01:18:53 [Global Notice] Hi all, we've had quite a few people asking whether the memorial site for Rob Levin (lilo) is online yet, and I am happy to inform you all that you can now leave your condolences and read what others have to say over at http://lilo.freenode.net Have a good evening and thank you for using freenode! 03:24:08 timbl has quit () 07:36:07 tlr (n=roessler@ip-83-99-45-118.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu) has joined #dig 11:30:27 timbl (n=timbl@146-115-112-112.c3-0.lex-ubr1.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com) has joined #dig 12:20:17 timbl has quit () 12:34:41 RalphS (n=swick@30-7-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:37:01 DIGlogger (n=dig-logg@pink-panther.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:37:01 topic is: DIG 16 Oct cancelled; TAMI did meet 19 Oct 12:37:01 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS tlr lkagal paulproteus sandro eikeon 13:36:16 timbl (n=timbl@30-6-150.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 13:37:45 timbl_ (n=timbl@ has joined #dig 13:38:32 DanC (n=connolly@64-126-89-30.dyn.everestkc.net) has joined #dig 13:45:37 timbl has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 14:27:21 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@pool-70-108-151-186.washdc.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 14:35:15 minjod (n=mj@lan-84-240-12-80.vln.skynet.lt) has joined #dig 14:38:46 minjod has left #dig 15:05:40 lkagal has quit () 15:08:49 DIG meeting to happen today at 11:30amET 15:09:05 djweitzner has changed the topic to: DIG Meeting 23 October 15:13:20 cracki (i=user@V50ff.v.pppool.de) has joined #dig 15:13:41 cracki has left #dig 15:29:03 Zakim (n=rrs-brid@homer.w3.org) has joined #dig 15:29:33 zakim, this will be dig 15:29:33 ok, RalphS; I see DIG_weekly()11:30AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 15:30:08 I'm at risk; I need to finish GRDDL spec editing today. 15:31:11 timbl (n=timbl@30-6-150.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:31:20 timbl has quit (Remote closed the connection) 15:31:27 DIG_weekly()11:30AM has now started 15:31:34 +MIT531 15:31:36 zakim, mit531 has Ralph 15:31:36 +Ralph; got it 15:31:54 zakim, TimBL just arrived in mit531 15:31:55 +TimBL; got it 15:32:08 timbl (n=timbl@30-6-150.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:33:17 zakim, Robert just arrived in mit531 15:33:17 +Robert; got it 15:35:26 +Danny 15:36:21 Robert is Robert Hoffmann 15:36:33 zakim, who's on the call 15:36:33 I don't understand 'who's on the call', RalphS 15:36:36 zakim, who's on the call? 15:36:36 On the phone I see MIT531, Danny 15:36:38 MIT531 has Ralph, TimBL, Robert 15:38:30 Chair: Danny 15:38:54 danc? 15:38:55 roberth_ (n=hoffmann@30-7-183.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:39:00 Tim: looks like Linked Data workshop may happen, part of pre-ISWC sessions 15:39:09 timbl_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15:39:13 Excused: DanC 15:39:28 s/ISWC/WWW2007/ 15:39:59 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@ has joined #dig 15:40:02 Tim: hoping for bug fixes from David Sheets 15:40:28 ... I fixed one of the two critical bugs before release 15:40:42 ... tabulator will highlight the source 15:40:52 +DanC 15:41:33 q+ to say the linked data workshop preparation I've been doing is for WWW2007 in May, not for ISWC in Nov 15:41:37 +RyanL 15:41:43 agenda+ welcome to Robert Hoffmann 15:42:03 take up agendum 1 15:42:09 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:42:09 agendum 1. "welcome to Robert Hoffmann" taken up [from timbl] 15:42:42 Robert: I did a masters in biology in Vienna, then a PhD in computational biology in Madrid 15:43:03 ... so I'm interested in making software systems from literature available to biologiests 15:43:24 ... working in New York with a group developing pathway resources in OWL; BioPAX 15:43:41 ... am personally interested in creating a wiki engine for gene data; "wikigenes" 15:44:27 ... idea is too provide a way for scientists to enter summary information about genes and list other genes with which this interacts 15:44:35 zakim, Lalana just arrived in mit531 15:44:35 +Lalana; got it 15:44:54 Robert: sounds like decentralized information, thus connection to DIG 15:45:13 (biopax... I'm interested to learn more about how they use URIs) 15:45:35 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-6-177.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:48:54 (has timbl seen IHOP? it looks interesting. http://www.ihop-net.org/UniPub/iHOP/ . I wonder if a demo would address timbl's concerns.) 15:50:27 http://cbio.mskcc.org/~hoffmann/ 15:51:09 Yes, I have playd a little though I forget details. 15:51:38 Would it be good to have an iHop wak-through from Robert? 15:52:22 Robert: I expect to be on campus 4 days/week, probably Monday-Thursday 15:52:37 I expect it would be good, though I doubt I have bandwidth for it today. i.e. it would be too interesting for me to ignore and I'd be conflicted with GRDDL WG work 15:53:41 DanC, you wanted to say the linked data workshop preparation I've been doing is for WWW2007 in May, not for ISWC in Nov 15:54:11 TimBL: yes, the Banff WWW2007 event is what I'd meant 15:54:51 -> http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html TimBL on Linked Data 15:55:21 DanC: Chris Bizer submitted the workshop proposal 15:55:32 ... names DanC, Danny Ayers, TimBL, Chris Bizer 15:55:54 http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData 15:56:32 "The goal of the workshop is to give an overview about approaches to publishing 15:56:33 linked data on the Web and to showcase innovative applications that consume linked 15:56:33 data. 15:56:33 " 15:57:11 TimBL: workshop goals are to explore what's been implemented by folks writing tools that explore data 15:57:27 ... situations in which you might want to give clues rather than giving links 15:57:47 q+ to collect my thoughts a bit: the workshop is a catalyst for community discussion of best practices for using URIs and links in the semantic web 15:57:55 ack d 15:57:55 ... issues around backlinks; social problem in others storing reverse copies of links you've made 15:57:55 DanC, you wanted to collect my thoughts a bit: the workshop is a catalyst for community discussion of best practices for using URIs and links in the semantic web 15:58:45 DanC: want to emphasize the _web_ in Semantic Web 15:59:30 ... would hope to discuss geonames work 15:59:50 ... examples of tweaking microformats to be SPARQLable 16:00:42 ... some javascript code that follows links to answer queries; e.g. 'names of all my friends' will follow my foaf links 16:00:57 ... Chris Bizer has reimplemented this in Jena framework 16:01:00 W3C Workshop on 16:01:00 Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and Semantics-Driven Enforcement 16:01:02 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sparql-dev/2006OctDec/thread.html ANN: Querying the complete Semantic Web with SPARQL Chris Bizer (Monday, 9 October) 16:01:07 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/privacy-ws/ 16:01:18 Topic: W3C Privacy Workshop 16:01:34 Danny: workshop focussed on interoperability of policy languages for the web 16:02:07 ... I gave two talks; my own on policy frameworks and Lalana's on Rein 16:02:26 ... participants from PRIME EU project 16:03:21 s/from/included folk from/ 16:03:26 s/would hope to discuss geonames work/would like to discuss geonames work, for example/ 16:04:16 ... some discussions about possible next steps W3C could take; e.g. interoperabilitiy of policy languages 16:04:38 ... general feeling that a single Web policy language was beyond reach 16:04:51 ... but that OWL and rules were a good place to start 16:04:52 agenda + rules WG progress report 16:05:14 q? 16:05:53 move to next agendum 16:05:53 agendum 2. "rules WG progress report" taken up [from DanC] 16:06:04 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/CORE 16:06:26 http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/n3absyn.py 16:06:53 ^ converts n3 rules to ACL2 format 16:07:20 s/^/had recently written code that/ 16:08:15 F2F4 4-5 November 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA 16:08:23 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/F2F4 16:15:42 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/B.1_Horn_Rules 16:15:58 l_: asdfasd ( asdf , asdfsadf , sadfsdf ) 16:15:58 [12:15] timbl_: p (s , o ) 16:16:54 example: [[[ 16:16:54 And ( Exists ?Buyer (purchase(?Buyer ?Seller book(?Author LeRif) $49)) 16:16:54 ?Seller=?Author ) 16:16:55 ]]] 16:17:29 Robert: I offer an IHOP demo for next week 16:18:06 Danny: next meeting 30 October 16:18:15 -Danny 16:19:14 http://www.w3.org/2004/01/rdxh/spec current grddl draft 16:20:40 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=39407 16:21:16 -RyanL 16:21:22 -DanC 16:21:25 -MIT531 16:21:27 DIG_weekly()11:30AM has ended 16:21:28 Attendees were Ralph, TimBL, Robert, Danny, DanC, RyanL, Lalana 16:24:49 Zakim has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:24:49 roberth_ has quit () 16:24:54 timbl has quit () 16:25:58 timbl (n=timbl@30-6-150.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:28:25 lkagal has quit () 16:36:01 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-6-177.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:13:40 djweitzner has quit () 17:14:40 roberth_ (n=hoffmann@30-7-183.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:25:48 roberth_ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 17:31:22 ryanlee has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17:31:53 roberth_ (n=hoffmann@w3cdhcp48.w3.org) has joined #dig 17:38:16 roberth_ has quit () 17:54:36 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@gandalf.mindlab.umd.edu) has joined #dig 18:08:35 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@WHITAKER-EIGHT-TWENTY-FOUR.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig 18:59:47 danny? 19:05:37 tlr has quit ("evening!") 19:06:32 ryanlee has quit () 19:36:12 ryanlee (n=ryanlee@ has joined #dig 20:16:52 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 20:46:46 timbl has quit () 21:03:50 djweitzner has quit () 22:31:03 lkagal has quit () 23:12:43 ryanlee has quit () 23:14:47 Biblio (i=ccigq@ has joined #dig