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14:06:58 [kennyluck]
oshani, http://sw-app.org/pub/seke09-ld2sd.pdf
14:07:18 [kennyluck]
timbl, are you going to any of the MIT IT innovation talks today?
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14:34:29 [charles2]
blah. still trying to figure out why I cannot get subscribe information with the non identica microblogs.
14:41:39 [kennyluck]
oshani, the server side codes are /afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/www/data/2007/wiki/_get.php and /afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/www/data/2007/wiki/_post.php
14:42:03 [kennyluck]
sorry, the crawler codes are not completely in the SVN trunk yet.
14:42:11 [oshani]
kennyluck, great thanks
14:44:45 [lkagal]
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14:46:03 [kennyluck]
oshani, the justification codes include http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/ajar/ajaw/js/outline.js , http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/ajar/ajaw/js/panes/airPane.js , and http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/ext/chrome/content/justification.html (this looks like an empty HTML file, because this is the backbone for the interface)
14:47:10 [Pipian]
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14:50:39 [timbl]
MIT innovation talks? That's the patent foundation thing?
14:50:46 [timbl]
uri, kenny?)
14:53:20 [kennyluck]
timbl, I am not sure, but some of them look interesting.
14:54:35 [timbl]
Not in the CSAIL feed.
14:55:14 [kennyluck]
I don't know, but there are quite some people downstairs, timbl.
14:58:59 [timbl]
Well, if you go, do report back
15:01:04 [kennyluck]
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15:36:45 [charles2]
it worked!
15:38:41 [charles2]
kennyluck: it turns out that i had to check for the "redirected" from the sf.requested, instead of the "true".
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16:06:54 [charles2]
The microblog pane subscribes pictures now work for tweet.ie and identi.ca. It does not seem to work for some of the other implementations that i've tried.
16:08:42 [kennyluck]
oshani, the crawler code is now at /afs/csail.mit.edu/group/dig/www/data/2009/tms_web/social_computing.py , but it is not working yet since my changes to cwm are not committed yet.
16:10:08 [oshani]
kennyluck, perhaps you can commit the cwm code in the same folder as tms_web?
16:12:01 [fuming]
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16:12:42 [kennyluck]
timbl, do you have any opinion on this? We are having 3 copies of CWM on the Web then.
16:13:48 [oshani]
1 - in the W3C CVS
16:13:54 [oshani]
2 - used in the DIG SVN for the reasoner and
16:13:55 [oshani]
3 - for Kenny's crawler
16:14:27 [oshani]
potentially a very bad way of forking the code
16:29:29 [lkagal]
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16:36:49 [lkagal]
fuming ?
16:48:29 [charles2]
oshani: should I be using the twitter-style api to write to laconica microblogs?
16:49:02 [oshani]
charles2, laconica does not have their own api?
16:49:37 [oshani]
charles2, if you are worried about the work I have done on pushback to twitter - you can ignore that
16:49:39 [oshani]
16:49:56 [charles2]
oshani: they seem to have multiple api's, but when i tried to look at the other one it doesnt tell me very much about how to use it
16:50:41 [oshani]
charles2, you mean different sites implement laconica exposing their own api?
16:50:55 [oshani]
then I think you should use the one used by identi.ca
16:51:33 [charles2]
doesnt identica implement laconica?
16:51:44 [oshani]
AFAIK they implement laconica
16:52:01 [oshani]
not sure of the API specifics though
16:52:34 [charles2]
so what it looks like, is there is an openmicroblogging api
16:52:43 [charles2]
and a twitter-compatible api
16:53:25 [charles2]
I've yet to find detailed information on how to use the openmicroblogging api to push data to a laconica microblog
16:53:42 [oshani]
according to this R/W article I'm reading now identi.ca has implemented the twitter api
16:53:48 [oshani]
16:54:37 [charles2]
yah. Here is some more information about it: http://laconi.ca/trac/wiki/TwitterCompatibleAPI
16:55:50 [oshani]
so, yes I think if you can implement a twitter compatible API on Tabulator that'd be great -- more adoption
16:55:57 [charles2]
but i was wondering if i should be using that, or if i should try to use the openmicroblogging one. Problem is, I havent figured out how the openmicroblogging one works :(
16:55:58 [oshani]
but ask from timbl first
16:58:34 [charles2]
the twitterapi is fairly simple. It would just require parsing some json. I think they might support xml too.
16:59:22 [charles2]
I was trying to make a XUL twitter client once :P
17:01:11 [charles2]
(at least the stuff I played with was simple)
17:08:57 [charles2]
oh. just thought of an interesting problem
17:10:28 [charles2]
oshani: how do I figure out the api root for each server? worse how do I figure out what server a user's using. they could be a tweet.ie user looking at a notice on identi.ca or something. :|
17:11:31 [oshani]
not sure what you mean by "the api root"
17:13:40 [charles2]
oshani: in order to use the api on a server, you need the uri for the api root. for example, if i wanted to get the public timeline on identica, i would use http://identi.ca/api/statuses/public_timeline.xml
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17:14:02 [oshani]
timbl, this is the architecture diagram we drew for our system: any comments? http://people.csail.mit.edu/oshani/Papers/computations/images/architecture.jpg
17:14:10 [charles2]
http://identi.ca/api would be the api root
17:14:30 [oshani]
17:16:20 [oshani]
well, I am not sure if there is a tried and tested way of determining this "root" programmatically... perhaps you can try a heuristic like http://microblogginsite/api
17:17:08 [oshani]
but, I see that doesn't work with twitter :)
17:17:08 [oshani]
17:17:58 [charles2]
but then there is an even bigger problem. say you use identica and youre looking at the updates of a tweetie user. if you want to update, you need to use http://identi.ca/api instead of http://tweet.ie/api or the like
17:17:59 [oshani]
charles2, I suggest you pick few sites, and have your pane compatible for each of those
17:18:34 [oshani]
rather than trying to provide a fix for a general situation
17:22:38 [charles2]
in that case, I think I will leave it up to the user to provide the details of authentication, and have a few canned ones for convenience.
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17:24:00 [danbri]
[18:51] charles2: doesnt identica implement laconica?
17:24:00 [danbri]
[18:51] oshani: AFAIK they implement laconica
17:24:16 [danbri]
identica is the flagship / showcase installation *of* laconica
17:25:30 [charles2]
danbri: that would make sense. i see identica as the canonical example of everything on the laconica site :P
17:26:40 [charles2]
timbl: should I implement the twitter-compatible api or try to figure out how the openmicroblogging api works?
17:27:09 [charles2]
assuming i can find information about how it works.
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19:33:36 [charles2]
I am having this interesting issue where my pane disappears whenever it fetches subscription icons
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20:19:10 [ericP]
fturkmen, would you be available to give a talk (which we are working on) on the Tuesday Semantic Web Gathering?
20:19:32 [ericP]
1800 in the other tower of the Stata Center (the commute isn't too bad)
20:20:32 [ericP]
btw, the vapid access slide i mentioned is http://www.w3.org/2009/Talks/0504-swobjects-ep/#(28)
20:22:12 [fturkmen]
ericP, sure no problem!
20:23:18 [fturkmen]
the example in the link is self-explanatory and I will try to summarize the things we have talked about
20:23:41 [fturkmen]
ericP, and come up with a summary for the gathering
20:33:55 [ericP]
sweet. i'm hoping to produce some slides
20:38:59 [ericP]
back in two hours
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