03:04:18 [lkagal]
Hi Oshani, was there a swxg telecon this morning ?
03:04:43 [oshani]
No, I don't think there was one
03:05:01 [oshani]
lkagal, BTW, do you think our camera-ready is good to submit?
03:05:40 [lkagal]
Thanks re telecon.
03:05:49 [lkagal]
I was planning to look through your paper tomorrow. When is the deadline ?
03:05:55 [oshani]
03:06:20 [lkagal]
Ok, will definitely give you my comments, if any, tomorrow.
03:06:29 [oshani]
great, thanks!
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18:37:03 [lkagal]
Oshani, http://publications.csail.mit.edu/submission-guidelines.shtml
18:43:14 [fuming]
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19:05:35 [oshani]
A. Anton, J. Earp, and A. Reese, "Analyzing Website Privacy Requirements Using a Privacy Goal Taxonomy," in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering, pp. 23–31, 2002.
19:05:37 [oshani]
A. Anton, Q. He, and D. Baumer, "The Complexity Underlying JetBlue's Privacy Policy Violations," IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 12–18, 2004.
19:05:53 [oshani]
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19:10:40 [oshani]
the court case that Fuming is describing now: http://www.foley.com/publications/pub_detail.aspx?pubid=5114
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19:38:33 [fuming_]
the slide we talked about is here http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/DIG_Seminar/0813-fuming-tami-scenarios/
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20:23:24 [charles2]
lkagal: do you want me to write this up as a scenario, as some notes about what we discussed, or otherwise?
20:23:30 [charles2]
(the facebook bit)
20:24:18 [lkagal]
charles2, write it as a scenario and add the discussion as possible solutions.
20:24:27 [charles2]
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21:32:35 [lkagal]
Oshani, the NSF grant is over. Pls could you ack this one National Science Foundation Cybertrust Grant award CT-M: 0831442 instead
21:32:55 [oshani]
alright, I will
21:33:05 [lkagal]
Jambo, please add the same grant to your ack.
21:33:38 [oshani]
lkagal, IARPA still holds?
21:33:53 [lkagal]
Yes, the IARPA one and this new NSF.
21:36:45 [jambo]
Ah, I forgot about that lkagal. I'll add it now and resubmit
21:37:14 [oshani]
lkagal, it now reads:
21:37:17 [oshani]
"This work was carried out with generous funding from National Science Foundation Cybertrust Grant award CT-M: 0831442, IARPA award number FA8750-07-2-0031, and UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant number EP/F013604/."
21:37:24 [oshani]
is this okay?
21:37:49 [lkagal]
Thanks Jim. Took some time to get the second grant number, sorry about that.
21:38:07 [oshani]
EPSRC was added because I did some of the work at Soton
21:39:05 [lkagal]
Oshani, you can just say "This work was supported by NSF Cybertrust award CT-M: 0831442, IARPA award FA8750-07-2-0031, and UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant number EP/F013604/."
21:39:22 [oshani]
okay, sounds good
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