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21:48:13 [danbri]
oshani: danbri, try http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/release/tabulator-0-8-7.xpi
21:48:16 [danbri]
seems to be ok
21:49:06 [oshani]
danbri, but I forgot to mention the current code is broken
21:49:10 [oshani]
21:49:23 [oshani]
you won't see all the panes
21:49:48 [oshani]
we'll fix it and make an 'official' release soon
21:50:26 [danbri]
ok cool, thanks!
21:50:35 [danbri]
i'm off on travels for a couple days, will bug you when i get back!
21:50:43 [danbri]
did you think any more about Ubiquity yet btw?
21:53:20 [kennyluck]
timbl, yes I saw the mail.
21:55:16 [timbl]
Can you remember what tabulator.hasOutliner() was supposed to be?
21:58:57 [kennyluck]
If my memory is correct, that is a utility function returning whether the current window in view is the tabulator.
21:59:51 [kennyluck]
This is defined in the component, maybe I didn't update that.
22:01:41 [timbl]
I suspect not :)
22:01:58 [timbl]
didn't commit it
22:02:14 [timbl]
try an svn update
22:03:26 [kennyluck]
I don't really want to do that before the trunk is back to normal.
22:04:12 [timbl]
in what sense normal?
22:04:20 [kennyluck]
Can you just comment out the parts related to .hasOutliner() and I'll fix that later.
22:04:44 [kennyluck]
Uh. Before your commit, I guess.
22:05:48 [timbl]
Ok I'll commment it out and look for th e pane problem
22:05:58 [kennyluck]
22:09:15 [timbl]
I've had to reinstall my mac and I am still doing backups "Backing up 1,608,201 items"
22:10:53 [kennyluck]
Hah. By the way, timbl, K asked for a course in IAP about "Semantic Web+accountability", are you interested?
22:20:12 [Pipian]
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22:21:50 [timbl]
on course, i am prepared to teach a bit if i am around for it, but i don't have time to organize it this time
22:22:37 [oshani]
I will be away too at soton finishing up the WSRI exchange
22:24:27 [timbl]
Was k offering to run it
22:24:29 [timbl]
22:24:59 [oshani]
she expressed a lot of interest in a course during IAP
22:25:16 [oshani]
maybe we could discuss this at the TAMI meeting tomorrow with her
22:26:25 [kennyluck]
Yep, we can organize together.
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23:08:27 [danbri]
'oshani: you won't see all the panes'
23:08:29 [danbri]
indeed, i don't
23:09:16 [timbl]
I don't see any icons for anything in the outline view
23:13:22 [kennyluck]
And this why I haven't done a SVN update. I can't live without a RDF viewer :)
23:16:14 [timbl]
Well, sorry about that! The changes I made were to get the offline mode working again
23:16:40 [timbl]
For some reason when I tested it in the extension, I wasn't using the SVN version
23:16:53 [timbl]
... it had reverted to an installed version
23:17:15 [timbl]
Probably something to do with the order of the scripts
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