.dyn.mit.edu) has joined #dig