01:46:05 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 01:53:24 lkagal has quit () 02:29:46 presbrey has quit ("Exiting") 06:06:32 harveyj has quit () 11:01:34 timbl (n=timbl@146-115-66-146.c3-0.lex-ubr1.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com) has joined #dig 11:41:50 RalphS (n=swick@30-5-218.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 11:43:37 DIGlogger (n=dig-logg@groups.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 11:43:37 topic is: Tabulator Extension alpha version released -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2007Aug/0261.html ; congratulations Tabulator Team! 11:43:37 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS timbl sandro eikeon sbp jambo DanC Zakim das05r 12:41:31 timbl has quit () 13:48:32 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 13:52:03 lkagal has quit (Client Quit) 14:04:35 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@ has joined #dig 14:05:04 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 14:13:24 timbl (n=timbl@30-7-41.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 14:16:15 eikeon has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:29:38 lkagal has quit () 14:34:38 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 14:37:05 yosi_s (n=syosi@30-7-173.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 14:44:03 lkagal has quit () 15:07:36 yosi_s has quit () 15:10:55 yosi_s (n=syosi@30-7-173.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:05:00 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 16:05:35 timbl, on sep 9, you made log:this forAll a syntax error without making sure there were no tests still using it 16:06:55 lkagal has quit (Client Quit) 16:15:28 sandro has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:15:40 sandro (n=nsandro@homer.w3.org) has joined #dig 16:27:02 yes, well yosi_s , the executive is the agent of change in more organizations than just DIG ;-) 16:28:21 I wonder what prompted timbl to commit something in swap, though 16:28:41 timbl was adding @base to n3 16:29:57 well, there's some person time; one has to remember to look at the results of the computer time 16:31:33 I still get mail and blog comments about PAW/cwm stuff... 16:34:22 hmm... the blog comment I remember is hard to find because there's so much stuff in http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/admin/comment ... are we getting spammed again? ... 16:48:35 finally found it... 16:48:41 "You seem to be using a version of cwm from 2004; much of the proof work is newer than that. We're overdue for a release; meanwhile, see the instructions for checking out the latest development version." -- http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/179#comment-16873 16:55:51 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-196.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:36:09 presbrey (n=presbrey@pool-72-70-234-116.spfdma.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 17:42:18 yosi_s, do you know how to get CVS to show changes to swap in newest-first order? 17:42:30 `cvs -n log` seems to be sorted by file 17:44:39 hmm... it does oldest-1st... 17:44:45 but it can start at some date... 17:45:44 going back to 2007/07/01 ... 17:45:48 looks like timbl worked on pyjs... 17:46:14 yosi does "make use of turtle tests" ... 17:46:39 hmm... "@this tests go negative" 17:47:34 timbl did not change delta/detailed.tests#t001 17:48:32 yosi does some DAWG/SPARQL testing stuff around 2007/07/31 ... 17:49:21 ugh... you've been hanging around timbl too much or something, yosi. a whole pile of changes get summarized as "A month of changes" 17:50:18 I try not to do that; sometimes, the changes pile up and are a whole host of little things 17:51:16 when I'm ready to commit, I do cvs diff >,changes and then I edit ,changes into a summary and then I use that as the commit message 18:14:54 Meeting in 15 mins 18:30:13 DIG_weekly()2:30PM has now started 18:30:20 +MIT531 18:32:01 __________________________________________________ 18:32:36 Zakim, who is here? 18:32:36 On the phone I see MIT531 18:32:37 On IRC I see presbrey, lkagal, sandro, yosi_s, timbl, djweitzner, DIGlogger, RalphS, sbp, jambo, DanC, Zakim, das05r 18:32:43 roberth_ (n=hoffmann@31-33-44.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:32:47 +Danny 18:33:35 hi danny 18:33:41 hi Joe! 18:34:11 Joe, you can be physically present? 18:34:17 Jim, Oshani? 18:34:27 no 18:34:52 agenda+ Going around the table 18:34:54 Zakim, who is in MIT531? 18:34:54 MIT531 has only MIT531 18:34:57 10?! 18:35:03 agenda? 18:36:07 Zakim, MIT531 also has Ralph 18:36:07 +Ralph; got it 18:37:11 Zakim, drop agenda item 3 , 4, 9, 18:37:11 I don't understand 'drop agenda item 3 , 4, 9,', timbl 18:37:19 +DanC 18:37:31 zakim, agenda order 10 18:37:31 ok, timbl 18:37:46 ___________________ 18:37:51 zakim, drop agenda 3, 4 18:37:51 I don't understand 'drop agenda 3, 4', RalphS 18:37:51 Zakim, who is here? 18:37:53 On the phone I see MIT531, Danny, DanC 18:37:55 MIT531 has MIT531, Ralph 18:37:56 On IRC I see roberth_, presbrey, lkagal, sandro, yosi_s, timbl, djweitzner, DIGlogger, RalphS, sbp, jambo, DanC, Zakim, das05r 18:38:11 Zakim, drop item 3 18:38:12 zakim, mit531 also has TimBL, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Katsu 18:38:12 agendum 3, introducing Oshani, dropped 18:38:13 +TimBL, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Katsu; got it 18:38:16 Zakim, drop item 4 18:38:16 agendum 4, upcoming publication opportuniies etc, dropped 18:38:59 "... to W3C [what?]" 18:39:14 s/[what?]/workflow tools/ 18:39:24 tx 18:39:49 IET in London 18:39:57 ex-IEE 18:41:18 http://swig.xmlhack.com/2007/09/20/2007-09-20.html#1190314939.894127 18:41:56 to W3c Technical Architecture Group meeting 18:42:02 (with DanC among others) 18:42:07 http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/ 18:43:05 agenda + wikigenes user registration: OpenID? 18:43:06 Robert: I am implemented user registration system for wikigenes, wondering about adding a Capcha 18:43:21 DanC: How about using OpenID? 18:43:36 Robert: I don't know how this would help 18:43:43 ... it is too open for me. 18:43:43 KATSU2 (i=Katsu@30-6-16.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #DIG 18:44:31 agenda+ OpenID and FOAF and RRDF and Wikigeness 18:45:54 Lalana: I didn't to do much impl... 6.898 class and 6.805 fill-in for danny who was in London. 18:47:58 Yosi: looking at the probem of telling someone why a rule did *not* fire. 18:48:21 Tim: A whole ara of math in a way 18:48:58 (I'm still not clear on whether TAMI is looking at "why not?" reasoning, or just checking proofs of "why?". I wonder if it's worth discussing here.) 18:49:09 Yosi: Chris has tried to make the same change to eth TMS in scheme, AMORD control, working, just as I needed that sort of thing on the pyrthon codebase for this . 18:50:31 : 18:50:31 (I'm still not clear on whether TAMI is looking at "why not?" reasoning, or just checking proofs of "why?". I wonder if it's worth discussing here.)" to TAMI meeting this week, if possible 18:50:37 Yosi: Tried to see how mah=uch damage Tim has caused by excluding things with this log:forAll a parse error. 18:53:32 agenda + W3C workflow project 18:53:36 agenda+ What do we mean by W3C workshflow? 18:53:41 agenda -13 18:54:22 lkagal, you didn't mention http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/Papers/AIMagazine/fractal-paper.pdf ; was that on purpose? 18:54:32 Zakim, who is on the phone? 18:54:32 On the phone I see MIT531, Danny, DanC 18:54:33 MIT531 has MIT531, Ralph, TimBL, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Katsu 18:54:50 No DanC, I forgot. 18:54:52 Zakim, MIT531 just left MIT531 18:54:52 -MIT531; got it 18:55:39 (wondering if this web science meeting is talked about in public... I don't see anything on http://webscience.org/ ) 18:55:48 (no) 18:57:34 http://norman.walsh.name/2007/09/19/sailing 18:58:01 +1 to sailing and Web Science 18:58:37 From: Ryan Lee 18:58:37 To: DIG group 18:58:37 Subject: [Diggers] Akismet for Breadcrumbs 18:58:37 Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:34:23 -0400 (09:34 CDT) 18:59:45 who pays? 18:59:56 I noted variosu things ... doapspace ... http://bradfitz.com/social-graph-problem/social-graph.pdf ... ) 19:00:18 DanC: Ryan is proposing a for-pay service that evaluates whether an openID identity corresponds to a spammer [or not] 19:00:23 Ralph: who pays? 19:01:06 (see also item 9) 19:01:14 agenda+ openId and OUT bloog and FOAF and RDF vs Ryan's for-pat whitelist 19:02:33 (abondon? I dunno.) 19:02:52 Danny: Oshani is currently getting up to speed on TAMI, will later work on FOAF + 19:04:47 I mentioned I did some calendar sync hacking. Actually, I spent enough time on it, that under my "no more undocumented, untested code" new year's resolution, I wrote "Soccer schedules, flight itineraries, timezones, and python web frameworks" http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/201 19:04:58 http://homer.w3.org/%7Econnolly/projects/palmagent/ 19:06:41 Tim: Oshani could just code it up ... I was sugestin she just code up friend^n 19:06:49 The UI is the tricky bit 19:07:42 She and I have gotten pas this wehn we talked 19:08:15 experiment: time(foaf:knows^n) < 24 hours 19:08:25 ^n s.t. ... 19:12:11 some policy options: (a) your openid page has a high google pagerank (b) you're known to lists.w3.org for more than a couple weeks somehow (b) you have wikipedia credentials (c) you have credentials in the foaf world, including advogato and livejournal 19:17:37 (does "does all this semantic web stuff actually work as it's been long hypothesized?" count as a research question?) 19:19:05 ok, that's a more focussed research question: can the blog spam problem be addressed with policy-aware semantic web techniques? 19:19:52 ... starting in the case of a research group. for bonus points, scale up to huge community sites and/or political candidate blogs 19:20:58 DJW: I'm willing to talk this over with Oshani... 19:21:38 (yes, this meeting is 90minutes in my calendar) 19:21:52 agenda? 19:22:11 are there any policy-based anti-spam engines already running? 19:22:13 agenda -9 19:22:20 agenda -11 19:22:39 zakim, list agenda 19:22:39 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda: 19:22:40 10. Going around the table [from timbl] 19:22:42 1. Planning technical areas of work, roadmaps [from timbl] 19:22:44 6. TAMI presentation to DIG [from DanC] 19:22:45 7. review the data encoded in wikigenes and how it could be modeled in RDF [from timbl via DanC] 19:22:47 8. Zakim data, contact, foaf, RDF calendar/vcalendar/hcalendar [from DanC] 19:22:49 12. OpenID and FOAF and RRDF and Wikigeness [from timbl] 19:22:51 14. What do we mean by W3C workshflow? [from timbl] 19:22:52 15. openId and OUT bloog and FOAF and RDF vs Ryan's for-pat whitelist [from timbl] 19:27:25 tools shopping list: cwm, tabulator, TAMI reasoner[s] 19:27:38 ... tabulator library [complete SPARQL implementation?] 19:27:45 MIT class list policy : Personally identifiable information from class lists and prerequisite reports may not be used for other purposes nor may it be disseminated further, except for appropriate exchanges with other individuals who have the same access privileges. Before posting student information to any web site, you should read section 7.2 of MIT's Student Information Policy. 19:28:09 (hmm... I'm not inclined to spend DIG resources doing QA of W3C specs. If there's a research problem, very well, but not just i-dotting and t-crossing.) 19:28:22 (re "full SPARQL support" in tabulator) 19:28:24 TAMI reasoner: AIR 19:28:33 ... one in python and one in scheme 19:28:34 air.py air.sch 19:28:41 ... AMORD In RDF 19:31:02 http://bradfitz.com/social-graph-problem/social-graph.pdf 19:31:13 (the microformats community has some emerging claim-verification norms ...) 19:31:52 http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-xfn-supporting-friends-lists#Services_with_XFN_rel.3D.22me.22_supporting_identity_consolidation 19:33:54 zakim, lalana has left mit531 19:33:54 -Lalana; got it 19:34:02 http://www.sixapart.com/about/news/2007/09/were_opening_th.html 19:35:01 hmm... that's by David Recordon , not bradfitz 19:36:46 Can you now find my openId from http://www.w3.org/People/djweitzner/public/foaf.rdf 19:36:54 ? 19:37:40 yup. http://www.w3.org/People/Weitzner.html/ 19:38:09 great 19:38:10 I suspect that last / is a typo, djweitzner 19:38:22 oops 19:38:24 yes 19:38:43 is everyone using verisign? 19:38:48 I am 19:38:56 I am also. 19:39:07 I'm interested to try the MIT openid service, though. 19:39:51 1 week hence is 1 Oct... 19:59:08 timbl, within 3 steps of you are 1468 people 20:07:50 -Danny 20:12:02 -MIT531 20:14:38 DIG_weekly()2:30PM has ended 20:14:39 Attendees were MIT531, Danny, Ralph, DanC, TimBL, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Katsu 20:16:28 roberth_ has quit () 20:18:51 yosi_s has quit () 20:20:56 yosi_s (n=syosi@30-7-173.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 20:21:27 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 20:24:54 I was thinking more along the lines of a spamassassin plugin; something with a huge audience 20:27:42 KATSU2 has left #DIG 20:37:00 eikeon (n=eikeon@dsl092-168-155.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net) has joined #dig 20:57:51 roberth_ (n=hoffmann@c-24-128-50-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 20:59:16 yosi_s has quit () 21:02:56 yosi_s (n=syosi@30-7-173.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:03:05 yosi_s has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:13:18 timbl has quit () 23:02:38 lkagal has quit () 23:11:31 timbl (n=timbl@146-115-66-146.c3-0.lex-ubr1.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com) has joined #dig 23:17:11 roberth_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:37:52 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig