IRC log of dig on 2007-03-28

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:24:17 [Oshani]
Oshani (n=chatzill@ has joined #dig
00:25:28 [Oshani]
Oshani has quit (Client Quit)
00:38:36 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
01:00:11 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
02:12:37 [timbl]
timbl has quit ()
02:20:35 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
06:10:18 [sandro]
sandro has quit (
06:10:18 [aztennenbaum]
aztennenbaum has quit (
06:10:31 [sandro]
sandro ( has joined #dig
06:10:31 [aztennenbaum]
aztennenbaum ( has joined #dig
11:31:04 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
13:01:21 [djweitzner]
djweitzner ( has joined #dig
13:52:31 [djweitzner_]
djweitzner_ ( has joined #dig
13:52:31 [djweitzner]
djweitzner has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:58:25 [djweitzner_]
djweitzner_ has quit ()
16:14:18 [timbl]
timbl has quit (
16:50:20 [nacht]
nacht (n=nacht@ has joined #dig
17:06:06 [yosi_s]
yosi_s ( has joined #dig
17:57:33 [tlr_]
tlr_ ( has joined #dig
17:58:02 [tlr_]
tlr_ has quit (Client Quit)
19:12:41 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
20:19:20 [aztennenbaum]
aztennenbaum has quit (
20:19:20 [sandro]
sandro has quit (
20:19:55 [aztennenbaum]
aztennenbaum ( has joined #dig
20:19:55 [sandro]
sandro ( has joined #dig
20:22:08 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit ("bye for today")
20:29:41 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
20:32:22 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
20:37:10 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit (Client Quit)
20:54:37 [harveyj]
harveyj (n=harveyj@ has joined #dig
20:55:40 [harveyj]
harveyj has quit (Client Quit)
21:40:37 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
21:42:36 [sandro]
sandro has quit ("Getting off stoned server - dircproxy 1.0.5")
21:43:08 [sandro]
sandro ( has joined #dig
21:49:42 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
22:21:17 [nacht]
nacht has quit ("Panic makes quite a morning cocktail of insecurity")
22:27:32 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
22:36:11 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
23:40:19 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
23:56:16 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()