11:38:15 DIGlogger (n=dig-logg@pink-panther.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 11:38:15 topic is: MIT Decentralized Information Group http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ (12 Feb meeting cancelled) 11:38:15 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS eikeon sandro aztennenbaum das05r 13:17:56 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@pool-70-108-9-226.res.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 13:31:52 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 15:03:56 lkagal has quit () 16:07:09 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-93.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:53:13 lkagal has quit () 18:12:04 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-93.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:28:59 Zakim (n=rrs-brid@homer.w3.org) has joined #dig 18:29:12 zakim, this is dig 18:29:13 ok, RalphS; that matches DIG_weekly()2:30PM 18:29:19 +MIT531 18:31:01 +Danny 18:31:11 zakim, MIT531 has Ralph 18:31:12 +Ralph; got it 18:32:17 lkagal has quit () 18:32:22 anyone else on this channel planning on attending DIG? 18:32:24 Sandro? 18:33:14 zakim, mit531 also has Lalana 18:33:14 +Lalana; got it 18:33:35 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-93.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:33:44 zakim, mit531 also has Sandro 18:33:44 +Sandro; got it 18:34:03 zakim, mit531 also has Harvey 18:34:03 +Harvey; got it 18:35:29 Agenda: https://lists.csail.mit.edu/mailman/private/diggers/2007-April/001187.html 18:35:29 Meeting: DIG Weekly 18:35:29 1. Welcome back to DIG meetings 18:35:29 2. DIG infrastructure: SWADA, etc. 18:35:29 3. Update on summer UROPs 18:35:29 4. Harvey Jones' final project talk 18:35:29 Policy Aware Documents[1] 18:35:29 24 May 2007 18:35:29 11am-12:30pm 18:35:29 32-D451 (note alternate location) 18:35:29 5. other topics 18:35:29 6. Next meeting: suggest 14 May 2007 18:36:35 Topic: Welcome back 18:36:44 DJW: plan to meet at this time at least through the summer 18:36:54 Topic: DIG infrastructure 18:37:06 DJW: thanks, Ryan, for fixing blog service yet again 18:38:03 ... plan to move breadcrumbs to T!G services 18:38:03 Sandro: I'm a bit nervous about long-term persistence guarantees 18:38:05 ... orthogonal to T!G move, however 18:38:23 DJW: we have to deal with persistence either place, try to get CSAIL to deal with it 18:38:38 Sandro: would be great to be hosted by someone who will take care of persistence for us 18:38:49 DJW: know of anything better at the moment? 18:39:02 Sandro: not really 18:39:53 DJW: Ryan will be helping create infrastructure for webscience.org, will start as a clone of DIG infrastructure 18:40:07 ... expect these two sites to evolve together 18:40:14 timbl (n=timbl@ has joined #dig 18:40:58 ... Ryan will work on openid support for webscience.org and it should be able to be propagated to dig.csail.mit.edu 18:41:24 ... webscience.org will be moving from Southampton to CSAIL 18:41:39 DanC (n=connolly@pdpc/supporter/active/DanC) has joined #dig 18:42:14 ... I'm hoping we'll eventually have some policy-aware access control on both sites 18:43:36 Ralph: Ryan suggested swada would have no useful services after moving breadcrumbs. Anyone know anything different? 18:43:41 Sandro: no 18:44:06 Danny: does esw wiki still run there? 18:44:09 Sandro: no 18:44:28 ACTION: Ralph ask EricP to do a quick audit of what may still be running on swada 18:44:49 Topic: Summer UROPs 18:45:38 DJW: we have a couple of UROPs arriving; Tim knows of 3 18:46:08 ... I was involved in selecting one, Joe Presby 18:46:13 http://tdc.mit.edu/brothers_i/joe-presbrey 18:46:28 s/Presby/Presbrey/ 18:47:14 +DanC 18:49:24 DJW: any further news on RDFa UROP? 18:50:16 Ralph: I don't have an update. I thought Ben would interview the one applicant but I haven't followed up 18:52:15 Harvey: I hope to hand back some fixes on the javascript RDFa codebase to Ben 18:53:13 ... the code is pretty alpha state now 18:54:24 Danny: idea is to spread the 3 between tabulator, TAMI, and DTO work depending on skills and interest 18:54:55 lk here 18:54:57 ys missing 18:55:01 tx 18:56:30 Dan: re breadcrumbs -- I'm getting more signals that drupal was the right choice 18:56:54 ... Harry Halpin was involved in an evaluation group and they also selected drupal 18:57:12 Topic: Harvey's final project talk 18:57:24 DJW: Harvey will present on 24 May 18:57:33 Ralph: regrets, I'll be out of town 18:57:42 (I'm invited to several things on 24 May... hmm...) 18:57:42 DJW: I plan to invite Karger's group 18:59:49 -> http://dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI/harveyj/ped/ Harvey's Provenance-Embedding Documents work 19:00:28 Topics: HASTAC conference 19:00:49 DanC: I went to HASTAC last week, saw Pat Hayes' IKL work 19:00:53 -> http://www.hastac.org/ HASTAC 19:01:09 DanC: I told public-cwm-talk a few things about the conference 19:02:35 Sandro: N3 is not relevant for RIF phase 19:02:41 s/phase/phase I/ 19:04:08 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cwm-talk/2007AprJun/0000.html IKL bakes in owl: and xsd: prefixes rather than using OWL/XSD URIs? [DanC 2007-04-20] 19:04:31 Lalana: I agree with Dan's assessment that people would take N3 more seriously if it had a formal semantics 19:06:05 Sandro: 90% of N3 as people use it is RIF-core. The other 10% is the interesting stuff 19:07:04 ... Tim and Pat might be able to agree what that 10% is that's more than RIF-core 19:07:19 DanC: all the policy stuff is in that 10% AFAICT 19:07:30 The 10% whcih lets you do things kile log:includes nd log:semantics? 19:07:33 ... quoting and unquoting formulas is outside of RIFcore 19:07:54 right; log:uri, log:semantics, log:includes is all in IKL 19:08:01 (with different punctuation) 19:09:10 Sandro: We (DIG) should figure out how to get Chris Menzel and Pat Hayes and TimBL funded to work on this as a Phase 2 RIF Dialect. 19:11:28 Sandro: Maybe it is too soon, though. Still, the exercise of doing this as a RIF Dialect seems like a win/win/win. 19:11:47 (win for RIF-WG, win for users, win for researchers.) 19:12:27 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2007/nsf07500/nsf07500.htm 19:16:47 Topic: opencroquet 19:16:59 http://www.opencroquet.org/index.php/Main_Page 19:17:20 DanC: OpenCroquet is peer-to-peer Second Life 19:18:46 ... I mentioned a 70-person [tele]conference and [@@] sort-of blanched 19:18:56 ... typical collaborations seem to be 3-4 people 19:19:34 Sandro: Second Life CTO mentioned last week at MIT intention to allow others to run Second Life servers 19:20:24 ... (Cory Ondrejka) 19:20:53 Sandro: decentralization makes these part of the Web 19:23:24 DanC: the OpenCroquet folk are doing human factors research and weren't willing to let Second Life have complete control over their data, thus they rolled their own 19:27:36 Sandro: there could be some interesting policy questions as Second Life permits others to run servers 19:28:03 (well, that conflates a few parties into one; it wasn't the human factors researchers who rolled opencroquet; they became opencroquet users) 19:28:11 ... e.g. acceptable behaviors for other servers; "don't take away a person's money when they enter your island" 19:30:44 (club penguin!? my kids too!) 19:31:43 "font of all hipness". chuckle. 19:31:49 (ah, my kids do webkinz world) 19:31:59 (is google the font, or SFO?) 19:33:16 Topic: Next meeting 19:33:23 DJW: I have a conflict for 14 May 19:33:30 ... perhaps TimBL will chair then 19:34:53 -DanC 19:35:27 [adjourned] 19:35:59 Club Penguin 1.6m users, Wbkinz 0.9m users..... http://i.cnn.net/money/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2007/04/01/8403359/lessons_tweenland_chart.gif 19:36:07 -Danny 19:36:08 -MIT531 19:36:09 DIG_weekly()2:30PM has ended 19:36:10 Attendees were Danny, Ralph, Lalana, Sandro, Harvey, DanC 19:36:53 Zakim has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:37:10 lkagal has quit () 19:38:53 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-93.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:50:05 timbl has quit () 19:53:21 timbl (n=timbl@ has joined #dig 19:59:35 During our meeting, a friend sent me a pointer to a Salon article about gay marriage in virtual worlds, including this ad for Second Life, "Can't be married in real life? Try Second Life.". http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2007/04/28/gay_dwarves/index.html 20:05:04 timbl has quit () 20:07:04 timbl (n=timbl@ has joined #dig 20:17:27 timbl has quit () 20:25:01 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 20:57:32 m-m5 (n=m@ has joined #dig 22:48:04 djweitzner has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:53:43 lkagal has quit () 23:28:02 m-m5 has quit ("Leaving") 23:47:08 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@pool-70-108-9-226.res.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 23:47:14 djweitzner has quit (Client Quit) 23:49:42 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 23:55:40 n3 help? 23:56:24 is a b-node in a rule conclusion ever treated as something new each time the rule matches? or is it just something new when the file is parsed?