IRC log of dig on 2007-06-06

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:13:51 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
03:33:36 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
07:25:50 [eikeon]
eikeon has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
08:48:37 [eikeon]
eikeon ( has joined #dig
10:09:53 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
10:56:53 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
11:16:11 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
11:30:07 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
13:11:22 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
13:20:43 [lkagal]
Hi Tim.
13:21:05 [timbl]
Lalana, have you seen Ralph's new charter for a policy language interest group?
13:22:41 [timbl]
I don't know whetehr Dny and/or Ralph have discused this with you ... could be an important link between research work and future standards.
13:39:45 [lkagal]
Yes, I've seen the IG charter and it looks really interesting. I'm hoping to be involved with it. Ralph did mention it once but haven't discussed it in detail with either Danny or Ralph.
13:40:58 [lkagal]
Strange you should mention it, I recently sent Thomas asking him what the next step is.
13:57:08 [timbl]
The next step is they want review from W3C team people (and friends)
13:57:31 [timbl]
If it looks sensible to you, Ralph would find that useful feedback.
13:57:40 [timbl]
it s his job as domain lead to progess it
14:05:19 [timbl]
14:34:09 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
15:28:12 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
15:30:32 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
15:34:03 [presbrey]
presbrey ( has joined #dig
15:35:53 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
15:35:59 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
16:15:08 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
16:15:35 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has left #dig
16:21:32 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
16:26:49 [presbrey]
presbrey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
16:41:40 [timbl]
I have got through my day's obligations, and i can do the afternoon at mIT
16:43:38 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
16:44:29 [kennyluck]
Are we going to have a meeting?
16:47:36 [timbl]
Well, any time we can talk about the design sounds like a good things.
16:47:45 [timbl]
There are plenty of times when I'm not available.
16:47:56 [timbl]
Not sure whther individual or together is best today
16:49:17 [kennyluck]
OK, I'll go 32-515 after I finish my UROP paperwork.
16:49:35 [timbl]
Ok ..
16:49:57 [timbl]
timbl has quit ()
16:57:41 [DanC_lap]
DanC_lap ( has joined #dig
16:58:57 [presbrey]
presbrey ( has joined #dig
17:08:09 [soniaswim]
soniaswim ( has joined #dig
17:14:55 [DanC_lap]
DanC_lap has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
17:15:04 [soniaswim]
soniaswim has quit ()
17:15:09 [soniaswim]
soniaswim ( has joined #dig
17:15:26 [soniaswim]
17:48:41 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
17:59:15 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit ()
18:04:53 [timbl]
18:05:28 [timbl]
Yosi and Tim and a bit of Joe are talking about long-runnng server processes to absorb diffs
18:05:53 [timbl]
don't know whether you have any suggestions/experience with this sort of ting which you'd like to feed in
18:13:32 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
18:27:34 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
18:32:42 [DanC]
pessimal timing, timbl . sorry.
18:40:40 [presbrey]
I think we're weighing reforking and creating a store for each field edit?
18:40:58 [presbrey]
and necessary locking
18:41:35 [presbrey]
vs more improved collaborative editing
18:49:21 [timbl]
I think the best bet for now is to launch a process which loads it and accepts posts.
18:49:37 [timbl]
and writes back each time.
18:49:45 [timbl]
with fast seriaization I guess.
18:49:52 [timbl]
and also writes a transaction log
19:30:06 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
19:49:40 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
19:53:43 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
20:41:41 [presbrey]
presbrey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:53:36 [presbrey]
presbrey ( has joined #dig
21:08:33 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit ()
21:49:32 [timbl]
timbl has quit ()
22:09:25 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit ()
22:11:01 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
22:20:19 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
22:24:50 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap ( has joined #dig
22:24:53 [yosi_lap]
yosi_lap has quit (Remote closed the connection)
22:25:07 [soniaswim]
soniaswim has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
22:27:23 [presbrey]
presbrey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
22:41:02 [presbrey]
presbrey (n=Joe@ has joined #dig
22:41:11 [presbrey]
presbrey has changed the topic to: DIG ( ) meets Mondays at 2:30pm
23:07:38 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit ("bye for today")
23:22:38 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig