00:16:42 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 00:44:54 oshani (~oshani@31-33-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 00:50:35 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 00:58:50 <_o> _o has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 00:59:11 <_o> _o (~nathan@host86-147-36-137.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) has joined #dig 01:09:20 mcherian (~mathew@c-24-91-159-17.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 01:15:49 marisol (~marisol@pool-141-154-17-220.bos.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 01:48:43 mcherian has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 02:04:03 timbl (~timbl@pool-96-237-236-230.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 02:11:45 marisol has quit (Quit: marisol) 02:13:12 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 06:36:48 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 06:55:09 mhausenblas_ (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 06:55:18 mhausenblas has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 06:55:18 mhausenblas_ is now known as mhausenblas 08:09:19 <_o> _o is now known as webr3 08:56:18 melvster (~melvster@p579F9B98.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 10:39:39 mcherian (~mathew@c-24-91-159-17.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 11:02:19 mcherian has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 11:08:30 Ralph (~swick@30-7-93.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 11:08:39 Ralph is now known as RalphS 11:56:49 marisol (~marisol@pool-151-203-211-205.bos.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 12:10:56 marisol has quit (Quit: marisol) 12:25:14 oshani (~oshani@31-33-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:55:29 lkagal (~lkagal@pool-96-237-240-136.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 12:56:21 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 13:01:53 marisol (~marisol@31-35-71.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 13:02:17 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 13:06:17 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 13:07:11 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 13:31:44 betehess has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 13:32:26 Happy One Web Day 13:37:57 betehess (~betehess@betehess.w3.org) has joined #dig 13:47:44 timbl_ (~timbl@pool-96-237-236-230.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 13:47:46 timbl_ has quit (Client Quit) 13:51:43 timbl has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 14:02:10 mcherian (~mathew@30-6-25.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 14:02:51 oshani (~oshani@31-33-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 14:10:22 melvster - actually ... check the logs from yesterday. there was more chatter with oshani, and apparently the .../latest link really *does* deliver the latest build (it just still has a bug people had thought had been quashed, and versioning is horribly broken) ?????? bug report, anyone? 14:21:38 DIGlogger, pointer? 14:21:39 See http://dig.csail.mit.edu/irc/dig/2010-09-22#T14-21-38 14:23:05 bad versioning is not a critical bug :) 14:23:10 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 14:34:18 a bug with /tab/latest ? 14:34:44 or tabulator versioning. ok 14:35:41 sorry its hard for me to follow there for some reason 14:35:43 ... 14:35:51 maybe latest is a bad name... 'snapshot' would be better? 14:36:00 latest was meant to mean latest build 14:36:13 maybe thats confused with latest release 14:38:58 well, latest could also mean the latest code :) 14:39:24 but yeah, I guess 'snapshot' would've been a bit better 14:39:49 lets alias snapshot to latest and let latest die out over time 14:40:01 sounds like a plan 14:41:13 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 14:42:13 gah, regretful chumping 14:42:18 ok so thats in 14:45:19 thanks presbrey 14:46:04 want to link it from the tab/index? 14:46:09 with a disclaimer :P 14:46:56 okay, I'll do it :) 14:57:46 mcherian has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 15:05:58 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 15:42:52 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 15:58:19 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 16:20:34 mcherian (~mathew@30-6-25.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:47:08 timbl (~timbl@31-34-83.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:50:19 oshani (~oshani@31-33-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:12:07 mcherian_ (~mathew@30-6-25.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:12:24 mcherian_ has quit (Client Quit) 17:26:33 marisol is now known as mari-ne49 17:28:06 lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal) 17:33:24 lkagal (~lkagal@pool-96-237-240-136.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 17:34:01 lkagal, i am on zakim now 17:35:14 ericP, we really need to finish that autoconf / automake stuff 17:36:22 presbrey, updated http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/ 17:36:57 oops 17:36:57 thats not supposed to show the source 17:36:57 ha 17:37:53 ah oshani 17:38:04 so if you check the source there... http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/snapshot 17:38:20 about halfway down I am already doing the work to find the exact changeset tag 17:38:26 # lookup revision 17:38:28 whoops 17:38:30 ... 17:39:01 so its not likely much work is needed to get value (r) into install.rdf 17:40:30 (and I think that's the last remaining issue with the release snapshots) 17:40:41 we ought to get it in there for bug reporting at least 17:41:16 presbrey, are you gonna fix the .htaccess for the snapshot script? 17:41:20 yes 17:41:23 ok 17:41:30 its in already, next update on dig.csail should take it 17:41:36 ok, thanks 17:42:24 works now 17:42:36 run it: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/snapshot 17:42:37 source: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/snapshot 17:42:38 I am not sure how to put in the rev into install.rdf when you create the xpi.. pass as a parameter? 17:42:40 source: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/snapshot.py 17:42:50 so... 17:42:51 yep works 17:43:05 in the source you can see a hg clone checkout is step 1 17:43:15 we need a install.rdf.snapshot template file 17:43:24 where we have @@REV@@ or whatever special tag 17:43:44 sed/awk/replace it after checkout + before zip 17:44:25 maybe we can have the hg version as the @@REV@@ 17:44:30 makes more sense that way 17:44:31 since its RDF, we could use an actual RDF tool to do it, but its not likely dig.csail/groups.csail has any good SPARUL libraries 17:45:25 do you know what data types are valid in 0.8.7 ??? 17:46:01 mercurial has those hash revisions sorta like git 17:46:04 1234:badf00d 17:46:21 if we can't stash it in 0.8.7 17:46:30 only thing left I see would be The Tabulator Extension 17:46:48 so something like Tabulator (revision 1234:badf00d) 17:47:35 in a install.rdf.snapshot should look like Tabulator (revision @@REV@@) 17:47:46 or @@REV@@ 17:48:32 if you find out which we can do, I can help implement 17:48:57 presbrey, according to https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Extension_Versioning,_Update_and_Compatibility, any string is ok for 17:49:19 so, the mercurial hash revisions can go in there 17:49:32 cool 17:49:55 do we want to change the name for snapshots 17:50:10 The Tabulator Extension (snapshot) 17:50:21 yeah, I think that's good 17:50:31 seeing the mercurial version could be obvious enough 17:50:41 but yeah lets make it explicit 17:50:56 agreed 17:53:24 tabulator]$ hg push 17:53:24 pushing to http://dig.csail.mit.edu/hg/tabulator 17:53:24 searching for changes 17:53:24 abort: push creates new remote heads! 17:53:27 ...what am I missing here? 17:53:58 what branch are you on? 17:54:27 we're back on default branch, right? 17:54:42 yeah 17:54:53 I'm not sure, I'll just clone another 17:54:58 okay 18:03:09 are you sure how this counter works? 18:03:21 1056:25bb5cd46632 seems the current changeset 18:04:06 um, not really. Does it count up in hex? 18:05:46 I'm wondering if the hash is a simple checksum 18:06:00 and if 1056 is what I want to include or the whole string 18:06:09 I guess the whole thing is fine 18:17:40 mari-ne49 is now known as marisol 18:37:57 ericP, trying to build lua bindings to swobjecst 18:38:09 lua]# make 18:38:10 swig -lua -module swobjects -I../../ -I../../lib/ -I../../interface/ -o swobjects_wrap.c ../SWObjects.i 18:38:10 ../SWObjects.i:72: Warning 301: class keyword used, but not in C++ mode. 18:38:10 ../SWObjects.i:72: Error: Syntax error in input(1). 18:38:10 make: *** [swobjects_wrap.c] Error 1 18:38:18 how did you make the java/python bindings? 18:45:20 lkagal, are you around? 19:18:19 marisol has quit (Quit: marisol) 19:29:00 timbl, are you busy? I'd like to talk to you about what we should discuss/have the students do in the Lab tomorrow. 19:30:16 I'm on the phone right now. 19:30:27 But after that 19:32:27 Alright, please let me know. 19:37:30 Ok 19:51:46 lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal) 19:54:19 lkagal (~lkagal@pool-96-237-240-136.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 19:54:33 lkagal has quit (Client Quit) 20:23:21 RalphS has quit (Quit: heading to train ...) 20:57:56 timbl or amy, where can I find a non png version of the lod cloud diagram? 20:58:38 got it - http://richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/ 21:01:57 hi oshani 21:01:58 ok 21:03:50 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 21:05:59 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 21:20:43 oshani: you know there's a new diagram? 21:23:09 melvster, http://richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/ is the new one 21:23:19 oic, sorry 21:39:07 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 21:39:35 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 21:40:54 oshani (~oshani@31-33-79.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:41:49 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 21:42:15 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 21:51:43 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 22:22:26 mcherian has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 22:57:44 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 23:28:09 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 23:32:46 mcherian (~mathew@30-6-25.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 23:38:12 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 23:55:42 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun