IRC log of dig on 2008-11-25

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:53:12 [DIGlogger]
DIGlogger ( has joined #dig
12:53:12 []
topic is: Decentralized Information Group @ MIT
12:53:12 []
Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS oshani timbl lkagal sandro ericP amy DanC Trista109 daniel-soton nelix
13:03:41 [timbl]
Ah good.
13:34:45 [oshani]
RalphS, is there a command to invite DIGlogger ?
13:54:46 [RalphS]
13:55:19 [oshani]
so how does DIGlogger join the channel?
13:55:37 [oshani]
or rather the room?
14:01:20 [timbl]
Oshani, ralph has to make it I think.
14:01:21 [RalphS]
I drag him in
14:10:45 [timbl_]
timbl_ ( has joined #dig
14:21:48 [timbl_]
timbl_ has quit ()
14:22:04 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
15:41:15 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
15:49:11 [albertay]
albertay ( has joined #dig
15:53:42 [oshani]
oshani has quit ()
16:04:47 [timbl]
That's funny -- my office address etc doesn't show in the default view
16:13:31 [Pipian_]
Pipian_ (n=Pipian@EASTMAN-THREE-THIRTY-ONE.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig
16:36:19 [timbl]
timbl has quit ()
16:42:34 [Pipian_]
Pipian_ has quit ()
16:50:23 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
16:54:04 [Pipian_]
Pipian_ (n=Pipian@EASTMAN-THREE-THIRTY-ONE.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig
17:26:42 [Pipian_]
Pipian_ has quit ()
17:32:33 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
18:03:17 [albertay]
albertay has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
18:06:36 [Pipian_]
Pipian_ ( has joined #dig
18:07:14 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
18:07:53 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY ( has joined #dig
18:07:55 [AlbertAY]
18:14:06 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]")
18:24:04 [timbl]
18:24:43 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY ( has joined #dig
18:24:54 [timbl]
19:06:49 [AlbertAY]
19:24:13 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
19:27:31 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
19:27:39 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY ( has joined #dig
19:29:30 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
19:37:19 [lkagal]
Albert ?
19:37:51 [lkagal]
Please could you send me a link to the paper you discussed at the last DIG seminar.
19:37:51 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY has quit (Remote closed the connection)
19:49:21 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY ( has joined #dig
19:49:24 [AlbertAY]
20:14:52 [kennyluck]
I wonder why there is no functional property defined in the FOAF vocabulary so the following contradiction can be derived.
20:15:22 [kennyluck]
some_race winner Kenny, timbl.
20:15:37 [kennyluck]
winner a owl:FunctionalProperty.
20:15:57 [kennyluck]
Kenny foaf:mostOftenUsedName "KangHao Lu".
20:15:57 [DanC]
foaf:birthday would work, no?
20:16:10 [kennyluck]
Ah... I see...
20:16:29 [kennyluck]
But I think maybe a stronger one would be desirable.
20:16:34 [DanC]
counting people with a formal system is hard.
20:16:41 [DanC]
look at voting literature
20:17:14 [kennyluck]
At least I think something like mostOftenUsedName might be nice.
20:18:02 [kennyluck]
hmm...I didn't notice foaf:birthday should be a functional property.
20:18:28 [kennyluck]
I just searched the foaf spec and didn't find a functional property.
20:19:11 [DanC]
indeed, it's not documented as functional.
20:20:25 [kennyluck]
not in the ontology neither.
20:20:54 [kennyluck]
Sorry, I was wrong.
20:21:03 [kennyluck]
It's in the ontology.
20:22:56 [kennyluck]
Hmm...then I should say..putting your birthday in your FOAF prevents identity theft.
20:25:09 [albertaycm]
albertaycm ( has joined #dig
20:28:51 [AlbertAY]
AlbertAY has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
20:39:04 [DanC]
where was the tabulator release announced? it hasn't crossed my radar except by obliq reference
20:41:10 [sandro]
To:, tabulator@csail.MIT.EDU, diggers@csail.MIT.EDU
20:41:18 [sandro]
Cc: tim Berners-Lee <>
20:41:18 [sandro]
Subject: [DIGgers] Tabulator 0.8.7 Released
20:44:10 [DanC]
hmm... I'm on diggers; maybe a whiltelist issue
20:44:26 [DanC]
still... neither of those is a public forum
20:48:05 [timbl]
No... there is a bug so you can see what the social pane looks liek but if you us it to mint a web id then the window yoou were using becoems dysfunctional.
20:49:15 [timbl]
DanC, do yo have it installed or on SVN ?
20:49:50 [DanC]
dunno... neither in recent memeory
20:52:00 [timbl]
Oh, the I suggest you go to the site and install it from there - then you sill get updates automatically
20:55:05 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit ()
20:57:55 [DanC]
interesting... does publishing on involve digital signatures?
20:58:47 [timbl]
No. Publishing elswehere with autoupdate does.
20:59:13 [timbl]
but AMO is a little site with its close dworld auth.
21:00:08 [DanC]
does AMO check you out in any way before letting you trade on their good name?
21:01:15 [timbl]
they put you in a sandbox where only those with accounts can install from you until you have passed a hazing
21:01:34 [timbl]
wel got votes i think
21:02:05 [DanC]
ok. that's kinda cool
21:19:22 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit ("bye for today")
21:39:31 [kennyluck]
kennyluck (n=kennyluc@HAYDEN-THIRTY-NINE.MIT.EDU) has joined #dig
21:40:44 [DanC]
I just got another "Itinerary Approval Needed" message with 3 itinerary options.
21:40:58 [DanC]
I'm tempted to port my itinerary parsing stuff to javascript
21:41:10 [DanC]
I wonder about bookmarklet security policies
21:45:20 [DanC]
hmm... my python code can't get the lat/long from
21:58:26 [yosi_s]
yosi_s ( has joined #dig
21:58:55 [yosi_s]
21:59:06 [yosi_s]
is a bug, or the correct behavior?
22:21:21 [Pipian_]
Hum, I do not know myself.
22:24:33 [Pipian_]
Hmm... Yeah, seems to be a bug.
22:29:54 [Pipian_]
Ah, I see what it is.
22:30:29 [Pipian_]
Does the 'common host' matching before checking for a fragment difference.
22:30:52 [DanC]
I vote bug on that one, yosi_s
22:31:21 [Pipian_]
or rather, the common host regexp may be off
22:34:46 [Pipian_]
Aha. Got it. Has to do with the fact that the fragment is just off the top level.
22:39:00 [yosi_s]
it's the lines
22:39:04 [yosi_s]
if uri[l+1:l+2] != "/" and base[l+1:l+2] != "/" and uri[:l]==base[:l]:
22:39:06 [yosi_s]
return uri[l:]
22:39:27 [Pipian_]
22:39:35 [kennyluck]
I really think we should use those provided by the standard library.
22:39:47 [Pipian_]
Moving the fragment pattern match above the common host match works just fine.
22:42:47 [Pipian_]
Committed that change (the one-liner move and an added test)
22:43:30 [DanC]
I don't think the python standard library has anything like refTo, kennyluck
22:44:28 [DanC]
before you recommend the python stdlib for uriparsing, I wonder if you've checked stuff like
22:46:33 [yosi_s]
Pipian_, can you send an e-mail to the list that the bug is closed?
22:46:38 [kennyluck]
Hmm...Since I found out that in tabulator the uri resolving fails even for some common uri (including those with colon), I tend to believe in those provided by the browser.
22:46:48 [Pipian_]
Doing so. Need to subscribe to it anyway
22:46:50 [kennyluck]
Not sure about how Python is like.
22:47:52 [DanC]
darn... conflicts when I update...
22:48:02 [DanC]
Merging differences between 1.95 and 1.99 into
22:48:02 [DanC]
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
22:49:21 [DanC]
hm... I don't see your commit, Pipian_ . I still see,v 1.21 2007/06/26 02:36:16 syosi
22:49:34 [DanC]
is there some other place to commit?
22:49:49 [Pipian_]
Ah, this is on the TAMI side of things.
22:49:56 [Pipian_]
22:50:24 [Pipian_]
22:50:31 [Pipian_]
it's not the full cwm tree either
22:50:51 [Pipian_]
I can look into backporting a couple of the small bugfixes I've made back to the original cwm tree.
22:51:14 [DanC]
that would be nice in this case
22:51:28 [DanC]
I doubt you have write access though
22:51:48 [Pipian_]
Probably not. I'll have to bug Tim about it next week. He just left for the week.
22:53:11 [DanC]
the whole write access business with SVN and CVS is so boring. I much prefer DVCS.
22:53:35 [yosi_s]
Pipian_, if you want write access, talk to Ralph about how this is done
22:53:40 [Pipian_]
22:53:43 [Pipian_]
That will work.
22:54:18 [Pipian_]
Will e-mail the list when I get it committed to the main tree.
22:54:41 [yosi_s]
that sounds like a plan
22:55:18 [yosi_s]
for committing to w3c cvs, you'll need an SSH key, but I don't remember the details
22:55:22 [Pipian_]
That may not be until tomorrow. Ralph might have gone home for the day.
22:55:26 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
22:55:45 [yosi_s]
Ralph leaves around 4:25 usually I think
22:55:46 [DanC]
speaking of UriTesting in the ESW wiki... is news to me
22:56:38 [Pipian_]
Ah, well that would answer my question.
22:57:53 [Pipian_]
Well, I'm cutting out for the day as well. That bug's the first thing I'll finish up with tomorrow morning.
22:59:12 [Pipian_]
Pipian_ has quit ()
22:59:53 [yosi_s]
yosi_s has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008111317]")
23:00:27 [DanC]
wierd... urlnorm shouldn't be news to me; I added the pointer in Feb 2006
23:09:03 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
23:10:13 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
23:10:57 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Client Quit)
23:25:54 [sandro]
sandro has quit ("Getting off stoned server - dircproxy 1.0.5")
23:26:26 [sandro]
sandro ( has joined #dig
23:27:38 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit ()
23:30:59 [albertaycm]
albertaycm has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
23:34:56 [oshani]
oshani has quit ()
23:54:57 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig