IRC log of dig on 2007-10-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:24:11 [yosi_s]
yosi_s ( has joined #dig
00:26:32 [yosi_s]
yosi_s has quit (Client Quit)
00:58:53 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
01:21:39 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
01:38:45 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
01:41:56 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Client Quit)
03:39:09 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
03:41:06 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Client Quit)
07:08:20 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
07:24:28 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
09:16:16 [timbl]
timbl (n=timbl@ has joined #dig
09:25:52 [timbl]
timbl has quit ()
11:37:42 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
14:17:17 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
14:23:27 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
14:33:42 [yosi_s]
yosi_s ( has joined #dig
14:53:29 [yosi_s]
14:55:06 [sbp]
yosi_s: hi there
14:55:09 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
14:55:54 [yosi_s]
I just replied to
14:56:18 [sbp]
ah, excellent! thanks
14:56:28 [sbp]
I should've remembered about the level thing
14:56:56 [yosi_s]
and about
14:56:59 [yosi_s]
I should reply
14:57:09 [yosi_s]
in essence, cwm assumes all lists exist
14:57:24 [yosi_s]
so it cowardly refuses to list all lists with a particular rdf:first
14:57:32 [yosi_s]
given that that would be infinite
14:57:57 [sbp]
that's kinda strange. is there any way to get it to do what I require?
14:58:03 [sbp]
other than by changing the cwm internals
14:59:00 [yosi_s]
15:00:08 [sbp]
good news
15:00:57 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
15:01:08 [sbp]
er wait, no I don't. hmm
15:03:28 [yosi_s]
I'm working on replying to
15:03:48 [sbp]
15:13:39 [sbp]
it's extraordinarily slow (network issues, I presume), but dbpedia is indeed working; great! thanks again
15:15:00 [yosi_s]
short answer about lists (my e-mail has not gone through yet)
15:15:20 [yosi_s]
recurse by rdf:next to label all sublists a :SubList
15:15:48 [yosi_s]
and then say that ?x a :SubList; list:last ?y
15:16:30 [yosi_s]
cwm is not known for its great performance
15:16:39 [sbp]
rdf:next? rdf:rest, you mean?
15:16:45 [sbp]
heh, indeed
15:16:54 [yosi_s]
15:16:54 [sbp]
and yeah, the SubList thing is what I was doing...
15:17:27 [sbp]
I figured using list:last would let me bypass that... because the next step was to parse from the end. seemed a bit of a pain to have to label down into a list and then process coming back out of it
15:17:58 [sbp]
would it be possible to make a list:lastSublist builtin perhaps?
15:18:16 [yosi_s]
five lined
15:18:17 [sbp]
or is that infeasible for the same reason?
15:18:19 [yosi_s]
15:18:47 [sbp]
five lines to create such a builtin?
15:19:31 [yosi_s]
exactly nine lines of code in
15:19:47 [yosi_s]
list:last is so close to what you want
15:20:16 [yosi_s]
its last line is
15:20:17 [yosi_s]
if isinstance(x, EmptyList): return last.first
15:20:19 [yosi_s]
you want
15:20:21 [yosi_s]
if isinstance(x, EmptyList): return last
15:20:26 [sbp]
ah yes, so I see
15:21:44 [yosi_s]
the diff would look like
15:21:53 [yosi_s]
15:21:54 [yosi_s]
> class BI_lastElem(LightBuiltIn, Function):
15:21:56 [yosi_s]
> def evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query):
15:21:58 [yosi_s]
> if not isinstance(subj, NonEmptyList): return None
15:21:59 [yosi_s]
> x = subj
15:22:01 [yosi_s]
> while 1:
15:22:02 [yosi_s]
> last = x
15:22:04 [yosi_s]
> x =
15:22:05 [yosi_s]
> if isinstance(x, EmptyList): return last
15:22:07 [yosi_s]
15:22:08 [yosi_s]
15:22:10 [yosi_s]
> ns.internFrag("lastElement", BI_lastElement)
15:22:22 [yosi_s]
(which is broken, I can't consistently name things today)
15:22:48 [sbp]
sure, I can code that locally; but can it be added to the swap codebase?
15:22:58 [sbp]
who authorises new builtins these days? :-)
15:24:30 [yosi_s]
I'm not sure I can
15:26:13 [sbp]
I can file an RFE on public-cwm-bugs if that's still the Right Thing To Do™?
15:26:29 [yosi_s]
sounds reasonable
15:26:34 [sbp]
'k, will do
16:33:17 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
17:49:58 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
18:26:41 [yosi_s]
yosi_s has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
18:52:14 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
19:11:19 [DanC]
hi timbl. are you in the mood to talk about cwm? I talked with Yosi yesterday
19:13:00 [timbl]
Hi ... just a few minutes
19:13:04 [timbl]
19:13:17 [timbl]
19:13:19 [timbl]
19:16:02 [timbl]
Phone hasn't figured it has netowrk coverage... rebooting it
19:18:43 [timbl]
ok danc can call me on my cell
19:20:06 [timbl]
or did you mean chat here?
19:20:20 [DanC]
I can call...
19:28:31 [timbl]
- Oshani is working on TAMI, doing AJAX i UI, first using Tabr libarry, then later probably using Tabr.
19:28:54 [DanC]
(the 'hello world' tabr demo app doesn't work; I filed a roundup issue on that.)
19:29:02 [timbl]
- Joe Presbrey is working on FOAF+OpenID around which we should get a grouyp and some blogging going
19:29:03 [DanC]
(tab lib demo app, that is)
19:30:43 [DanC] can't get AJAR library simple demo application working
19:32:30 [sbp]
DanC: (sorry to butt in, but) you might want to look at - it's a very similar simple demo application using the Tabulator API, only it demonstrably works
19:32:52 [DanC]
on the contrary; don't apologize for that!
19:33:06 [DanC]
can you add a link from ?
19:33:06 [sbp]
main difference is that it makes no attempt to add data; haven't tried using those facilities yet
19:33:27 [sbp]
hmm, apparently not. I don't have a login
19:34:12 [sbp]
the page tells me to email [name of this project] for that—ought I do so?
19:34:45 [DanC]
I guess so; though I'd sure rather it used openid
19:34:51 [sbp]
19:37:24 [DanC]
roundup is (originally) by Ka-Ping Yee . now maintained by opensource elves
19:42:51 [sbp]
DanC: ironically, I think this was inspired by your first steps along the road to that GRDDL JS app, some weeks ago. how is it coming along?
19:46:42 [timbl]
19:47:38 [DanC]
19:48:38 [DanC]
ah right ... no DIG meeting monday
19:50:40 [DanC]
sheckle is still interested in [what?]
19:50:48 [DanC]
sheckle is still interested in foaf/OpenID
19:51:00 [DanC]
, tim learned at a recent semweb gathering
19:51:27 [DanC]
susie says SWEO has a foaf+openid project
19:51:30 [DanC]
19:51:32 [timbl]
19:52:07 [DanC]
and jen golbeck
19:53:25 [DanC]
timbl made a flowchart re openid/foaf... on paper
19:55:08 [DanC]
... myopera community
19:55:38 [timbl]
.. LiveJournal community
19:56:28 [DanC]
"enter the URI of a mail message showing a reply from a dig member to a message you wrote"
19:57:11 [DanC]
DanC has changed the topic to: DIG meeting 15 Apr preempted by TAMI ftf
19:57:16 [DanC]
DanC has changed the topic to: DIG meeting 15 Oct preempted by TAMI ftf
20:20:24 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit ("bye for today")
20:21:57 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
20:26:13 [DanC]
sbp, I haven't touched GRDDL JS for some weeks.
20:26:23 [DanC]
I appreciate the prod/interest
20:54:56 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
22:04:49 [dmwaters]
{global notice} Hi all, our main US hub is about to go down for some upgrading. This will cause some major splitting. We will work to get things back together as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for using freenode!
22:18:04 [harveyj]
harveyj has quit (
22:18:04 [sbp]
sbp has quit (
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eikeon has quit (
22:18:04 [Zakim]
Zakim has quit (
22:18:04 [sandro]
sandro has quit (
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Zakim ( has joined #dig
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sandro ( has joined #dig
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harveyj ( has joined #dig
22:19:50 [eikeon]
eikeon ( has joined #dig
22:20:19 [sbp]
sbp (i=sbp@ has joined #dig
22:21:10 [timbl]
timbl has quit ()
22:57:55 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
22:58:07 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Client Quit)
23:00:54 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
23:04:04 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
23:42:21 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()