00:08:07 opensanta has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 00:08:34 opensanta_ (opensanta@c-76-110-86-5.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #dig 00:08:39 opensanta_ is now known as opensanta 00:25:34 opensanta has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 00:31:53 opensanta (opensanta@c-76-110-86-5.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #dig 00:32:23 opensanta has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 01:27:43 Yudai__________0 has quit (Quit: SIGTERM received; exit) 01:34:51 opensanta (opensanta@c-76-110-86-5.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #dig 01:43:06 kennyluck (~kennyluck@EM114-48-114-181.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) has joined #dig 01:45:31 oshani has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 02:02:48 opensanta has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 02:03:19 opensanta (opensanta@c-76-110-86-5.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #dig 03:09:15 kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck) 03:26:51 timbl, i played with http://www.w3.org/2010/11/rwld/ but am having a hard time persuading nowOrWhenFetched to fetch 03:51:24 Oh 03:51:48 It will only fetch if it has not a note that it has already fetched it. 03:53:29 how would i persuade it to forget that it has already fetched it? 03:53:35 hence the unload() 03:53:38 before it 03:53:39 $test.fetcher.unload(kb.sym($test.target)); // Clear local copy if any 03:53:39 $test.fetcher.nowOrWhenFetched($test.target, undefined, function(){ 03:53:40 $test.reportContents($test.target); 03:53:40 $test.report($test.checkEditable()); 03:54:22 i stuck an alert inside nowOrWhenFetched and am not feeling particularly alerted 03:54:35 Otherwise it assumes that its copy is in sync with the remote one, which of course it is if the sparql update works and reports no errors if an only iff it has done the change 03:54:39 (i noticed that i wasn't getting any log in the server) 03:54:55 no call to now or when fetched or no callback() 03:55:19 Weird. 03:55:28 If you refresh the page doe sit work the firs time? 03:55:41 umm, not sure what the lambda syntax for javascript is, but no alert before reportContents 03:55:42 (is the server on the public net?) 03:56:37 i might be able to puch a hole, but no 03:56:42 For example, I get when I press the button 03:56:43 Reading from http://localhost:8073/small.trig 03:56:43 . 03:56:43 "Hello World" . 03:56:43 OK: is editable. 03:57:03 That means it has done a GET or it wouldn't know all that 03:57:18 You running under ffox? 03:57:26 yeah, i think if i restart ffox, i'll see a GET 03:57:28 yep 03:57:49 when you hit th ebutton 03:58:09 What did it say was in the document?And if ou do dit a second time, what happens. 03:58:46 oshani (~oshani@c-71-233-151-72.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 03:59:41 sadly, i can't remember what it said 04:01:40 btw, in case you think the sparql exe may be out of sync, created: /Users/ericp/checkouts/sparql11/Sparql.dmg 04:02:03 (not uploaded to sourceforge, though -- that's beastly slow) 04:03:53 Thanks 04:04:02 Ok, you're not running it now 04:04:02 mostly i just re-allowed the top index page (screwed up when i make the loaded files relative by stripping off the first '/' in the GET path) 04:04:20 not on your machine, no 04:04:49 i wish there would be more weekend; i'd like to hack on this tomorrow 04:07:32 while searching for the issue, i made the HTML valid xhtml (in Overview.html and rwld-test.js:$test.loaded) 04:07:37 i can commit that if you'd like 04:08:15 (i hear there's some guy who copyrighted invalid html and i don't want to pay him a penny) 04:09:01 oh, and i had another cool idea about the http server: 04:09:48 it had a rinkydink http server now, and it'd be stupid to write more of one, so instead i should just make the sparql executable an apache module as well 04:10:01 valid xml - yes good idea 04:10:08 ok, committing 04:10:51 apache module - yes, sounds good 04:11:10 lets get it working though 04:12:38 Yiou I see the logs but IU never saw any change 04:12:45 in the bits 04:15:11 When I am sshd tyo that home machine ASCII BELs come out as beep on the TV 04:15:13 can you interrogate with a regular GET? 04:15:31 nice 04:15:37 What was irregular wit the GET ? 04:16:16 iirc, your tool does things like GET /small.trig?query="..." 04:16:34 i was thinking you could use curl to GET /small.trig 04:17:06 ?query= no 04:17:29 Just teh URI passed to it 04:17:44 I have your new one running - -should i use verbose ? -v ? 04:17:47 ahh, maybe that was my client 04:17:51 yeah, try it 04:17:55 --debug 1 04:18:08 i can't recall what -v does 04:18:14 (if anything) 04:19:52 Exits after printing version number 04:19:55 -- 04:19:55 Users/member:ericp/checkouts/sparql11/Sparql.dmg 04:20:01 ooops 04:20:12 Working directory: /Users/timbl/test . 04:20:13 - - [2010-10-29T04:19:13]"GET /small.trig 1.1" 200 93 04:20:25 Now a insert: 04:20:37 Client log: 04:20:39 200 OK, Content-Length: 93 04:20:39 Inserting into http://localhost:8073/small.trig 04:20:39 . 04:20:39 returns OK 04:21:04 Server log: 04:21:05 - - [2010-10-29T04:20:27]"POST /small.trig 1.1" 200 93 04:21:26 are you using --debug 1 ? 04:21:33 Oh I wonder whether the issue with it not changing is FF caching 04:21:37 ye 04:21:48 i'da thounk you'd see excruciating detail. i'll look into that 04:22:00 Full og: 04:22:04 log: 04:22:10 $ /Applications/Sparql.app/Contents/MacOS/Sparql --debug 1 -d small.trig --serve http://localhost:8073/sparql 04:22:10 Debug level: 1. 04:22:10 Queued reading default data from small.trig. 04:22:11 + Stream constructed to read file small.trig. 04:22:11 Reading small.trig into Default Graph. 04:22:12 04:22:12 { 04:22:12 } 04:22:13 { 04:22:13 . 04:22:14 "Hello World" . 04:22:14 } 04:22:14 04:22:15 Working directory: /Users/timbl/test . 04:22:15 - - [2010-10-29T04:19:13]"GET /small.trig 1.1" 200 93 04:22:15 - - [2010-10-29T04:20:27]"POST /small.trig 1.1" 200 93 04:22:31 huh, looks like the http handler is rather reticent 04:22:57 funny, it used to be too verbose 04:23:35 File still the same: 04:23:36 $ curl http://localhost:8073/small.trig 04:23:36 . 04:23:36 "Hello World" . 04:23:39 ----- 04:24:43 ok. can play then 04:24:46 It could be that doing it in AJAX has FFox caching problems at a level difficult to tweak. 04:25:02 i'll beef up the loggin 04:25:04 g 04:25:05 till tomorrow 04:25:14 ciao 05:02:04 timbl, i built a new Sparql.dmg which dumps HTTP response bodies when --debug 1 05:21:36 kennyluck (~kennyluck@EM111-188-81-78.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) has joined #dig 06:00:15 kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck) 06:26:05 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 08:08:58 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 08:51:03 kennyluck (~kennyluck@EM111-188-26-199.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) has joined #dig 08:51:48 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 09:11:43 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 09:54:39 kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck) 11:43:12 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 12:06:42 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 12:28:15 hey they is slways --debug 2 12:28:37 (cwm uses 1-100 a almost every step gives you mote stuff) 12:28:47 (not very useful as you need to folcus) 12:29:36 Stil says $ curl http://localhost:8073/small.trig 12:29:37 . 12:29:37 "Hello World" . 12:29:54 Ooops 12:30:00 sory wrong clipboard 12:32:58 Using the app from the .dmg on in /Users/ericp/checkouts/... and it doens't sem to hav any more debug 12:34:28 Now I set debug to 2 just in case it woks and IU do get more stuff on the read .. but nothing on the POST 12:36:05 I suspect that that is because nothing is HAPPENING on the POST. 12:38:45 marisol (~marisol@pool-68-160-185-48.bos.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 12:41:18 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 12:44:57 danbri (~danbri@note-danbri.few.vu.nl) has joined #dig 13:02:03 oshani (~oshani@c-71-233-151-72.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 13:14:05 kennyluck (~kennyluck@2001:200:1c0:3602:225:ff:fe4d:f8c7) has joined #dig 13:19:44 timbl has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 13:23:18 lkagal (~lkagal@pool-96-237-240-136.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #dig 13:30:12 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 13:39:12 melvster (~melvster@p579F98BA.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 13:58:31 marisol has quit (Quit: marisol) 14:10:03 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 14:11:47 timbl (~timbl@w3cdhcp5.w3.org) has joined #dig 14:23:04 betehess (~betehess@betehess.w3.org) has joined #dig 15:11:58 oshani (~oshani@31-34-27.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:19:37 danbri has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 15:50:37 Ralph (~swick@30-7-93.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:51:03 Ralph is now known as RalphS 15:51:56 DIGlogger (~dig-logge@groups.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:51:56 topic is: Decentralized Information Group @ MIT http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ 15:51:56 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS oshani betehess timbl melvster lkagal kennyluck opensanta sandro rho gbot30 IPaparrizos webr3 ericP 15:56:16 danbri (~danbri@ip176-48-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #dig 15:57:12 amy (~amy@30-6-83.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:01:10 marisol (~marisol@31-35-231.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:35:20 Hmm. I can edit http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/people/JoeLambda#JL ago "abracadabra". 16:37:03 But not http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/test/JoeLambda 16:37:12 in the same way 16:37:25 The file stays zero triples 16:37:37 Problem editing an empty file? 16:37:40 used to work 17:01:01 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 17:01:47 oshani (~oshani@31-34-27.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:02:12 oshani has quit (Client Quit) 17:28:22 oshani (~oshani@31-34-27.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:39:27 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 18:00:55 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 18:02:31 lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal) 18:07:07 oshani (~oshani@31-34-27.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:24:40 marisol_ (~marisol@ has joined #dig 18:27:26 marisol has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 18:27:26 marisol_ is now known as marisol 18:38:45 lkagal (~lkagal@30-6-179.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:46:15 marisol_ (~marisol@31-35-231.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:49:13 marisol has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 18:49:13 marisol_ is now known as marisol 18:53:00 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 19:21:00 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 19:21:49 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 19:38:21 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 19:59:34 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 20:06:04 tlr (~tlr@ip-83-99-71-41.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu) has joined #dig 20:42:00 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 20:54:13 oshani (~oshani@31-34-27.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:01:48 timbl_ (~timbl@31-33-30.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:02:25 timbl_ has quit (Client Quit) 21:05:25 timbl has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 21:12:41 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 21:13:12 mhausenblas_ (~mhausenbl@wg1-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 21:17:00 danbri has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 21:17:46 mhausenblas has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 21:17:46 mhausenblas_ is now known as mhausenblas 21:22:33 RalphS has quit (Quit: outah here ...) 21:34:19 marisol has quit (Quit: marisol) 21:34:59 marisol (~marisol@31-35-231.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 21:35:23 marisol has quit (Client Quit) 22:45:27 lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal) 23:02:30 timbl (~timbl@w3cdhcp5.w3.org) has joined #dig 23:03:07 timbl, just sent a draft of the doc, if any q's or examples needed just ping in pm so I can respond quickly, I'll be on hand for the next couple of hours 23:13:12 oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!) 23:14:42 oshani (~oshani@31-34-27.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 23:54:29 timbl has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)