IRC log of dig on 2010-05-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:39:49 [charles2]
charles2 ( has joined #dig
01:16:10 [charles2]
charles2 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
01:20:36 [charles2]
charles2 ( has joined #dig
02:20:14 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: oshani)
02:26:27 [charles2]
how do i insert a blank node with a sparql query?
02:30:21 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
03:18:26 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03:51:27 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal)
07:42:40 [der-rho-ist]
der-rho-ist has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
09:46:17 [der-rho-ist]
der-rho-ist ( has joined #dig
12:25:15 [der-rho-ist]
der-rho-ist has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
12:58:37 [charles2]
i've loaded an rdf file containing foafs of 3 different fake users into ARC but I cannot seem to get anything when i do something like "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . } FROM <http://localhost/alice/foaf> WHERE {?s ?p ?o . }" might anyone know what I am doing wrong?
13:37:42 [kennyluck]
charles2, loading from <http://localhost/alice/foaf">http://localhost/alice/foaf> doesn't mean the database has the name graph <http://localhost/alice/foaf> , I think.
13:37:51 [kennyluck]
13:41:30 [charles2]
wait, so how would i create the named graph <http://localhost/alice/foaf>?
13:48:59 [kennyluck]
charles2, "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . } WHERE {?s ?p ?o . }" works as expected, right? Just want to make sure...
13:49:06 [charles2]
13:49:20 [charles2]
it gives me everything
13:49:34 [kennyluck]
Yeah, so this is indeed a problem of how you make a named graph.
13:52:33 [kennyluck]
ARC2 should have the API for constructing named graphs. I'm sorry I am not very familiar with all the "named graph" thing...
13:52:54 [kennyluck]
You can probably get the answer if you ask the question on #swig
13:54:04 [kennyluck]
Oh, by the way, what's the URI of the this file that was loaded, charles?
13:54:52 [charles2]
its on my machine; I loaded it in using the parser
13:54:53 [kennyluck]
If there were a named graph, its name would be the URI of the file, irrelevant to what's inside, I think.
13:55:24 [kennyluck]
Did you feed an URI to the parser?
13:55:51 [kennyluck]
Was that http://localhost/alice/foaf ?
13:57:05 [kennyluck]
If that's so, then I don't know! Does "SELECT ?g GRAPH ?g {?s ?o ?p.}" give you all the named graph? I wonder...
13:57:55 [charles2]
13:59:09 [kennyluck]
Did you try "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . } FROM <http://localhost/alice/foafs.n3> WHERE {?s ?p ?o . }", charles2?
14:00:01 [charles2]
i didn't. do you think that would work?
14:00:22 [kennyluck]
or maybe "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . } FROM <http://localhost/> WHERE {?s ?p ?o . }"
14:00:52 [kennyluck]
Cause it seems to me "$store->insert($idx,$host);" means that the named graph would be $host
14:01:18 [charles2]
thats true
14:01:28 [kennyluck]
I have no idea about the $store->insert, though.
14:01:32 [charles2]
but how do i select only alice's part of that graph with the construct
14:01:45 [kennyluck]
Oh, that's impossible...
14:02:00 [kennyluck]
Not really
14:02:48 [kennyluck]
Something like "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o .} WHERE {?s ?p ?o. FILTER( regexp(?s, <aliceuri>). } " might work.
14:03:06 [kennyluck]
And you might need some JOINs.
14:03:57 [charles2]
14:03:58 [kennyluck]
The regexp part gives you all triples with subjects starting with <aliceuri>
14:03:59 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
14:04:26 [charles2]
14:05:13 [charles2]
haha maybe i should just load them in separately
14:07:00 [kennyluck]
14:36:09 [charles2]
it still doesnt seem to be working
14:55:28 [charles2]
im really confused. Im doing the insert with http://localhost/alice/foaf">http://localhost/alice/foaf as the second argument to the insert now but when i do CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} FROM <http://localhost/alice/foaf> WHERE { ?s ?p?o} I get nothing
14:57:24 [kennyluck]
Does "SELECT ?g GRAPH ?g {?s ?o ?p.}" give you all the named graph? I wonder... ?
14:59:09 [charles2]
when i run that query it doesnt like it
15:00:52 [charles2]
CONSTRUCT {?S ?P ?O} WHERE {?S ?P ?O } still gives me everything
15:10:41 [der-rho-ist]
der-rho-ist ( has joined #dig
15:22:16 [charles2]
SELECT ?g WHERE {GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o . }}
15:29:32 [charles2]
this isnt working
16:17:46 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
17:31:06 [der-rho-ist]
der-rho-ist has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
17:36:28 [der-rho-ist]
der-rho-ist ( has joined #dig
19:02:17 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: oshani)
19:08:16 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
19:34:38 [timbl]
I don't know about named graph support and semantics in ARC2
20:02:10 [charles2]
do you happen to know how i would construct a query that would insert the key and modulus into the foaf?
20:02:21 [charles2]
er expoent
20:02:54 [charles2]
i looked at jambo's foaf and i can't figure out what to put for the subject
20:19:43 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: oshani)
20:21:02 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
20:54:18 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:17:00 [charles2]
charles2 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
21:17:34 [charles2]
charles2 ( has joined #dig
22:29:35 [timbl]
Ah ...
22:29:48 [timbl]
The cubject is acert I think .. lemme look
23:40:09 [charles2]
so here's an interesting idea proposed by one of my classmates on our project about access control: using the pk in the foaf to send encrypted messages to users.
23:40:25 [charles2]
does this already exist?