IRC log of dig on 2009-04-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:00:46 [danbri]
danbri ( has joined #dig
00:04:56 [danbri_]
danbri_ (n=danbri@ has joined #dig
00:15:06 [danbri]
danbri has quit (Connection timed out)
00:20:01 [danbri_]
danbri_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
04:11:45 [drrho]
drrho ( has joined #dig
05:33:03 [drrho]
drrho has quit (Remote closed the connection)
06:44:20 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
08:50:47 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
10:45:24 [danbri]
danbri ( has joined #dig
10:57:31 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
11:20:19 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Remote closed the connection)
11:41:23 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
11:42:42 [DIGlogger]
DIGlogger ( has joined #dig
11:42:42 []
topic is: Decentralized Information Group @ MIT
11:42:42 []
Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS danbri sandro Tristan kennyluck_
11:42:55 [danbri]
danbri has quit ()
12:29:37 [oshani]
oshani (n=oshani@ has joined #dig
12:30:32 [oshani]
mr-burns is down
12:30:40 [oshani]
can somebody turn on the server pls?
12:30:46 [oshani]
13:03:38 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
13:11:21 [RalphS]
oshani, I just powered-on mr-burn
13:11:22 [RalphS]
13:22:42 [oshani]
thanks RalphS!
13:37:48 [danbri]
danbri ( has joined #dig
14:07:20 [lkagal]
sandro ?
14:07:48 [lkagal]
sandro Hi. Do you think you'll be able to present RIF at the DIG seminar this Thursday, 23rd.
14:12:14 [sandro]
How long/in-depth a presentation do you want, again, lkagal?
14:13:31 [lkagal]
The seminar is usually 1 to 1.5 hr long and includes time for questions and discussion. So approx 45 min presentation would be great.
14:16:20 [oshani]
lkagal, I met Benjamin Grosof today
14:16:35 [oshani]
he was interested in knowing about the state of AIR
14:16:39 [lkagal]
Oshani, if you see him again, please tell him I said hello
14:17:58 [oshani]
lkagal, yeah sure... In fact, I promised to show him the tools we have developed tomorrow - the AIR reasoner and the Justification UI :-)
14:18:46 [lkagal]
Great re interested in AIR. Unfortunately the latest changes (syntax and such) are not on the page.
14:19:27 [oshani]
hmm.. did Ian mention all the changes in his mail/
14:19:38 [lkagal]
Good idea to show a demo, oshani.
14:19:45 [oshani]
yeah.. that's the plan
14:20:06 [oshani]
he had a tutorial on Semantic Web Rule Languages today
14:20:19 [oshani]
he showed some business use cases using RuleML
14:20:29 [oshani]
interesting stuff!
14:21:01 [lkagal]
Sounds like fun.
14:23:24 [lkagal]
I see that Benjamin's slides are online, definitely going through. Thanks for the update, Oshani.
14:24:22 [oshani]
Oh yeah.. however, this is the URI he gave during his talk -
14:24:47 [lkagal]
Great, thanks.
14:25:14 [oshani]
(I think there are some minor changes)
14:30:15 [fturkmen]
fturkmen ( has joined #dig
14:33:57 [sandro]
lkagal, if it's going to be that long, I'd like one more week, if that works for y'all.
14:38:01 [lkagal]
sandro, maybe we could have a short presentation this Thursday followed by a more detailed discussion ?
14:38:40 [sandro]
Sure. I just don't have time to prepare much for this Thursday. But I could probably answer questions for hours.
14:39:27 [sandro]
and I don't think my demo will be working by then, but maybe in some limited ways.
14:39:47 [lkagal]
Whats the demo about ?
14:41:35 [lkagal]
sandro, if you send me a short abstract, I could send that around to the mailing list. Otherwise I'll just copy some text from the wg page.
14:41:38 [sandro]
In theory, it lets you provide rules in various languages, and it can do various standard transforms on them, output them in various languages, and in some cases run them (by translation to an implemented language).
14:42:12 [lkagal]
Wow !
14:43:22 [lkagal]
That sounds great, sandro. We'd love to see the demo of whatever you have working so far.
14:43:34 [sandro]
As I say, "in theory". :-) The one thing that more-or-less works is conversion between the RIF XML syntax and the RIF presentation syntax. Some kinds of re-writing work, and translation to prolog works for some limitted types of rules.
14:44:03 [sandro]
okay; we'll work with what we've got. :)
14:44:15 [lkagal]
translation from RIF to prolog ?
14:44:22 [sandro]
what question(s) would this "abstract" answer?
14:45:13 [lkagal]
"What is RIF, why is it important and how can I use it"
15:24:48 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit ()
15:28:32 [lkagal]
lkagal (n=lkagal@ has joined #dig
15:29:43 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Client Quit)
15:31:34 [Pipian]
Pipian ( has joined #dig
15:38:50 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
15:50:08 [lkagal]
lkagal (n=lkagal@ has joined #dig
15:57:51 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Remote closed the connection)
16:26:11 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
16:27:45 [oshani]
timbl, congrats :-)
16:27:47 [oshani]
16:53:35 [oshani]
oshani has left #dig
17:02:04 [timbl_]
timbl_ ( has joined #dig
17:05:51 [danbri]
danbri has quit ()
17:15:18 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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timbl_ ( has joined #dig
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timbl__ ( has joined #dig
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timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl__ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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timbl_ ( has joined #dig
18:33:55 [Pipian]
Pipian has quit ()
18:36:25 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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timbl has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl_ ( has joined #dig
20:21:34 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit ("bye for today")
20:35:33 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
20:40:04 [timbl_]
timbl_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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timbl_ ( has joined #dig
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timbl__ ( has joined #dig
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timbl has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl_ ( has joined #dig
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timbl__ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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timbl_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl_ ( has joined #dig
22:18:43 [fturkmen1]
fturkmen1 ( has joined #dig
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fturkmen2 ( has joined #dig
22:24:41 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl ( has joined #dig
22:36:32 [fturkmen]
fturkmen has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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fturkmen1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
22:50:49 [timbl_]
timbl_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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timbl has quit ()