IRC log of dig on 2006-10-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

08:57:29 [Biblio]
Biblio has quit ()
13:04:52 [timbl]
do thye? what issues?
16:03:35 [DanC]
with CVS, a commit to one part of the tree doesn't require access to the whole tree or even to the root.
16:05:00 [DanC]
a CVS repository is tree-shaped and self-similar; you can copy a tree of ,v files into a CVS repository or take one out, etc.
16:05:22 [DanC]
but with SVN, bzr, mercurial, etc., a project has a very firm square box around it.
16:05:50 [DanC]
a commit to any part of the project requires access to the root, if not to the whole project history
20:31:01 [timbl]
Oh. Interesting.
20:31:29 [timbl]
That's a snag with SVNs global version number I guess.
20:31:45 [timbl]
It doesn't scale for an amorphous growing repository
20:56:57 [timbl]
I'm closing duplicates, think that's done
21:01:34 [timbl]
Looking at DanC's rolodecx issue, finds Request for <>
21:01:34 [timbl]
21:01:34 [timbl]
statusTextopt offNot Acceptable
21:15:18 [mms]
mms (n=m_elrope@ has joined #dig
21:15:27 [mms]
21:22:45 [mms]
mms has left #dig
22:12:45 [Biblio]
Biblio (i=ndlrml@ has joined #dig