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23:08:06 [ericP]
presbrey, ears on to chat about mod_sparul?
23:08:32 [ericP]
i've swapped to -MM for managing dependencies
23:09:39 [ericP]
when doing a $(make test) to see what i'd broken, i saw that i fail deps like codea_hookmap.h
23:10:00 [presbrey]
23:10:08 [ericP]
i was thinking of moving mod_sparul into apache/ or something like that
23:10:32 [ericP]
but maybe that's not necessary
23:10:45 [presbrey]
I don't mind if it doesn't build by default
23:10:55 [presbrey]
its not entirely finished
23:11:06 [Pipian_]
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23:11:13 [presbrey]
I have ccl-0.2.1a and codea-0.2.1a
23:12:08 [ericP]
i wonder if make test should build the binaries at all
23:12:45 [ericP]
if someone co's swobjects to build mod_sparul, they probably don't want to sit through tests of SPARQL or SPARQL_server
23:14:53 [ericP]
ahh, nothing to do with tests
23:15:21 [ericP]
target was bin/mod_sparul.dep
23:22:29 [ericP]
i see the prob. i was hiding the errors before