21:58:27 oshani (n=oshani@72-59-21-71.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined #dig 22:04:39 wcattey (n=devnull@c-98-217-135-193.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 22:05:13 Anybody home? I have a question about putting the reasoner into an infinite loop. 22:19:49 oshani has quit (Client Quit) 22:24:53 kennyluck has quit (Client Quit) 22:58:16 oshani (n=oshani@72-59-21-71.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined #dig 22:59:05 Oshani: Are you there or did your client auto-join? 23:00:09 Hi wcattey, I am here.. but I am on a bus right now (not sure if the wifi will stay on)... What's up? 23:21:44 danbri has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:39:39 oshani has quit (Client Quit)