00:29:59 lkagal has quit () 00:49:16 kennyluck (n=kennyluc@SIMMONS-THREE-EIGHTY-ONE.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig 01:43:54 lkagal (n=lkagal@ has joined #dig 01:46:26 fajro (n=fajro@OL104-24.fibertel.com.ar) has joined #dig 02:07:20 lkagal has quit () 02:35:01 fajro has quit (Remote closed the connection) 03:53:23 oshani (n=oshani@SYDNEYPACIFIC-THREE-NINETY-THREE.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig 04:03:51 oshani has left #dig 05:10:23 Jinx- has quit () 05:50:07 kennyluck has quit () 11:44:50 RalphS (n=swick@30-6-176.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 11:47:02 DIGlogger (n=dig-logg@groups.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 11:47:02 topic is: DIG meeting cancelled 31 March 2008 11:47:02 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS funky ericP daniel-soton harveyj sandro 12:00:30 lkagal (n=lkagal@ has joined #dig 13:35:01 ericP, do you have some time to talk about the sparql+n3 tutorial 13:37:36 let me check the status of a publication 13:37:54 meetings today from 10-12 13:39:02 achmed (n=xchat@lan-84-240-12-80.vln.skynet.lt) has joined #dig 13:50:57 eric, how about 12:05 ? 14:00:57 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@pool-96-231-94-92.washdc.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 14:01:11 lkagal, is that precise enough? how about 12:02:30? 14:01:30 That works too ;) 14:01:44 actually, this meeting frequently runs over -- i don't want to promise anything before 12:20 14:01:57 find you in your office? 14:05:03 timbl (n=timbl@w3cdhcp51.w3.org) has joined #dig 14:06:09 Ok, see you then... 15:17:22 achmed has quit () 15:49:56 DanC (n=connolly@pdpc/supporter/active/DanC) has joined #dig 15:55:21 lkagal has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:18:59 lkagal (n=lkagal@30-5-75.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:30:13 ericP ? 16:42:54 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:00:10 oshani has quit () 17:18:36 timbl, wanna play with this calendar data a little? it involves some ssh tunnel fiddling. 17:28:44 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:31:37 hmmm 17:31:54 What is the story? 17:31:59 Where does it comes from 17:32:08 it comes from my PDA/cellphone 17:32:22 through what sequence of steps? 17:33:09 I think that's not really relevant, but I wrote it up for chime: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/229 17:33:28 basically, my cellphone service provider provides XMLRPC access to the data, so I slurp it up 17:33:29 amy (n=amy@30-7-171.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:34:07 and I make it available using a little custom python web server 17:34:16 I just added an RDF export view 17:34:27 ... for the event data 17:35:00 I connected the http server running here to a port on homer using an ssh tunnel 17:35:25 if you can make another ssh tunnel from your machine to homer.w3.org:8765 , then you can play with it 17:36:53 yosi_s (n=yosi_s@w3cdhcp27.w3.org) has joined #dig 17:38:26 You mean it willonly servcie local requests? 17:38:46 yes (by policy) 17:38:52 i.e. these data are sensitive 17:39:04 yes. 17:39:34 homer doesn't accept connections to 8765 from just anywhere. and the http server here on my box is behind a NAT firewall 17:41:02 So if I have done ssh -2 -L 8765:localhost:8765 -l timbl homer.w3.org then what i sthe URI I point firefox at? 17:41:48 17:42:08 or just and see if you get a friendly 404 msg 17:42:37 s//8/:8/ 17:42:52 ok, to get RDF, go to ... 17:42:57 * event: 884 records 17:42:57 categories 17:42:57 * contact: 433 records 17:42:57 categories 17:42:57 * task: 16 records 17:42:58 categories 17:42:59 * note: 50 records 17:43:01 categories 17:43:13 follow the categories link under event 17:43:22 then pick "rdf export" under, for example, "travel" 17:44:09 DanC has changed the topic to: DIG meets mondays, including 7 Apr 17:44:34 Ok, I have RDF from 17:45:23 If I look at Evnts (the class, members of it) 17:45:48 the icon for the outline view is a table; I find that rather odd 17:46:22 then I see various events, and if I open one and look at description, summry, start, end 17:46:34 and I click 'find all' i get a timeline 17:46:41 if you find all start, summary, you get a timeline. right. 17:46:52 how can you select just events from 7-11 March? 17:46:56 between 2006 fall and summer 2008 17:47:21 (and how did you focus on the Event class? I thought it was double-click) 17:47:54 djweitzner has quit () 17:48:19 also, { summary subPropertyOf rdfs:label } is in the ical schema, but the tabulator isn't using the event summaries as labels in the outline view 17:48:27 And with the data browser sidebar i can swcth to calendar view 17:49:00 the summary lines for te calendar events need a little cleaning up, as does the CSS, in calendar view 17:49:08 Wonder whetyher that is from Yahoo 17:49:39 Not using labels? Hmmmph 17:49:46 It should! 17:49:48 is it using labels on your end? 17:50:10 yes 17:50:38 Im using a fairly recent SVN checkout 17:52:08 URL: svn+ssh://svn.csail.mit.edu/afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/REPOS/2005/ajar 17:52:15 ^ is that where the current code lives? 17:53:03 try `svn info` ? 17:53:24 svn+ssh://svn.csail.mit.edu/afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/REPOS/2005/ajar/ajaw/js 17:55:34 ???:format 17:58:05 before update: 17:58:08 Last Changed Rev: 3687 17:58:08 Last Changed Date: 2007-08-06 14:33:07 -0500 (Mon, 06 Aug 2007) 17:58:52 after update: 17:58:53 Last Changed Rev: 16095 17:58:53 Last Changed Date: 2008-03-03 12:43:27 -0600 (Mon, 03 Mar 2008) 17:59:06 meanwhile: 17:59:07 Fetching external item into 'release/tabulator/0.7/test/jsunit' 17:59:07 svn: Working copy 'release/tabulator/0.7/test/jsunit' locked 17:59:07 svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details) 17:59:59 $ svn up 17:59:59 At revision 18787. 18:00:48 U outline.js 18:00:48 U panes/LawPane.js 18:00:49 U panes/airPane.js 18:01:45 2007/tab 18:02:22 trying svn checkout svn+ssh://svn.csail.mit.edu/afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/REPOS/2007/tab 18:02:25 URL: svn+ssh://svn.csail.mit.edu/afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/REPOS/2007/tab 18:02:25 Repository Root: svn+ssh://svn.csail.mit.edu/afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/REPOS 18:02:26 Repository UUID: ee5100c3-270b-0410-b6b6-ca9d7ce675ca 18:02:26 Revision: 17529 18:02:51 Error validating server certificate for 'https://svn.csail.mit.edu:443' ... 18:03:28 now it asks for a password for connolly in 18:04:20 "SWC 2006 trip dtstart dtend" 18:04:46 "SWC 2006 trip (start)" 18:05:43 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/issues/tabulator/issue?%40search_text=&title=&%40columns=title&%40sort=title&topic=&%40columns=topic&id=&%40columns=id&creation=&creator=&activity=&%40columns=activity&actor=&priority=4&status=-1%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7&%40columns=status&%40group=status&assignedto=&%40columns=assignedto&%40pagesize=500&%40startwith=0&%40queryname=Features&%40old-queryname=Features&%40action=search 18:06:15 Fetching external item into 'tab/ext/chrome/content/js' 18:07:20 svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/dig/2005/ajar/ajaw/js' 18:08:12 connolly@pav:~/projects/tabulator/tab/ext/chrome/content$ ln -s ../../../../ajar/ajaw/js 18:08:20 Fetching external item into 'ext/chrome/content/js' 18:08:35 Fetching external item into 'ext/chrome/content/icons' 18:08:35 Updated external to revision 18787. 18:08:51 connolly@pav:~/projects/tabulator/tab/ext/chrome/content$ ln -s ../../../../ajar/ajaw/icons/ 18:11:07 That file should be in the extensions directoruy and contain one line /...projects/tabulator/tab/ext 18:11:13 connolly@pav:~/projects/tabulator/tab/ext$ pwd 18:11:13 /home/connolly/projects/tabulator/tab/ext 18:11:27 the latter i guess 18:11:32 quite ffox 18:11:51 if in douubt, erase two cache fies in eth eextensions directory 18:12:55 Try: 18:13:00 whee! labels and everything 18:17:49 MS-Auth-Via: DAV 18:17:58 MS-Auth-Via: SPARQL 18:19:31 timbl_ (n=timbl@30-5-160.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:23:32 hmm... Location: Vancouver 18:23:44 bummer that's just a string and not something with lat/long 18:24:40 yosi_s is now known as yosi_desk 18:24:55 yosi_s (n=syosi@30-7-109.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:27:20 Yes, tab tabultor has no address string -> lat/log function 18:28:24 oshani has quit () 18:28:41 Meeting in two minutes 18:29:05 Zakim (n=rrs-brid@homer.w3.org) has joined #dig 18:29:10 zakim, this is dig 18:29:10 ok, RalphS; that matches DIG_weekly()2:30PM 18:29:17 zakim, who's on the call? 18:29:17 On the phone I see MIT531 18:29:57 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:30:55 roberth (n=hoffmann@30-6-172.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:31:49 kennyluck (n=kennyluc@31-34-37.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:32:03 DanC? 18:32:13 Will you be joining us on the pridge? 18:32:16 bridge 18:32:22 timbl, tabulator URI http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/tabulator#project for issues. 18:32:26 +Sandro 18:32:29 -MIT531 18:32:31 +MIT531 18:34:18 this is full of people from mit 18:34:36 I think I'm the only one who is not from there 18:34:47 funky, this is a meeting of an MIT research group. 18:34:51 Ha? 18:35:00 ah, ok, good to know 18:35:31 funky - specifically, http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ 18:35:45 hmm... I was planning to eat lunch and then join the meeting, but I haven't managed to eat lunch 18:35:59 timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:36:08 DanC has changed the topic to: DIG meets Mondays, including 7 Apr http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ 18:36:10 sandro: looks good, I wish I could be there 18:37:37 but, this is a ISC dig "support" channel too, isn't it? 18:38:06 Nope. Different "dig". 18:38:34 I see, only semantic web browsing stuff in the web 18:38:42 right. 18:38:47 but I'm sure I've seen people talking about isc dig in here 18:38:57 I guess, misconfused people as me 18:39:01 confused* 18:39:24 ------------------ 18:40:22 so, no reason for me to be here, nice to meet you guys 18:40:23 funky has left #dig 18:41:16 agenda+ Autodiscovery 18:44:50 +DanC 18:49:02 Lalana: I was at Owed, 18:49:12 Yosi: I was writing my thesis 18:49:27 Lana: plan to get Ian Jacobi for some days 18:49:33 s/ana/alana 18:52:56 resiolved: Imnviet him for 2-3 days within 5-9 may 18:55:52 agenda+ Parsing random XML as RDF 18:56:03 PRs? 18:56:16 TRs 18:56:52 huh? random XML2RDF? 18:58:42 (I'm confused; at first I heard sandro say he's hand-eding an RDF/XML file; then he says it lives in mediawiki. hmm.) 18:59:18 achmed (n=xchat@lan-84-240-12-80.vln.skynet.lt) has joined #dig 18:59:38 Sandro: revisting test vases after 4 years, looking at what otehrs have done wiht test casees. 18:59:57 Tim: How about using tabuklator ediitpr frthat 19:00:06 (test case data is on my todo list this week too; more for HTML and RDFa, and more on test result reporting) 19:00:11 oshani has quit () 19:00:14 Sandro: Some pretty interestng things happening wit OWL now. 19:00:34 ... Profiles for example, like levels of OWL2 19:00:55 EDman (n=nera@clt-84-32-249-163.vdnet.lt) has joined #dig 19:00:57 ... Some like OWL full, for rule engibes not tabluae stype reasoners 19:01:28 DanC: 19:01:32 (leaving now, got to catch a flight to Chicago) 19:01:35 lkagal has quit () 19:02:23 kenny, could you look up the URI of the editable tabulator bugs? 19:02:48 kennyluck: timbl, tabulator URI http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/tabulator#project for issues. 19:03:43 __________________ 19:04:45 {tabr broken_uri Ivan_Herman } 19:06:00 That is for you to report a broken page(URI) quickly. 19:06:05 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/issues/tabulator/issue?%40search_text=&title=&%40columns=title&%40sort=title&topic=&%40columns=topic&id=&%40columns=id&creation=&creator=&activity=&%40columns=activity&actor=&priority=4&status=-1%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7&%40columns=status&%40group=status&assignedto=&%40columns=assignedto&%40pagesize=500&%40startwith=0&%40queryname=Features&%40old-queryname=Features&%40action=search 19:09:12 timbl: Oshani using [Tabulator] for DTO 19:09:25 ... Joe for storing things 19:09:31 ... Kenny for misc things 19:09:44 ... can concentrate on solidifying it 19:10:05 Joe for sending notification to other services when the store changes? 19:10:07 ... I [timbl] worked last on FOAF support, which I think is useful 19:11:25 Ralph: Building a tab is still a Javascript job 19:11:43 timbl: We don't know yet a better language for specifying them 19:12:07 well..I would say 1/3 of Firefox is written in JavaScript so this is natural 19:12:36 timbl: Probably it should be a form language based on html 19:13:01 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/Papers/Tabulator-WWW2007/p1.png 19:13:42 sandro: This reminded me about the applicability of OWL for designing forms 19:14:05 ... Galen? used DL for supporting the user in adding data to a form 19:14:32 (I got the tabulator running out of svn today, fyi) 19:14:52 why had it not been working? 19:15:09 (somehow yosi and I couldn't get it going on my mac laptop a few weeks ago, but timbl and I got it running on my linux box today) 19:15:52 oh... so you got it working on a different box 19:16:21 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/ 19:20:32 timbl: using owl reasoning to restrict things may be useful 19:20:50 ... except that ontologies often don't restrict the domain and range enough 19:21:10 excuse me, does anybody know when LHC is going to be launched? 19:21:17 ... 19:21:40 You mean the Large Hadron Collider? 19:21:46 yes 19:21:55 Just a second ... 19:22:00 launched 19:22:09 JK 19:22:37 I think you need a CERN IRC channel or a MIT Phsics channel 19:23:06 thank you very much 19:23:37 ... reasoning limited by needing to be fast enough to drive the UI 19:29:33 EDman has quit () 19:32:27 DanC: so, to summarize ... ? 19:32:55 kennyluck: We didn't sell ourselves to potential UROPs very well 19:33:25 ... should raid the Simile people 19:34:21 timbl: We know some, though not all, of who will be working 19:38:07 roberth has quit () 19:39:08 achmed has quit () 19:39:38 achmed (n=xchat@lan-84-240-12-80.vln.skynet.lt) has joined #dig 19:40:38 yosi_s has quit () 19:40:44 kennyluck has quit () 19:40:49 -MIT531 19:40:51 -Sandro 19:40:53 -DanC 19:40:53 DIG_weekly()2:30PM has ended 19:40:55 Attendees were MIT531, Sandro, DanC 19:41:35 timbl_ has quit () 19:42:58 timbl (n=timbl@w3cdhcp51.w3.org) has joined #dig 19:43:03 Zakim has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:58:44 yosi_desk is now known as yosi_s 20:09:36 achmed has quit () 20:20:19 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 20:21:56 timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:32:01 oshani (n=oshani@31-34-208.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:08:47 yosi_s has quit ("bye for today") 21:37:38 hmm... the URL bar seems to not update correctly since I installed the tabulator 21:37:47 and my back button is hosed 21:40:55 amy has left #dig 21:48:01 oshani has quit () 23:42:52 djweitzner (n=djweitzn@ has joined #dig