20:28:49 timbl has quit () 20:54:19 lkagal has quit () 21:00:44 lkagal (n=lkagal@30-6-133.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:11:10 timbl (n=timbl@pool-96-233-120-166.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 21:14:17 oshani, pts adduser -user kennyluck -group dig-admin:dig-users could add me to the users group 21:16:18 kennyluck, done 21:16:24 Thanks 21:18:58 RalphS has quit ("bye for today") 21:20:57 pheny has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:21:10 pheny (n=pheny@ has joined #dig 21:23:38 ilaria (n=ilaria@30-7-251.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:24:35 ilaria has quit (Client Quit) 21:25:43 pheny has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:27:45 ilaria (n=ilaria@30-7-251.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:29:18 pheny (n=pheny@shaggy.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:31:14 timbl, do you think it's okay to announce this uri lookup feature to swig now. I'll leave a message to Sean Palmer and ask for integration. 21:48:18 pheny has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:55:27 pheny (n=pheny@shaggy.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:57:50 kennyluck has quit () 21:58:04 kennyluck (n=kennyluc@30-6-187.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 22:35:10 lkagal has quit () 22:36:29 lkagal (n=lkagal@30-6-133.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 23:21:51 Suggest you email Sean - yes - sending the patch or code or something 23:24:56 I already announce that on the swig channel. One guy refers to me the #sparqlbot thing, which is quite interesting. But it's still hard for me to find URIs I am interested in. 23:25:24 I guess I'll make a sparqlbot command for looking up URI. 23:36:28 Pipian__ has quit () 23:37:29 Ian ? 23:37:36 Pipian ?