00:18:10 timbl has quit () 00:30:31 danbri, they are a set of test files for a license/privacy highlighting sidebar for tabulator (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010//Papers/Privacy2010/tkang-rmp/paper.pdf) 00:32:03 lkagal has quit () 00:36:11 lkagal (n=lkagal@30-6-179.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 00:37:46 lkagal has quit (Client Quit) 01:26:30 lkagal (n=lkagal@pool-173-48-171-70.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 02:15:10 timbl (n=timbl@pool-96-237-236-72.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 03:49:37 oshani (n=oshani@c-71-233-151-72.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 04:36:45 oshani ? 04:36:56 Hi lkagal 04:37:07 Hi Oshani. Do you have a minute ? 04:37:11 yeah sure 04:37:52 I'm having an svn problem. I created and checked some files into http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/Talks/0106-DARPA-timbl/ but its not letting me commit changes. 04:38:07 what does it say? 04:39:07 something about a missing .svn file 04:39:29 I see you've committed a .key file 04:39:47 the prob is that .key is a folder 04:40:03 I know, I thought I added the whole directory 04:40:37 so, you made some other changes after the first commit and tried to commit again, right? 04:40:42 Yes 04:42:11 I think for some reason svn does not recognize the .key folder, and do not put the .svn inside, but when you change something, the top level detects the change, but there's no .svn inside that folder to update to 04:42:49 Is it possible to forcibly add the .key dir ? 04:42:49 I am not sure what the correct solution is -- but what I usually do is keep a back up, svn rm, copy it back, svn add and the svn commit :) 04:43:25 um, dunno, you can try and see 04:43:53 He he, ok. But I tried to delete the dir and it still complained about the missing svn entries. 04:44:06 Let me try deleting the .key first .. 04:46:07 lkagal, you have to do an "svn -f rm" 04:46:45 got it 04:49:11 actually. this seems like this is an annoying problem that other ppl have run into as well.. see: http://www.grantingersoll.com/2007/11/07/iwork-keynote-and-svn/ 04:49:18 found a solution here: http://sadilek.blogspot.com/2007/07/restore-svn-in-keynotepages-documents.html 04:49:30 but not sure how effective that would be... 04:51:04 Thanks for the links. Your earlier solution seems to have worked. I'll try to last solution next time :) 04:51:22 np 04:56:16 Thanks again, and goodnight. 05:16:51 lkagal has quit () 06:39:28 oshani has quit () 07:53:38 ah, rmp=respect my privacy :) ok 07:54:05 we got foaf spec fixed up a bit for the new decade... 07:54:17 so scope for including mention of this stuff if it's 'ready'... 08:17:42 mhausenblas (n=mhausenb@wg1-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 08:40:32 drrho (n=rho@chello213047112079.11.11.vie.surfer.at) has joined #dig 08:48:12 danbri has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:07:24 danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig 10:50:48 danbri has quit (Remote closed the connection) 11:37:07 danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig 12:39:19 RalphS (n=swick@30-7-139.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:52:16 oshani (n=oshani@c-71-233-151-72.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 13:13:16 danbri_ (n=danbri@dyn26-117.roaming.few.vu.nl) has joined #dig 13:13:48 danbri_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:23:41 danbri has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13:42:51 danbri (n=danbri@ip176-48-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #dig 13:54:03 oshani has quit () 14:13:32 lkagal (n=lkagal@pool-173-48-171-70.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 14:35:29 oshani (n=oshani@c-71-233-151-72.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 14:42:34 timbl has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:04:28 oshani has quit () 15:09:07 mhausenblas has quit ("brb") 15:12:49 timbl (n=timbl@w3cdhcp5.w3.org) has joined #dig 15:28:54 Lalana? 15:39:12 jambo (n=jambo@31-34-201.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:39:34 jambo1 (n=jambo@31-34-201.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:39:34 jambo has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:40:04 oshani (n=oshani@31-33-170.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:50:27 Amy, hi 15:58:51 hi did Tim get in touch w/ you? 15:59:59 no 16:02:17 lkagal? 16:02:35 1) Thank you SO MUCH for putting the slides together. 16:02:42 Hi Tim, was chatting with Amy about the presentation this afternoon. 16:02:59 2) Now it turns out my 2pm in VBoston may not end in time for me to get back and present he slides 16:03:07 -- would you be able to do that? 16:03:14 It is at 3:50 16:03:19 this aftrenoon 16:03:58 It is possible that I may be able to get back but when things "might" run on they probably will 16:04:07 Hmm, I will be able to. But it might be good for you to meet him - he's a Director at DARPA 16:04:56 Yes, I will do what I can.. if you set up to give the talk, in fact, and then I can join the group when I can. 16:05:14 Certainly it would be good for me to meet him. But also for you to meet him 16:06:22 ok :) I'll go ahead and set up the presentation. If you make it on time, then you can take over, otherwise I'll give it. 16:11:06 Ok. You will be there to answer complicated questions about the slides too :) 16:11:23 I'd also be happy for yu uto give the presentation. 16:12:11 Thank you so much 16:12:11 ' 16:12:18 also good for you to have vsiibility 16:15:34 thanks danbri 16:16:19 drrho has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:17:00 lkagal has quit () 16:45:51 lkagal (n=lkagal@30-6-179.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:46:54 lkagal, I noticed a typo in slide 13 : "Screeshot" => "Screesnhot" 16:47:08 "Screenshot" 16:47:10 :) 16:47:28 thanks, oshani 16:49:49 if you see any other mistakes or can think of improvements, pls let me know 16:50:04 it looks good! 17:01:33 oshani has quit () 17:02:57 mcherian (n=mcherian@c-24-61-8-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 17:04:43 oshani (n=oshani@31-33-170.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:26:43 timbl_ (n=timbl@31-33-116.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:28:01 timbl has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17:31:21 oshani has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:31:26 oshani (n=oshani@31-33-170.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:43:16 oshani_ (n=oshani@dhcp-18-111-26-116.dyn.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:43:22 timbl_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:50:17 mcherian has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:54:35 oshani has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:54:35 oshani_ is now known as oshani 18:05:30 jambo2 (n=jambo@31-34-201.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:05:30 jambo1 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:40:54 mcherian (i=Matt@dhcp-18-111-17-8.dyn.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:16:22 mcherian has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:16:31 mcherian (i=Matt@31-33-50.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:52:06 Oshani ? 19:52:14 Hi lkagal 19:53:18 Hi, If Ian is going to use arc maybe we should use php as well. Otherwise there will be no connection between what we cover on Monday and Ian's building an app demo. 19:53:47 Yeah, that makes sense... 19:53:56 but I have not used Arcs before 19:54:34 can learn it and code it up, but will not be able to answer much of their questions I am afraid 19:55:10 I haven't used it either. 19:56:12 lkagal, however, I think that many of our participants might not be PHP gurus... I think Java will be a win.. especially there are some business school people in the class 19:56:57 I don't know.. we can certainly dictate the session, and not ask for their opinion at all :) 19:58:02 lkagal, BTW, what do we do about the empty slot on Wednesday? 20:01:13 is anyone doing a tools demo, redland, python, 4store, webid auth, etc.? 20:01:43 hiya presbrey! will you be around next week? 20:02:10 yeah I can make a cameo 20:02:31 whats missing I might know about? any of those things ^^? 20:03:15 Oshani, lets ask Phillipe (as you suggested) for the empty slot. Its the pity the tripit guy vanished. 20:03:55 presbrey, in case you did not know.. we are planning for an IAP course next week. see: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/LinkedData/Overview.html 20:04:05 yes I saw 20:04:11 looks awesome 20:04:57 yeah, so no demos on redland, 4store, webid auth stuff AFAIK 20:05:22 cool well if you come up with a slot let me know 20:06:13 I am overdue for an iap nerd talk 20:06:20 ha ha 20:07:52 presbrey, we actually have a slot for 20 mins, and we were thinking of someone to invite. Do you have something interesting to show? 20:09:34 I think the apache webid stuff is cool 20:11:29 yeah it certainly is... 20:12:57 I have some commercial stuff using rdf, entity matching etc. 20:13:04 what're the scope of the discussions 20:14:32 well, the idea is to give examples of linked data applications that can be commercialized... So your recent work will be much more relevant than the foaf+ssl stuff IMHO 20:15:13 k lemme grab a link... 20:15:21 cool 20:15:31 so do you think you can pull together a presentation for next Wednesday on your work? 20:19:28 jambo2 has quit ("Leaving.") 20:19:49 yeah my most recent site is here: http://stub.ly/ 20:20:20 oh cool.. a broadway show site? 20:20:43 all kinds of events 20:21:03 tickets are parsed and aggregated from sellers 20:21:27 nice 20:21:29 and events and artists are linked to SW sources 20:22:06 so, where are you actually pulling the data from? 20:22:11 re: SW sources 20:23:11 um hmm 20:27:01 trade secret? :) 20:27:01 freebase,dbpedia,wikipedia, etc 20:27:01 ah nice 20:27:01 no I was thinking what we're still using 20:27:01 okay 20:27:01 i say wikipedia because dbpedia we're only using sameas links now 20:27:01 I think this would be a really cool demo, and since you are also an entrepreneur -- this'll be the ideal sorta demo for this class! 20:27:01 lkagal, what do you think? 20:27:01 oh almost forgot geonames ! 20:27:01 geonames too, its huge for the event location stuff 20:27:21 The demo looks interesting but presbrey, will you be willing to talk about the underlying technologies. We'd like to participants to understand the advantages of using SW technologies. 20:28:04 sure its true stub.ly doesn't expose much of whats going on there but its not secret... eg: 20:28:37 stub.ly upselling the Lion King tickets: http://stub.ly/event?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fevents.rdf.qwobl.com%2Fperformer%2Flion_king%23lion_king 20:28:37 actual data here: http://qwobl.com/ask/resource?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fevents.rdf.qwobl.com%2Fperformer%2Flion_king%23lion_king 20:28:52 the thing about users that buy tickets is they dont like to see linked data ;) 20:31:19 yeah true... 20:31:51 so, if i understand right, stub.ly puts an intuitive search interface on top of linked data related to events? 20:32:13 yeah! 20:32:18 couldn't have said it better myself 20:32:38 you should go into entrepreneurship too, oshani! 20:33:04 :) 20:33:15 so, can we count on you for a presentation next week? 20:33:52 yes! awesome! 20:34:20 I was going to come by for some of the other talks anyway 20:34:40 cool, you are welcome, and I think you will be a great resource 20:34:48 thanks thanks 20:35:05 when is my slot, wednesday 11? 20:35:23 so, as for the presentation, are you ok with 9.40-10 20:35:32 sure 20:35:38 prepare for 15mins talk + 5 mins Q&A 20:35:39 so you're talking from 10-12? 20:35:59 we have 6 demos from 9-11 20:36:11 I am not doing any demo on Wed 20:36:30 presbrey, the calendar is here: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/LinkedData/cal.html 20:36:34 is there a screen? 20:36:52 yeah, I think there should be 20:36:58 oh I saw 9-11 not 10-12. so thats the demo'ers not you and lalana 20:37:07 yes 20:37:19 cool 20:38:13 so whats my competition like? 20:38:18 hehe 20:39:02 we'll put more info on the site later this week :) 20:39:31 basically we have presentations from Drupal, Semantic Media Wiki, another starup called "KnewCo", etc 20:39:56 yay fun! ok I'll stay tuned. 20:40:06 hey, so presbrey, can you send us the title of your presentation and a bio of yourself, so we can update the site? 20:40:36 sure in a bit? I need a few minutes to outline 20:40:45 yeah sure.. 20:41:03 if you can send it by tomorrow night, that'll be good 20:41:33 oh ok great. i'll email {oshani,lkagal}..? 20:41:37 yep 20:52:24 kennyluck (n=kennyluc@31-35-68.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:12:44 jambo1 (n=jambo@c-98-216-106-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 21:21:39 RalphS has quit ("leaving ...") 21:49:14 oshani has quit () 21:56:44 oshani (n=oshani@31-33-170.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:57:19 timbl (n=timbl@w3cdhcp5.w3.org) has joined #dig 22:11:38 lkagal has quit () 23:10:36 mcherian has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:26:15 timbl has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23:46:26 danbri has quit (Remote closed the connection)