08:00:27 tlr (n=roessler@ip-83-99-49-179.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu) has joined #dig 11:53:17 RalphS (n=swick@30-7-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:50:35 DIGlogger (n=dig-logg@pink-panther.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:50:35 topic is: Decentralized Information Group at MIT CSAIL (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ ) 12:50:35 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS tlr lkagal sandro DanC eikeon evoli crowell_work 13:43:38 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@c-65-96-190-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 13:58:36 'lo 14:02:59 hmm... dig meeting today? 14:05:27 I see a propsed agenda from Ralph, so I guess so. 14:05:43 (subject seems to have a typo: "2006-07-07 DIG proposed agenda") 14:07:59 RalphS has changed the topic to: 07 Aug DIG agenda https://lists.csail.mit.edu/mailman/private/diggers/2006-August/000978.html 14:08:11 oops, indeed, a typo in msg subject 14:08:27 DanC has changed the topic to: DIG (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ ) meets today at 11:30aET (Mon, 7 Aug) 14:09:54 Ralph, I got Zakim to read the agenda from http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/weekly-agenda 14:10:36 it reminded me that the telcon calendar doesn't use the RDF calendar vocab. I wonder if that's worth DIG time, or if that's just a W3C thing. 14:16:47 DIGlogger: point 14:16:47 I'm logging. I don't understand 'point', evoli. Try /msg DIGlogger help 14:30:55 nice, Dan, re: Zakim reading from http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/weekly-agenda 14:33:53 yosi_s (n=chatzill@w3cdhcp27.w3.org) has joined #dig 14:41:40 lkagal has quit () 14:58:38 jambo (i=jambo@30-6-112.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:00:25 sheets (n=dsheets@31-33-99.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:29:49 Zakim (n=rrs-brid@homer.w3.org) has joined #dig 15:30:14 zakim, this is dig 15:30:15 ok, RalphS; that matches DIG_weekly()11:30AM 15:30:21 +MIT531 15:30:28 yosi_lap (n=syosi@30-5-64.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:30:34 zakim, mit531 has Yosi, Ralph 15:30:34 +Yosi, Ralph; got it 15:30:52 Meeting: DIG Weekly 15:31:10 claudiof (i=claudiof@31-35-17.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:31:14 Agenda: https://lists.csail.mit.edu/mailman/private/diggers/2006-August/000978.html 15:31:30 agenda+ Old action followup 15:31:46 agenda+ Followup to Fresnel discussion 15:31:52 agenda+ Around the table 15:32:05 agenda+ Tabulator work progress/plans 15:32:13 abenda+ dbview work progress/plans 15:32:24 agenda+ dbview work progress/plans 15:32:28 agenda+ tracker work status 15:33:15 zakim, mit531 also has Harvey, Rob, Sheets, Jim, Claudio, Jesus, Adam 15:33:16 +Harvey, Rob, Sheets, Jim, Claudio, Jesus, Adam; got it 15:33:50 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:33:50 agendum 1. "Old action followup" taken up [from RalphS] 15:33:51 alerer (i=markus@30-5-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:34:01 +DanC 15:34:08 crowell (n=crowell@31-35-95.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:34:24 harveyj (n=harveyj@30-5-253.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:34:29 crowell_work has quit (Remote closed the connection) 15:34:40 [DONE] ACTION: Ryan identify the important parts of breadcrumbs on swada to be backed-up 15:34:48 [DONE] ACTION: Ralph request the parts of swada identified by Ryan be added to T!Gs backup plan 15:34:56 ACTION: Ralph invite an Alloy person to demo in this meeting 15:34:57 -- continues 15:35:03 [PENDING] ACTION: Sandro to discuss fresnel/UI/etc with Ryan and TimBL and perhaps others; ETA: ~3 weeks 15:35:06 -- continues 15:35:29 ACTION: Sandro to discuss fresnel/UI/etc with Ryan and TimBL and perhaps others; ETA: ~3 weeks 15:36:18 zakim, take up agendum 3 15:36:18 agendum 3. "Around the table" taken up [from RalphS] 15:36:44 fyi, tabulator issues by developer: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/issues/tabulator/issue?@columns=title,topic,id,activity,status,assignedto&@sort=priority&@group=assignedto&@filter=status&@pagesize=50&@startwith=0&status=-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7&@dispname=Developer%20Status 15:37:55 (I mostly failed to get what I needed via IRC last week; I needed phone contact.) 15:38:04 Adam: working on UI stuff, putting icons into different fields in the outliner 15:38:28 +RyanL 15:39:03 (So maybe Thursday phone contact is important) 15:39:50 DanC: see issue 88 15:41:39 zakim, Lalana just arrived in mit531 15:41:39 +Lalana; got it 15:42:04 Jesus: work on hashing RDF graphs, talked with Yosi about this 15:42:22 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-242.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:42:27 ... objective is to be able to quickly compare two graphs 15:42:50 (Jesus's work is intended to contribute to performance issues in PAW, fyi, ralph. I learned this via Yosi) 15:43:14 Claudio: having problems fixing a bug when creating actions 15:43:43 zakim, Adam has left the room 15:43:43 sorry, RalphS, I do not recognize a party named 'Adam' 15:43:50 zakim, Adam has left mit531 15:43:50 -Adam; got it 15:44:04 Jim: working on UI update stuff, view area 15:44:16 ... finished putting in a button to expand and collapse query selection area 15:44:20 ... some bug squashing 15:44:26 ... expect to finish this today 15:44:38 (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/issues/tabulator/issue21 is some part of Jim's work lately) 15:44:42 ... syncing Adam's sparql stuff with new changes 15:45:01 David: embroiled in source retrieval and how to best do this 15:45:21 ... moving from procedural architecture to event-driven 15:46:14 DanC: may be necessary to commit bits soon even if broken 15:46:37 Rob: trying to work postgres into dbview to export Roundup data 15:46:54 ... talked with Tim a bit about a dbview release soon, so working on code cleanup 15:46:55 (dbview and postgress; I'm interested to know if that's a 10-minute-hack like one would hope) 15:47:06 ... will work on test cases this week, hope to borrow code from cwm 15:47:40 ... mysql and postgres are largely similar 15:48:07 ... reworking code to make it mroe modular 15:48:17 Harvey: working on TAMI interface for another day or two 15:48:30 ... then will look at Chris' scheme code and try to export it in ntriples 15:48:44 agenda + adding scheme to the python/perl/java/prolog list consciously 15:49:32 Yosi: working on cwm bug interaction between canonicalization and regression testing 15:49:45 ... and another cwm bug that is elusive to reproduce 15:49:51 ... hoping to make a cwm release tarball 15:50:01 zakim, Joyce just arrived in mit531 15:50:01 +Joyce; got it 15:50:16 Yosi: starting to look into getting my new backward chainer integrated 15:51:49 Lalana: next steps for PAW not yet decided 15:52:13 RalphS, http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/users/harveyj/tami-demo/view.ssp?node-uri=s3:arrest-1 is a snapshot of the interface as of Friday 15:52:15 ... working on ISWC paper joint with Ora and Uni Bologna on context-aware and policy-aware middleware 15:52:30 ... hoping to finish Tabulator paper this week, due 11 Aug 15:52:31 agenda + AAAI debrief (how did lk think the talk went? lessons learned?) 15:52:47 ... will send draft on 8 or 9th for comments 15:53:47 Joyce: working on calendar view and issue 69 15:54:04 "calendar view of connolly's travel schedule gives lots of "No value ..." alert dialogs" 15:54:07 ... also working on tests and documentation 15:54:18 (lkagal, I can't see any updates from you on the tabulator paper. I trust that's by design.) 15:54:33 (last commit seems to be r1811 | connolly | 2006-07-31 08:11:37 -0500 ) 15:54:34 ... am not sure what to do next on retrieving collections 15:54:37 and http://dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI/cph/v2/deduce.scm has a log of a command-line interaction with the system in the comments on the bottom 15:54:48 ... would like help on understanding how sources retrieve collections 15:55:03 David: sources appear as arrays 15:55:09 ... collections are arrays of nodes 15:55:30 DanC, I'm going to work on the tabulator paper this week. 15:55:34 ... but you shouldn't need to worry about the representation in the store 15:55:46 eikeon has quit () 15:55:55 eikeon (n=eikeon@dsl092-168-155.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net) has joined #dig 15:56:08 DanC: coaching tabulator work while Tim is out 15:56:57 ... challenging because lots of what Tim wants is "generic RDF browser" stuff 15:57:13 ... would like one phone call/week with each Tabulator developer 15:57:21 ... W3C GRDDL Working Group starting up 15:57:51 ... W3C GEO group starting up, poked around some French data, found lots of 404s, triggered a discussion on URI use 15:58:22 ... discussion thread in W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences interest group also on URI use 15:58:31 The Research Libraray in the 21st Century event at U.T. Austin 11-12 Sep 15:58:32 ... getting frustrated with too many passwords 15:58:41 ... thinking about installing OpenID 15:59:12 Ryan: working on integrating openID with Longwell 15:59:25 ... thinking about running an openID server on simile.mit.edu 15:59:41 ... will be on vacation from Wed for 1.5 wks 16:00:13 (sandro's action is done to my satisfaction, though perhaps not to sandro's) 16:01:05 Ralph: mostly administrative stuff but hope to talk about SwapMe plans with Ora and Deepali this week 16:02:11 close this agendum 16:02:20 zakim, take up agendum 2 16:02:20 agendum 2. "Followup to Fresnel discussion" taken up [from RalphS] 16:02:45 close agendum 1 16:02:58 Ryan: talked more with the IBM folk, not sure what their next steps are 16:03:17 (which IBM folk? Elias?)O 16:03:31 ... Elias interested in Fresnel lenses 16:04:24 alerer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:04:33 move to next agendum 16:04:33 agendum 4. "Tabulator work progress/plans" taken up [from RalphS] 16:05:00 rel tabulator/4, timbl sent a "my understandings" msg that has a good summary 16:05:17 From: Tim Berners-Lee 16:05:17 To: tabulator@csail.mit.edu 16:05:17 Subject: [Tabulator] My understandings 16:05:17 Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 12:57:02 +0800 (Mon, 23:57 CDT) 16:05:34 DanC: TimBL would like another Tabulator release before the term starts 16:06:28 Sheets: yeah, release is on my plate 16:06:33 move to next agendum 16:06:33 agendum 5. "dbview work progress/plans" taken up [from RalphS] 16:07:20 Rob: tabulator examination of dbview results is reasonably good 16:07:24 ... that's the way I test 16:07:36 DanC: what about a chapter describing dbview in tabulator 16:07:53 Rob: I'd like to run dbview on dig/issues -- i.e. Roundup data 16:08:00 ... this would give people two views of the same data 16:08:12 move to next agendum 16:08:12 agendum 6. "tracker work status" taken up [from RalphS] 16:08:59 (where does the tracker work live? hmm... msg from Ralph of 6 Jul refers to http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2006/tracker/rif/api/rdfdump ...) 16:10:24 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2006/tracker/rif/tracker.php 16:12:37 Claudio: I start working as an intern at IBM T.J. Watson in September 16:13:22 hmm... SVN history of tracker.php seems to be contaminated by unix/dos line ending foo. 16:13:37 close this agendum 16:13:46 move to next agendum 16:13:46 agendum 7. "adding scheme to the python/perl/java/prolog list consciously" taken up [from DanC] 16:14:22 DanC: we've talked about integrating more programming languages 16:14:36 ... we're adding scheme to the mix 16:15:15 Harvey: the hairy scheme stuff is Chris and Jerry's code 16:15:39 DanC: it's best if people don't code alone 16:15:45 Harvey: Chris looks at my code 16:16:44 ... my main task for the next week or two is to get Chris and Jerry's reasoner exporting in ntriples 16:17:36 ... most of their code is part of their scheme distribution 16:17:49 move to next agendum 16:17:49 agendum 8. "AAAI debrief (how did lk think the talk went? lessons learned?)" taken up [from DanC] 16:18:44 Lalana: my talk went well, even though I planned for a 30-minute talk in 20 minutes 16:19:02 ... but I got no questions about why I used Semantic Web techniques 16:19:17 ... a company in Rhode Island expressed interest in applying our work 16:19:29 ... they want an access plug-in for a distributed group 16:19:43 ... they're visiting me tomorrow 16:20:09 ... I declined to sign a non-disclosure but they're coming anyway 16:20:34 DanC: I particularly liked your slide style 16:20:52 Lalana: I had a detailed example of representing policies in several ways but had to skip over it 16:21:12 Dan: I ran into Ben Kypers again 16:21:25 ... he didn't get to ask Tim his question 16:21:31 Kuipers 16:21:37 s/Kypers/Kuipers/ 16:21:56 ... Kuipers' algernon work lets you reason over data without having all of it available 16:22:19 -> http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/qr/algernon.html Algernon and Access-Limited Logic 16:22:23 ... algernon work not currently active but Kuipers noodling on possibility of reactivating 16:24:09 ... Larry Lessig said good things about Semantic Web at Wikimania 16:24:17 Denny V.? 16:25:39 ooh... looking for the wikimania blog entry I saw, I see tabulator screenshots from somebody in http://www.wshoy.sidar.org/index.php?2006/08/05/36-tabulator-un-navegador-para-la-web-semantica-parte-ii 16:25:45 next meeting: 21 August 16:26:35 DanC: DIG f2f? 16:26:52 Ralph: I have 31 August in my calendar 16:27:24 I'm holding 28 Aug; I'm supposed to make flight arrangements 3 weeks in advance, which is today. 16:28:43 -DanC 16:28:48 -RyanL 16:28:52 -MIT531 16:28:53 DIG_weekly()11:30AM has ended 16:28:55 Attendees were Yosi, Ralph, Harvey, Rob, Sheets, Jim, Claudio, Jesus, Adam, DanC, RyanL, Lalana, Joyce 16:29:41 ah... here's the Wikimania item that made me so jealous; and it's from the very same Denny V http://semantic.nodix.net/2006/08/maybe-hottest-conference-ever.html 16:30:48 is Jesus on IRC? "Si para muestra hace falta un bot?n, aqu? el esperado ejemplo de uso de Tabulator.". that uses either vocabulary or verb conjugations that I can't work out 16:31:09 muestra is something like "teach" or "show" 16:31:20 "falta" is something like "lack" 16:31:29 harveyj has quit () 16:31:42 "Si" is either "yes" or "if". 16:31:49 yosi_lap has quit () 16:32:07 "If to show I lack a button..." perhaps? hmm. 16:32:26 crowell has quit () 16:32:48 yosi_lap (n=syosi@30-5-64.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:32:59 hmm... "Si para muestra hace falta un bot?n, aqu? el esperado ejemplo de uso de Tabulator." 16:33:08 ah... accents were getting mangled. 16:33:55 I think "probablemente el ejemplo que m?s me ha gustado de momento" means "probably my favorite example" 16:56:38 yosi_lap has quit () 16:57:29 Zakim has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:02:02 ryanlee has quit () 17:02:13 Regrets: Danny, TimBL 17:24:40 yosi_lap (n=syosi@30-5-64.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:30:40 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@30-6-75.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:36:57 tlr has quit ("I") 17:37:32 DanC, muestra hace falta un boton is really just kind of "to show a necessary example", i think, but I havent spoken spanish in about 3 years now :( 17:39:39 hmm 17:40:45 or rather, an unseen example 17:43:34 But yeah, that says "probably my favorite example thus far" 17:50:43 hrmm, with that example, the map zooms in further than google maps has data for... that is sort of aggravating, seeing as I make a call to their own function to see how far I can zoom in 17:51:49 ryanlee has quit () 18:02:21 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@ has joined #dig 18:12:51 Re: content negotiation, 'q' seems to mean both quality of content and preference in negotiation -- which is correct? 18:49:09 ryanlee has quit () 18:52:20 both, I think 18:52:58 i.e. when the client sends, it's expressing a preference; when the server responds, it's expressing quality 18:53:58 I am still interested 18:54:43 http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html 18:54:59 in 14.1 it states " The example 18:54:59 Accept: audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic 18:54:59 SHOULD be interpreted as "I prefer audio/basic, but send me any audio type if it is the best available after an 80% mark-down in quality." " 18:55:25 But this is at odds with what I've read elsewhere about q= being used for client preferences 18:56:21 how is it at odds? it seems consistent, to me 18:57:34 q= can't mean both "Send me content with a quality markdown" and "Send me this content after this other content" 18:57:58 What if I prefer low quality audio over high quality audio? 18:58:19 that's considered irrational 18:58:32 i.e. the protocol can't express it 18:58:41 Why?! If I am on a slow connection then it's totally rational... 18:58:47 hmm 18:59:08 It seems the protocol can express it if more than one attribute were used instead of just 'q' 18:59:15 there was discussion of ways to express bandwidth limitations, but I think they didn't get standardized 18:59:23 ok 18:59:45 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@30-6-75.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:59:46 It still seems wrong that 'q' has two different meanings 18:59:54 I think the discussion is in the www-talk archives from '92 or '93 if you really want to see all the gory details. (or maybe in an http-wg archive) 19:00:28 If I prefer one type of audio over another but I still want them at high quality "audio/foo; q=1.0, audio/bar; q=0.1" may not do what I expect 19:00:50 er... audio quality is not what the protocol expresses.. 19:01:08 "quality" in the http spec refers to loss of integrity due to conversion from one MIME type to another. 19:01:51 fine, but apparently it is also used for content-type preference ordering 19:02:05 also? it's *only* used for preference ordering. 19:02:32 "SHOULD be interpreted as "I prefer audio/basic, but send me any audio type if it is the best available after an 80% mark-down in quality."" 19:02:51 Doesn't that mean that '0.8' is used for quality information too? 19:02:54 that's not saying "after adding noise to the audio signal" 19:04:06 that's saying "if you have audio/mp3 at q=1 and audio/basic at q=0.5 , send me the audio/basic, but if the audio/basic has q=0.1, then send me the mp3" 19:04:54 the 0.5 vs 0.1 is at the discretion of the server/publisher. it's not a measurable thing. 19:05:21 But the client is just using arbitrary 'q' values to rank their preferred content-types 19:05:38 yes, and the server is using arbitrary 'q' values to rank their preferred content types. 19:05:56 but these are not the same set of arbitrary values 19:06:03 no? 19:06:24 by virtue of the fact that both parties agree to the HTTP spec, they are. 19:06:53 if the server says "audio/mp3 is 0.8 and audio.basic is 0.1" 19:06:58 but the client doesn't know this 19:07:07 and just uses arbitrary values for ranking purposes only 19:07:19 then whatever semantics the server has assigned will be unknown to the client 19:07:25 yup. 19:07:32 and will be invoked with possibly incorrect results 19:07:47 because 'q' expresses both ranking and quality 19:07:55 well, results that are sub-optimal by some other measure, but they'll be correct per http 19:08:12 so then it seems like the spec is brain-damaged here 19:08:35 unless there is some way to untangle quality and ranking that I don't know about 19:08:35 well, it has limitations. but you don't see that it works for most cases? 19:09:02 It seems like the quality aspect of 'q' can and should be handled by other content-type attributes 19:09:05 the spec treats preference and quality as the same thing. it's a simplifying assumption that works in most cases, no? 19:09:10 and that most people just use it for ranking 19:09:21 most people never use this part of HTTP at all. 19:09:36 Sure... that doesn't really excuse it, though 19:10:12 well, yes, it does: why should the spec be even _more_ complicated when, to first (or 2nd or 3rd..) order, noone will use the extra complexity 19:10:13 ? 19:10:51 it's always possible for to use more round-trips; the server can always respond with 406 "well, here's what I've got; you decide". 19:10:59 I would argue it would actually be simpler: 'q' would mean one thing and one thing only 19:11:38 it does mean one thing and one thing only: it tells you which variant to pick. 19:11:48 you just don't like what it means. ;-) 19:12:17 You're right, I don't 19:12:20 because it's wrong 19:12:21 ;-) 19:12:51 well, hop back in your time machine and get involved in the design discussion. ;-) or change a billion web server installations ;-) 19:13:29 don't hold your breath ;-) 19:13:49 actually, there is some TCN/transparent-content-negotiation thing out there... 19:14:01 ... it's complicated that I never looked at it closely. But maybe it appeals to you. 19:14:30 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2295.txt 19:48:06 yosi_lap has quit () 20:29:16 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 20:59:20 lkagal has quit () 21:14:21 yosi_s has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:04:12 timbl (n=timbl@m615e36d0.tmodns.net) has joined #dig 22:05:13 claudiof has quit () 22:14:14 sourcefetch iasynchronicity makes it trickeir to debug than moset? 22:14:18 ,ost? 22:18:06 We have Leef as a user of the library ... cool. 22:25:44 No, firefox crashes with a segfault. And yeah, LeeF seems to be a user. :-) 22:27:33 segfault -- ouch ... where to they hang out on IRC, I wonder 22:28:30 A segfaul should get you some moral support if not actual help and fixes! 22:41:08 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 22:44:02 Hi Lalana. 22:44:12 remind me when the paper dedline is? 22:44:19 kkaga 22:44:23 lkagal 22:46:59 ryanlee has quit () 22:47:22 timbl, apparently not irc.mozilla.org#firefox -- I got absolutely no response 23:02:50 timbl, the tabulator paper is due Friday, Aug 11th. 23:22:34 jambo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))