16:29:08 timbl_ (n=timbl@m295e36d0.tmodns.net) has joined #dig 16:31:13 23:15:25 presbrey (n=presbrey@68-188-136-85.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) has joined #dig 16:31:13 23:22:50 dig moved from pink-panther to groups...? 16:31:13 23:32:10 I don't see any wiki files overwritten with algae errors 16:31:13 23:33:39 unless I misunderstand Thu's reported algae bug 16:31:13 23:35:15 presbrey has quit () 16:31:26 Joe, if you read this, no, the bug is fixed. 16:31:35 It was a big in the rdfDB.pm perl modeul 16:37:43 timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:40:12 Davis, 500 errors ... loosk at the text of the error emssage. This can come from trying to chnage something which cannot be changed, e.g. ha already been changed due to editing bhy someone esle. 16:40:32 s/Davis/David 18:32:25 davidli (i=dli@MACGREGOR-EIGHTY-TWO.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig 19:17:44 davidli has quit ("exit") 19:39:50 davidli (i=dli@MACGREGOR-EIGHTY-TWO.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig 19:39:55 davidli has quit (Client Quit) 23:42:11 Dram, another bug in RdfDB.pm 23:43:03 s/Dram/Darn