19:39:39 [presbrey]
how's snaplogic?
19:39:43 [mc-iam]
mc-iam (n=mc@w3cdhcp6.w3.org) has joined #dig
19:41:45 [timbl]
Jambo, so you have seen that the recent developments have broken the extension. Probably not a big deal and failrly to be expected as noone felt competetent to debug it.
19:42:56 [kennyluck]
Jambo is not here. And the extension is not broken for now. I turned off webDav.
19:43:16 [presbrey]
I heard setInterval isn't allowed in extensions...
19:43:32 [kennyluck]
Yes...there's no widow there.
19:43:41 [presbrey]
thats fine for now; nothing uses the webdav client yet and serialization for PUT isn't yet possible
19:43:46 [kennyluck]
You have to use a timer component, I guess
19:44:14 [timbl]
There may be a way to get at these things without windo .
19:44:27 [timbl]
Ah, jambo not here.
19:44:30 [presbrey]
I don't need the poller; I can rework it
19:44:34 [timbl]
But you say the extension works again?
19:44:55 [kennyluck]
Yes, I turned off webDav in source.js
19:44:55 [timbl]
That was on the agenda anyway to rewrok the oller IIRC
19:45:42 [kennyluck]
timbl or presbrey, are you going to fix content negotiation, that is, .htaccess or _get.php?
19:46:15 [timbl]
presbrey, that's you i tyhink ... the fact that wiki/test doesn't do conneg
19:46:33 [timbl]
It is bad form to use "test.rdf" ... we should quote wiki/test and do conneg
19:46:46 [timbl]
Is the data served by your script or regul;ar apache with .htaccess?
19:47:25 [timbl]
DIGlogger, pointer?
19:47:25 [timbl]
See http://dig.csail.mit.edu/irc/dig/2007-08-01#T19-47-25
19:48:19 [presbrey]
my coffee shop wifi access is closing
19:48:28 [presbrey]
I'll fix those 2 issues and try to commit tomorrow
19:48:31 [presbrey]
presbrey has quit ("Exiting")
19:48:52 [timbl]
19:49:06 [timbl]
Quite a commitment from someone on vacation :)
19:49:32 [kennyluck]
Thank you, Joe!
19:49:53 [timbl]
(he has left ... he may read it in the logs)
19:53:10 [kennyluck]
I modified _get.php, so you should be able to create new file in the extension version.
19:58:42 [kennyluck]
Joe, hope you can read this, please do POST content negotiation as well, that is POST foo -> foo.n3
19:59:17 [timbl]
Kenny, what do you mean exactly?
19:59:32 [timbl]
What should he do when he gets a SPARQL update to foo?
20:00:09 [kennyluck]
just update foo.n3, it's better if both foo.n3 and foo.rdf are updated.
20:01:11 [timbl]
Or, presumably, read foo.rdf as the canonical and write out a foo.rdf and then a foo.n3
20:03:36 [davidli]
davidli (i=dli@MACGREGOR-EIGHTY-TWO.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig
20:04:04 [kennyluck]
Anyway, I would be happy if can create something useful in the wikispace while testing user input.
20:05:33 [timbl]
You said you made a tabulator.rdf file?
20:06:03 [timbl]
what URI, kenny? I didn't find it
20:06:29 [kennyluck]
20:06:53 [kennyluck]
beginning with capital is wiki style naming
20:07:00 [timbl]
Hmm... I immediately see an inconsistency
20:07:08 [timbl]
It says it is a document and a project.
20:08:15 [timbl]
for RDF/XML view
20:08:40 [kennyluck]
uh-huh, the inconsistency is why I am unwilling to create more before Joe fixes content negotiation
20:08:51 [timbl]
In extension I get Error: _notNameChars is not defined
20:08:51 [timbl]
Source File: chrome://tabulator/content/js/rdf/serialize.js
20:08:51 [timbl]
Line: 323
20:09:05 [timbl]
But it doesn't depend on cnneg
20:09:30 [timbl]
the btabulator itself should be Tabulator#this or something
20:10:46 [kennyluck]
I agree with Tabulator# but I don't think I can create file of this kind for now.
20:11:15 [kennyluck]
Let me try...
20:11:19 [timbl]
20:11:26 [timbl]
You alrdeady have a file Tabulator.rdf
20:11:39 [timbl]
In it you put <#tab> a Project.
20:11:49 [timbl]
How with the UI I don't know.
20:13:19 [kennyluck]
Are you sure with algae you can use relative URI?
20:13:59 [timbl]
When I make a new line with the "+" on an empty thing like http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/Tabulator.rdf#tab the "TBD" predicate is too small to show a proper selection box
20:14:41 [timbl]
algae certainly aught to parse full RDF.... inclduing document-reative URIs. Do you hreason to ting it doesn't?
20:14:52 [timbl]
(if so, grab ericp)
20:15:34 [timbl]
Type error: st.why has no properties, when double-clicking on "comment" in autocompletion menu
20:16:06 [timbl]
Type error: sparqlUpdate has no properties
20:16:13 [kennyluck]
20:16:16 [timbl]
I am trying to add one statement top http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/Tabulator.rdf#tab
20:16:51 [timbl]
20:17:47 [timbl]
I get "sparqlupdate has no properties" when opening and closing an outline view of the regular tabulator data.
20:20:34 [kennyluck]
After we get nice URIs, I hope you can write down these pre-issues in the wiki space instead.
20:21:10 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit ("bye for today")
20:21:35 [timbl]
yes, of course :)
20:21:54 [mc-iam]
mc-iam has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:22:05 [timbl]
I think we can use the URIs which we have. The problem is that the editor doesn't work at the moment.
20:22:16 [kennyluck]
yeah, I'm glad you agree.
20:22:24 [timbl]
David, is tthe table editor working now?
20:23:13 [davidli]
no, not yet, i'm going to try to get the same look of the drop down box as in the outline view
20:24:18 [soniaswim]
soniaswim (i=soniaswi@MCCORMICK-TWO-SEVENTY-NINE.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig
20:24:25 [timbl]
I can't open http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/test.rdf#test now, I get back "unsupported prortcol" ?
20:25:49 [kennyluck]
not for me, though..
20:26:09 [timbl]
Maybe I need to flush caches or something
20:26:45 [kennyluck]
Caches are really annoying in the extension version.
20:26:59 [timbl]
I was using local file version
20:28:21 [timbl]
I feel that we are so close to being able to use the wiki, it needs the outline mode editor allowig ius to insert new data. The server seems to work.
20:29:27 [mc-iam]
mc-iam (n=mc@72-255-10-161.client.stsn.net) has joined #dig
20:31:01 [kennyluck]
I don't quite understand. I already make http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/Tabulator.rdf and http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/User:Kennyluck.rdf and two predicates..
20:31:25 [kennyluck]
using outliner editing ofcourse
20:34:47 [kennyluck]
Look at http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/Tabulator.rdf#tab. I write in <#tab> a doap:Project.
20:35:22 [kennyluck]
But in source, <doap:Project
20:35:22 [kennyluck]
20:35:22 [kennyluck]
r:about="http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/Tabulator.rdf#tab" />
20:36:11 [kennyluck]
What I meant to say is, algae does not generate relative URI in the document.
20:40:15 [kennyluck]
I guess you have to send INSERT {<#foo> a bar.}, is this what you are saying?
20:44:04 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has left #dig
20:44:04 [mc-iam]
mc-iam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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mc-iam (n=mc@72-255-10-161.client.stsn.net) has joined #dig
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soniaswim has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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yosi_s has quit ()
21:19:12 [davidli]
davidli has quit ("exit")
21:43:40 [timbl]
ded by Tim
21:43:44 [timbl]
21:45:01 [timbl]
I'm not clear when I am adding a symbol and when a string.
21:45:25 [timbl]
because when I had selected rdfs:comment as a proedicate, then the object had a drop-down.
21:45:33 [timbl]
But whe nn I typed I got a string.
22:09:02 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
22:21:14 [DanC]
"* Enhanced Javascript-based N3/Turtle parser" -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen/?id=1238
22:28:28 [timbl]
22:31:26 [timbl]
Good to have a little competition :)
23:26:22 [yosi_s]
yosi_s (n=chatzill@static-71-243-122-114.bos.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig