IRC log of dig on 2010-06-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:46:14 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: oshani)
02:24:35 [vinirusso]
vinirusso (~Adium@ has joined #dig
02:32:35 [vinirusso]
vinirusso has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
03:29:55 [kennyluck]
kennyluck (~kennyluck@ has joined #dig
03:36:13 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck)
06:07:43 [mhausenblas]
mhausenblas ( has joined #dig
06:17:44 [drrho]
drrho has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:25:11 [mhausenblas]
mhausenblas has quit (Quit: brb)
11:02:47 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
14:32:28 [serge_]
serge_ ( has joined #dig
14:39:00 [serge_]
serge_ has left #dig
14:41:27 [Pipian]
Pipian ( has joined #dig
15:14:59 [vinirusso]
vinirusso (~Adium@ has joined #dig
15:18:04 [vinirusso]
vinirusso has left #dig
16:47:17 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit (Quit: leaving ...)
18:06:09 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
18:22:19 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
18:28:16 [timbl]
Hmmm wonder what happened to rdf/rdfs.js .. I guess it wasn't used
18:28:20 [timbl]
Hi Oshani
18:28:26 [timbl]
How is it going?
18:28:38 [oshani]
Hi timbl
18:28:52 [oshani]
are you in Mass now?
18:30:00 [oshani]
timbl, I think jambo has not put it in because it was not used
18:30:52 [oshani]
I can put that back in, and also figure out a way to use the functions in there :)
18:33:46 [timbl]
18:34:06 [timbl]
Well, it will be written in the wrong style for the current library
18:34:38 [oshani]
yeah, but iI don't think it'll take too much trouble to refactor
18:34:48 [timbl]
Not sure in fact how it should be written - the cleanup didn;t seem to improve of just adding noew functions onto the IndexedFormula prototype'
18:35:39 [oshani]
the hard part is to figure out how to plug rdfs.js to Tabulator (I think that's where I struggled when I first I tried it sometime back)
18:37:14 [timbl]
How do you mean?
18:37:31 [timbl]
how to integrate the code into the lib, pr how to use it?
18:37:42 [oshani]
how to use it
18:39:05 [timbl]
Ah, ok, that is sep question ... hang on ... someone has taken my power cord .. need power ..
18:39:23 [oshani]
18:42:37 [timbl]
18:42:42 [timbl]
that's better
18:43:22 [oshani]
timbl, BTW have you seen ?
18:43:51 [timbl]
Ok, now in Tabulator, I think one thing we talked about (of many was to look at all the types, and to tell the user only about the ones which did not follow from RDFS.
18:44:28 [oshani]
18:45:40 [timbl]
It was deleted at r 772 I assuem .. that isn't obvious from the hg log
18:47:33 [timbl]
What about semanticoverflow?
18:48:01 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Quit: timbl)
18:49:35 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
18:49:40 [timbl]
Ooops -- I was wrong about the power .. s/b ok now
18:49:53 [oshani]
Oh okay
18:50:52 [oshani]
re: semantic overflow... It was just that it seems to be very popular among people who are new to the Semantic Web.
18:55:04 [oshani]
timbl, I have to go to a WTP meeting at 3pm.. will be back in an hour. (WTP is the course I am teaching this summer)
18:56:13 [timbl]
Ok. When do yuo syart teaching?
18:56:31 [timbl]
Ok. When do you start teaching?
18:56:46 [oshani]
next week
18:56:59 [timbl]
on Monday?
18:57:10 [oshani]
well, my class starts on Tuesday
18:57:11 [timbl]
I'll be back at MIT on Monday.
18:57:39 [timbl]
ok happy meeting
18:57:42 [oshani]
okay cool.. I'll see you then. Will arrange a time with Amy.
18:57:50 [timbl]
18:59:11 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: Ayubowan!)
19:06:27 [danbri]
danbri (~danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) has joined #dig
19:06:40 [danbri]
is anyone still in touch w/ David Sheets?
19:06:54 [danbri]
i'm trying to make the tabulator rdfxml.js run inside Firefox contacts addon...
19:07:05 [danbri]
but suspect i could be reinventing the wheel...
19:07:21 [danbri]
19:10:14 [vinirusso]
vinirusso (~Adium@ has joined #dig
19:11:50 [vinirusso]
vinirusso has left #dig
19:21:05 [vinirusso]
vinirusso (~Adium@ has joined #dig
19:32:03 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
19:41:10 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:41:24 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
19:45:35 [timbl]
a la var tabulator = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;\
19:47:43 [timbl]
var parser = new tabulator.rdf.RDFParser(kb)
19:48:11 [drrho]
drrho ( has joined #dig
20:05:39 [danbri]
oh, interesting
20:05:43 [danbri]
i just got it working a different way
20:05:54 [danbri]
via import.js in the firefox contacts addon
20:06:08 [danbri]
it's a mercurial repo, not sure how to reshare my code
20:06:35 [danbri]
so now i have it trying (and failing) to parse with rdf/xml parser; instead i need to traverse the link-rel to the real rdf/xml
20:06:37 [danbri]
should be doable
20:06:43 [danbri]
20:07:08 [danbri]
(i copied the skeleton for hcard parser and changed it incrementally...)
20:14:37 [danbri]
timbl, do you have any rdfa parser integrated yet?
20:19:02 [timbl]
Good question
20:19:46 [timbl]
I am tinkering tabulator a little .. wonder whether i hsoul dhave a look at that
20:19:47 [oshani]
danbri, we had one at one point. But it was making Tabulator very slow. So we took it out in the recent refactoring of the code
20:20:55 [timbl]
but oshani, what was making Firefox slow was the fact that you parsed every page, right, whethe rthe user need it or not an whethe rthe page had RDFA in it or not?
20:21:17 [timbl]
Apart from that, was it a good engineered solution, do you think?
20:21:37 [timbl]
Do yu hink it needs a look at it to see whether it could do a very fast icheck to see wheth erthere is RDFa?
20:21:44 [timbl]
(where is the code?)
20:21:56 [oshani]
it is in tabulator.xul
20:22:04 [oshani]
all commented out now
20:22:53 [oshani]
I am not sure it was engineered very nicely (it was actually a by-product from the semantic clipboard)
20:24:06 [timbl]
Is it a complete RDFa implementation?
20:24:11 [oshani]
20:24:17 [oshani]
but parses most things
20:24:34 [timbl]
Oh. Somaybe we should just add Ivan Herman's RDFa parser to the amain RDF library
20:24:53 [oshani]
but it's in python right?
20:25:40 [timbl]
er .. yes ... no who had a js one?
20:25:51 [oshani]
timbl, Manu has a firefox addon that does RDFa parsing:
20:26:02 [oshani]
haven't checked it out yet though
20:26:21 [timbl]
I find
20:27:07 [oshani]
that's Ben Adida's, isn't it?
20:27:16 [oshani]
I think I played with it at some point
20:27:21 [timbl]
20:27:32 [oshani]
yep, that's Jeni's
20:27:36 [timbl]
Jeni T's
20:27:38 [timbl]
20:28:01 [timbl]
A list:
20:28:43 [timbl]
There is a syndrome of people who start lists and then those lists fail for all kidns of interetsing reasons
20:28:45 [oshani]
that list should be updated
20:29:11 [timbl]
20:29:14 [oshani]
should put that list in a wiki
20:29:28 [timbl]
The says "If you have an RDFa implementation, add it to the wiki."
20:29:48 [timbl]
where wiki points to
20:31:01 [timbl]
so the list should poiint to
20:35:26 [timbl]
The wiki just points to JeniT's
20:36:27 [timbl]
The list of modules in
20:36:29 [timbl]
20:40:45 [timbl]
Well, jambo
20:40:45 [timbl]
20:40:48 [vinirusso]
vinirusso has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20:40:53 [timbl]
s widgets don't do rdfa yet
20:41:15 [timbl]
but they would if we ported jenit's code back to the tabulator librray
20:43:51 [danbri]
so jeni tenison has one in the rdfquery library
20:44:10 [danbri]
i'm wondering what's easiest to use in firefox addon; this would only be used against pages that were good candidates for having rdfa
20:50:05 [vinirusso]
vinirusso (~Adium@ has joined #dig
20:59:50 [vinirusso]
vinirusso has left #dig
21:10:45 [mhausenblas]
mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig
21:57:46 [Pipian]
Pipian has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:01:43 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: oshani)
22:35:33 [mhausenblas]
mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas)
22:40:27 [vinirusso]
vinirusso (~Adium@ has joined #dig
22:43:53 [vinirusso]
vinirusso has left #dig
23:48:41 [amy]
amy has quit (Quit: Leaving)