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It should be about wither novel research results, or future directions, or both. 23:47:27 But future directions hre,e at a high level, fture important directionsfor reerch rather than 'what we plan to do next'. 23:47:44 For other GSs for exmaple thinking abouyt thir ptojects. 23:48:06 The conclusion should not be about the tbaulator, which is just a tool, a aplatform. 23:48:22 what's GS? 23:48:25 Just a slight rephrasing 23:48:39 graduate students 23:48:46 okay 23:49:30 so, should I restructure the conclusion to give a more concrete idea for developing applications? 23:50:08 What is the conclusion so far, generalized? 23:50:27 We need to move it from "what out project did" to "what you can learm from ths" 23:50:52 well, I wanted this to be either a short paper or a poster - telling people you can do stuff like this on Tabulator 23:51:33 afterall the title says "Case Study" - do you think it should be changed? 23:51:36 So we need to say I think that it is possible to provide browsing environment for integrated data where not only can the user explore the data space., but can also vary the level of explanation which they are given at any point. 23:52:42 "case sduy" seems as though it is an evaluatio of the tabulator, but that not a very storng thing to do, to evluate our own software, unless there is some takewaway in general 23:53:02 oh okay.. should I remove it then? 23:54:25 How about "The Point of View Axis -- varying the levels of explanation within a generic browsing environment" 23:54:28 or something 23:54:43 i think (from reading he paper) that that is the thesis. 23:56:13 yeah.. I think that sums what we are trying to say in the paper (not to mention that it sounds a bit sophisticated as well :) ) 23:56:39 re: your previous point - the conclusion says 23:56:39 "Therefore, we have demonstrated that using ~\emph{panes} it is possible to provide very different levels of user-friendliness to different types of users, and specialized applications can be integrated with a generic data browsing environment such as the Tabulator very easily." 23:57:03 That is fine. 23:57:23 doe sit? 23:57:37 yes it does 23:57:41 That is the secodn para 23:57:48 yes 23:57:58 suggest take the using panes 23:58:22 from taht sentence 23:58:33 okay 23:58:56 So, the new title would have no mention of Tabulator? 23:59:11 i think basically the sort of thing which people might find interesting is that there is a sort of new dimension to browsing the same data 23:59:12 . 23:59:42 And you can slip into a more sophisticated level whereever you are in the graph