00:25:16 lkagal has quit () 00:27:59 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 00:34:28 lkagal has quit () 01:17:34 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 01:50:49 lkagal has quit () 02:14:46 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 02:29:02 djweitzner has quit () 03:02:16 lkagal has quit () 03:20:28 lkagal (n=lkagal1@ has joined #dig 12:38:37 Ralph (n=swick@30-6-176.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:39:04 Ralph is now known as RalphS 12:53:29 yosi_s (n=syosi@static-71-243-122-114.bos.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 13:31:25 yosi_s has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14:03:59 timbl (n=timbl@30-7-254.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:07:03 danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig 15:07:10 hey diggies 15:07:18 should i expect tabulator to work ok in ff3? 15:08:40 no 15:08:45 dunno why 15:10:34 i tried extension, it wouldn't let me ... was wondering about the online version 15:11:13 we're in #blogtalk fwiw 15:26:32 amy (n=amy@30-7-171.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:35:00 yosi_s (n=yosi_s@w3cdhcp27.w3.org) has joined #dig 15:43:16 online version should 16:22:28 danbri has quit () 16:39:02 danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig 16:49:19 danbri has quit () 16:51:03 danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig 16:53:21 danbri has quit (Client Quit) 17:11:01 timbl has quit () 17:13:45 timbl (n=timbl@30-7-254.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:27:44 lkagal has quit () 18:03:28 timbl has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:03:49 timbl (n=timbl@30-7-254.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:04:45 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-19.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:26:14 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:58:50 danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig 19:01:52 hm. 19:03:21 sandro_ is now known as sandro 19:03:40 So. 19:03:46 You call this a meeting? 19:04:47 Or maybe I don't know what time the meeting is supposed to be. 19:05:35 2:30pm 19:05:50 Huh. 19:06:01 annoying. 19:06:08 but thanks, Amy. 19:06:23 did you get a mail that said 2pm? 19:06:50 No, it's just been so long since the last meeting, or agenda, that I really didn't remember. 19:07:01 ah, ok 19:17:45 DanC_lap (n=connolly@CPE-69-76-220-64.kc.res.rr.com) has joined #dig 19:26:02 yosi_s_ (n=syosi@30-6-160.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:26:27 yosi_s has quit (Nick collision from services.) 19:26:52 yosi_s_ is now known as yosi_lap 19:26:59 yosi_s (n=yosi_s@w3cdhcp27.w3.org) has joined #dig 19:30:34 oshani has quit () 19:32:21 lkagal has quit () 19:32:28 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:33:15 Tim is still on a Director's call 19:33:22 oh, no he's not :) 19:33:32 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-19.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:34:36 Zakim (n=rrs-brid@homer.w3.org) has joined #dig 19:34:40 zakim, this is dig 19:34:40 ok, RalphS; that matches DIG_weekly()2:30PM 19:35:08 -MIT531 19:35:17 +MIT531 19:35:17 +DanC 19:36:08 zakim, what is the code? 19:36:09 sorry, sandro, I don't yet know the conference code 19:36:32 wtf? 19:36:38 Zakim, this is dig 19:36:38 sandro, this was already DIG_weekly()2:30PM 19:36:39 ok, sandro; that matches DIG_weekly()2:30PM 19:36:48 zakim, you're nut's 19:36:49 I don't understand 'you're nut's', sandro 19:36:58 zakim, you're nuts 19:36:59 I don't understand 'you're nuts', sandro 19:37:05 zakim, what is the code? 19:37:06 sorry, sandro, I don't yet know the conference code 19:37:17 zakim, mit531 has TimBL, Oshani, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Ralph 19:37:18 +TimBL, Oshani, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Ralph; got it 19:37:36 Zakim, remind me in 1000000000 minutes that life is short 19:37:36 ok, yosi_lap 19:37:40 sandro, its dig1 19:37:44 ------------------------------------------------- 19:37:47 dig1 is restricted at this time. 19:37:51 Meeting: DIG "weekly" 19:37:54 Chair: TimBL 19:38:00 agenda? 19:38:09 Zakim? 19:38:17 +Sandro 19:38:32 Hmmm. Maybe MIT VOID DTMF problems. 19:39:21 TimBL: W3C Technical Architecture Group meeting 19:39:30 s/VOID/VOIP 19:39:31 ... 2 connections now to Semantic Web 19:40:08 ... a subgroup/task force has split off to discuss formalizing ontologies for resources and URIs 19:40:26 ... the TAG has started to use N3 on whiteboards to talk about what it means 19:40:42 DanC_ (n=connolly@CPE-69-76-220-64.kc.res.rr.com) has joined #dig 19:40:54 ... David Booth has produced a set of rules describing @@ 19:41:00 DanC_ is now known as DanC 19:41:17 ... connects to TAMI via records of what a user has accessed through HTTP 19:41:29 (note that TimBL actually took a TAG action to align the tabulator ontology with the AWWSW/Booth ontology) 19:41:43 ... I offered to the TAG that I'd be prepared to change the Tabulator ontology to bring it closer to David's if the TAG likes it 19:42:19 (the TAG is doing a _lot_ of semantic web stuff lately; I wonder if too much, given the relative importance of Hypertext to W3C; some members of the TAG definitely think too much.) 19:42:38 Oshani: added another pane to Tabulator 19:42:45 agenda+ Lawer's pane demo? 19:42:48 ... "lawyers" pane 19:43:09 agenda+ SXSW travelocity 19:44:51 ... I also went to Google workshop of Women Engineers 19:45:14 ... met Larry and Sergey there 19:45:34 ... going to CRAW in Seattle 19:45:40 q+ to note Chime is applying to the Case Western University PhD program 19:46:07 Robert: implemented a SOAP interface to IHOP 19:46:14 ... because Nature was interested in it 19:46:27 ... it was a lot of work that I hadn't planned to do 19:46:46 ... it provides a connector between IHOP and search 19:48:48 ... uses Axis 19:48:54 Oshani: why not Axis2? 19:49:19 Robert: 'cause I didn't know about Axis2 -- I found Axis first in my search 19:51:02 long time. no way to find out. :-)( 19:51:03 DanC has changed the topic to: DIG Weekly 3 March 19:52:26 Robert: I wrote a paper about exporting IHOP data 19:52:42 DanC_lap has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19:52:54 Zakim: remind me in 5 minutes that there are 5 minutes until Oshani leaves 19:53:04 Zakim, remind me in 5 minutes that there are 5 minutes until Oshani leaves 19:53:05 (I get confused about whether we're having a discussion or round-the-table reporting; tim, please do agenda+ if you have more than one short question) 19:53:05 ok, yosi_lap 19:53:42 DanC, I get the feeling this is neither. This a tell-Tim-something-interesting meeting. 19:53:56 Lalana: DanBri, EricP, and I are working on adding access control to SPARQL 19:54:00 well, I wouldn't mind that if it were more clearly labelled as such 19:54:11 diglogger, pointer? 19:54:11 See http://dig.csail.mit.edu/irc/dig/2008-03-03#T19-54-11 19:54:11 yeah 19:54:41 agenda+ Access control for SARQL 19:55:07 -> http://dig.csail.mit.edu/irc/dig/2008-02-11#T19-34-49 Previous 2008-02-11 19:55:31 yosi_s has quit (Nick collision from services.) 19:55:31 Lalana: working on a policy panel for WWW2008 19:55:35 WWW2008 policy panel... coordinates? 19:55:35 ... not sure which day 19:56:01 yosi_s (n=yosi_s@w3cdhcp27.w3.org) has joined #dig 19:56:06 (why we need to what? the OWLED paper) 19:56:12 ... submitted a paper to OWLED trying to justify the need for role-value maps 19:56:27 ... working on Cybertrust proposal, IEEE Policy, and a couple of other workshops and conferenceds 19:56:40 Yosi: trying to write [thesis] 19:58:05 yosi_lap, you asked to be reminded at this time that there are 5 minutes until Oshani leaves 19:58:23 I have to go now... my class starts in 2 mins 19:58:41 oshani has quit () 19:58:58 Ralph: no appreciable DIG work, just some sysadmin work 19:59:26 DanC: Vancover/TAG last week 19:59:30 http://homer.w3.org/~connolly/projects/?sort=lastchange 20:00:01 ... made a playlist using iTunes, then had it spit out hAudio (microformats) 20:00:07 http://homer.w3.org/~connolly/projects/palmagent/ 20:00:12 ... so added hAudio to palmagent project 20:00:25 ... someone sent me a pointer to something on hAudio by Tantek 20:00:41 ... for SXSW I wanted to get this connected to social networks 20:01:29 ... paper on economic model for the Web; it's mostly about search engines and what they optimize for 20:01:39 ... haven't decided whether to put my review in breadcrumbs 20:01:53 ... Danny asked that I look at something in TAMI 20:02:00 Lalana: Reciprocal Privacy 20:02:13 DanC: I wasn't able to get to the TAMI meeting 20:02:59 on "An Economic Model of the Worldwide Web" - [ ] by Kouroupas, Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou, Sideri 20:03:09 roberth (n=hoffmann@30-7-126.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 20:03:25 is this a published paper, Dan? 20:03:35 Sandro: working on publishing tools 20:03:42 yes... I prolly have a pointer to a PDF version somewhere 20:03:51 ... OWL WG mulling about OWL-Full and OWL-DL again 20:04:08 ... trying to understand what a fragment of OWL-Full might look like 20:04:15 ... lots of technical complexities 20:04:20 hi diggers 20:04:26 http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/kouroupas05economic.html 20:05:18 ... most of the WG is not interested in OWL-Full 20:05:30 ... would be nice to have more expertise to throw at it 20:06:22 zakim, next agendum 20:06:23 agendum 1. "Lawer's pane demo?" taken up [from timbl] 20:06:38 s/Lawer/Lawyer 20:06:44 10.4.11 20:07:02 (maybe yosi should do this tech support later?) 20:07:43 http://mr-burns.w3.org/cgi-bin/server_cgi.py?logFile=http://dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI/2007/s9/variation1/log.n3&rulesFile=http://dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI/2007/s9/variation1/demo-policy.n3 20:07:47 Lalana: you have to have the TAMI extension installed 20:07:51 ... should work from svn 20:08:04 ... we attach descriptions to each rule 20:08:16 ... rule description is displayed at top and premise at bottom 20:08:56 (this sounds cool; anybody have spare bandwidth to take a screenshot... or screencast?) 20:09:05 ('lawyer pane' icon is a balance) 20:09:29 (anybody around here use VNC much?) 20:10:28 timbl, can you command-4 and mail it to diggers? 20:10:54 Lalana: 'Facts' are the rule descriptions 20:11:10 ... 'Analysis' is the description of the last rule that fired 20:11:19 ("it's in the log" is only helpful to those who have the tabulator extension installed. 20:11:20 ) 20:12:19 q+ 20:12:25 ... K is demoing this tomorrow 20:12:49 ack danc 20:12:49 DanC, you wanted to note Chime is applying to the Case Western University PhD program and to 20:15:34 DanC: a screencast would be cool; would that be stealing the project's thunder? 20:16:39 "Chicago is the site of the 2008 AAAI and IAAI conferences, beginning July 13" -- http://www.aaai.org/home.html 20:18:11 agenda? 20:19:36 -> https://lists.csail.mit.edu/mailman/private/diggers/attachments/20080303/b536f485/attachment-0001.png Lawyer View screen shot 20:21:13 Zakim, next agendum 20:21:13 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, timbl 20:21:19 q? 20:21:36 zakim, next agendum 20:21:36 agendum 2. "SXSW travelocity" taken up [from timbl] 20:21:46 Zakim, next agendum 20:21:46 agendum 2 was just opened, timbl 20:21:49 k 20:22:01 DanC: SXSW has grown from a music festival to a movie festival to Web stuff 20:22:11 ... Tantek Celic and microformats are very much present there 20:22:22 SXSW: http://sxsw.com/ 20:22:25 http://barcamp.org/BarCampAustinIIISessions 20:23:00 ... "barcamps" are just-in-time conferences 20:23:23 ... see "Practical Semantic Markup ChristopherStJohn' 20:23:40 ... someone from Travelocity is apparently attending 20:24:20 -> https://lists.csail.mit.edu/mailman/private/diggers/2008-March/001459.html "[Fwd: Re: RDFa/Semantic Web at SXSW/BarCampAustinIII]" [DanC 2008-03-03] 20:24:38 zakim, next agendum 20:24:38 agendum 3. "Access control for SARQL" taken up [from timbl] 20:24:49 Lalana: resource-level access control integrated into SPARQL 20:24:53 ... using named graphs 20:25:02 (is anybody still working on tabulator map/calendar stuff?) 20:25:08 ... permissions on who can read & update named graphs, including the 'Permissions Graph' 20:25:23 ... join a query result with the PermissionsGraph to filter response 20:25:28 agenda + tabulator and social networking 20:25:42 ... could block access to a query that uses an item outside the permissions graph 20:25:54 ... or could rewrite the query to return only the data to which the requester has access 20:26:07 ("we" = ?) 20:26:21 ... in another proposal we're thinking of doing this with queries rather than named graphs, and do the same query rewriting 20:26:31 (proposal to whom?) 20:26:31 TimBL: Joe is supposed to be working in this area too 20:26:48 Lalana: suggested that Joe use group-based permissions so he can use Tabulator to generate the policy 20:27:10 TimBL: test case is to make a promise that the data is only available to members of a specific group 20:27:16 danbri has quit (Connection timed out) 20:27:22 ... then the server should refuse any future request to make the data public 20:28:46 Lalana: how is this different from having a static policy? 20:28:56 TimBL: suppose a group has a policy that its minutes are never public 20:29:00 ... this is an invariant 20:29:25 ... the group could be expanded or destroyed but the minutes never are publci 20:29:30 s/publci/public/ 20:29:45 ... the access control can only be changed within the previously-specific constraints 20:30:25 ... can make changes to the access control policy as long as the data never becomes public 20:30:43 ... e.g. I could show you a photograph under the condition that you never show it to your Mum 20:30:51 q+ 20:30:52 agenda? 20:31:09 Zakim, we are doing agendum 3 now 20:31:09 DanC: who is involved in this work? 20:31:09 I don't understand 'we are doing agendum 3 now', timbl 20:31:13 Lalana: DanBri, EricP, and I 20:31:29 ... by 'proposal' I mean ideas we might write into a paper; i.e. ideas 20:31:58 ... Eric may implement this in Algae 20:32:18 ... DanBri thinks that Benji (?) might implement in his php engine 20:32:26 Bengee 20:32:53 Zakim, next agendum 20:32:53 -> http://bnode.org/en-semweblog Benjamin Nowack block 20:32:54 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, timbl 20:32:58 s/Benji/Bengee/ 20:32:59 q? 20:33:07 ack danc 20:33:13 Zakim, next agendum 20:33:14 agendum 4. "tabulator and social networking" taken up [from DanC] 20:33:22 bengee does http://bnode.org/blog 20:33:23 s/block/blog 20:34:10 DanC: Tabulator and social networking seemed to click when TimBL talked about it recently 20:34:36 ... Kenny seems keen on this 20:35:52 ... I'd like to combine the Tabulator FOAF pane with access control so we could write arbitrary applications using Tabulator and the "big RDF store in the sky" 20:36:12 ... gets closer to a collaborative development system 20:36:31 (use cases that come to mind for me are mostly around calendar sync; e.g. Hypertext Coordination Group aggregate calendar) 20:38:26 ... I'd like to be able to build interfaces with rules that describe the GUI state as a function of the graph state 20:40:41 DanC: I was brainstorming about an issues list using an outliner 20:41:15 ... when I'm in the middle of editing things, I don't want individual change notices sent 20:41:25 TimBL: sounds like off-line work 20:41:34 ... this introduces the possibility of clashes 20:41:44 Sandro: analogous to editors' drafts and Working Drafts 20:41:59 ... an editors' draft changes moment by moment 20:42:04 ... the working drafts are snapshots 20:42:18 ... could highlight certain snapshots as being appropriate for certain audiences 20:42:25 ... announce the snapshots 20:42:42 TimBL: connects to a notion Jerry has about 'hypotheses' 20:43:45 ... he's thinking about a system that would allow hypotheses to be turned off and on and to view the effect 20:44:07 (it's like an overlay filesystem) 20:44:23 ... WG could generate diffs within hypotheses 20:44:40 Sandro: could you externalize a hypothesis as 'agent', 'author', or 'creator'? 20:45:08 ... e.g. I could trust a pseudo-person named 'TimBL-2'; were TimBL-2 represents a hypothesis 20:45:15 ... easier to think about it this way 20:45:38 ... I think folk are more accustomed to thinking about trust in people rather than trust in stories 20:47:10 Ralph: I think people understand that hey trust diff people with respct todiff things 20:47:44 Ralph: not clear to me that a notion of conditional trust is hard to comprehend 20:47:51 Sandro: we may be thinking about different use cases 20:49:12 TimBL: DanBri and I chatted about how to give people enough information to help them bootstrap themselves into FOAF networks given any ISP 20:49:51 DanC: use cases ... e.g. Facebook becomes a yearbook at the end of the day 20:50:30 TimBL: consider the CV that MIT requires researchers to submit 20:50:50 ... there's a very small set of relationships -- to publications, to organizations, ... -- that you have to describe 20:50:50 (cv... interesting... I'm thinking about a job bank in the KC area) 20:51:01 ... we should be describing our publications in RDF and generate Bibtex 20:51:29 DanC: some of our stuff is in HTML that can be GRDDL'd to Bibtex 20:51:41 ... perhaps the DIG Publications page is marked up this way 20:51:45 (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2004/12/24-digpubs.html ... was that it?) 20:52:47 DanC: what interfaces do people use to create lists of publications? 20:52:51 TimBL: Tabulator 20:52:56 Lalana: emacs on a bibtex file 20:53:13 one of my bibtex-related items... http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/130 citing W3C specs from WWW conference papers 20:53:33 TimBL: would be nice to have a Tabulator pane for describing publications 20:53:50 Lalana: I think David Karger mentioned that his students are working on something like this 20:54:45 DanC: it would be interesting to get Citeseer to produce RDF 20:55:35 another bibtex-related breadcrumb: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/158 20:57:04 [adjourned] 20:57:05 -Sandro 20:57:05 timbl has quit () 20:57:07 zakim, list attendees 20:57:08 As of this point the attendees have been DanC, TimBL, Oshani, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Ralph, Sandro 20:57:13 lkagal has quit () 20:58:17 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-19.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 20:58:18 timbl (n=timbl@30-7-254.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 20:58:23 extensions file has: /Users/connolly/projects/tab/ext 20:58:43 lkagal has quit (Client Quit) 20:58:46 pbjam:~/projects/tab/ext connolly$ ls 20:58:46 chrome chrome.manifest components install.rdf 20:59:00 lkagal (n=lkagal1@30-5-19.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 20:59:12 cd .. 20:59:20 ~/projects/tab connolly$ ls 20:59:21 Makefile index.html tabulator@csail.mit.edu 20:59:21 README 20:59:21 ... 20:59:49 ~/projects/tab connolly$ /usr/local/bin/svn info 20:59:49 Path: . 20:59:49 URL: https://svn.csail.mit.edu/dig/2007/tab 20:59:49 Repository UUID: ee5100c3-270b-0410-b6b6-ca9d7ce675ca 21:00:01 Revision: 15716 21:03:19 TimBL-laptop:~/dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab yosi$ ls 21:03:20 Makefile img release tutorial 21:03:20 README index.html tabtutorial.html 21:03:20 ext maps tabulator@csail.mit.edu 21:04:12 Fetching external item into 'ext/chrome/content/js' 21:04:12 External at revision 16108. 21:19:47 roberth has quit () 21:20:11 -DanC 21:20:14 -MIT531 21:20:16 DIG_weekly()2:30PM has ended 21:20:18 Attendees were DanC, TimBL, Oshani, Robert, Lalana, Yosi, Ralph, Sandro 21:20:38 yosi_lap has quit () 21:22:12 zakim, bye 21:22:13 Zakim has left #dig 21:22:29 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 21:28:10 When I click "install tabulator extension" it hangs with the bar about half-way done. 21:29:56 yeah -- three times -- it hangs as 379 of 631 KB. 21:31:17 on-line latest deve version does nothing when I press GO either. 21:33:14 yosi and I gave up too; he couldn't find any reason why my set-up shouldn't work 21:33:24 sigh. 21:34:15 I read somewhere that 80% of PC users never install *any* software beyond what came with the machine. I suppose it's no wonder. 21:46:44 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:55:36 yosi_s has quit ("bye for today") 22:45:57 oshani has quit () 22:53:11 timbl has quit () 22:54:09 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 23:57:56 roberth (n=hoffmann@c-24-128-50-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig