00:10:09 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 00:10:09 [tabulator] presbrey pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ASJ8Xw 00:10:09 [tabulator/master] js: use latest rdflib.js - Joe Presbrey 00:10:09 github has left #dig 00:10:24 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 00:10:24 [tabulator] presbrey pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages: http://git.io/Ymq4RQ 00:10:24 [tabulator/gh-pages] gh-pages: latest build - Joe Presbrey 00:10:24 github has left #dig 00:29:14 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 00:29:14 [rdflib.js] presbrey pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/5Tt-vA 00:29:14 [rdflib.js/master] web/requestURI: add undefined xhr.channel guard - Joe Presbrey 00:29:14 [rdflib.js/master] drop old chromium files - Joe Presbrey 00:29:14 github has left #dig 00:31:25 cheater (~cheater@dslb-084-057-001-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #dig 00:43:22 bblfish has quit (Quit: bblfish) 00:46:44 bblfish (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-302-220.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 01:06:36 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 01:06:36 [rdflib.js] presbrey force-pushed gh-pages from d6fbaff to 475407b: http://git.io/rfmeFA 01:06:36 [rdflib.js/gh-pages] gh-pages: add dist - Joe Presbrey 01:06:36 github has left #dig 01:09:06 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 01:09:06 [tabulator] presbrey pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/I2BdEQ 01:09:06 [tabulator/master] js/rdf: pull latest - Joe Presbrey 01:09:06 github has left #dig 01:09:11 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 01:09:11 [tabulator] presbrey force-pushed gh-pages from 53435c2 to 5ef70e7: http://git.io/ho2knA 01:09:11 [tabulator/gh-pages] gh-pages: latest build - Joe Presbrey 01:09:11 github has left #dig 01:33:04 bblfish has quit (Quit: bblfish) 01:36:05 bblfish (~bblfish@ALagny-551-1-33-93.w90-3.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 03:34:15 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 03:59:42 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 03:59:46 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 05:05:24 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 05:05:24 [rdflib.js] presbrey pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/kjtx3A 05:05:24 [rdflib.js/master] web: fix Link header detection and slice<> - Joe Presbrey 05:05:24 github has left #dig 06:28:32 tlr (~tlr@xdsl-81-173-158-36.netcologne.de) has joined #dig 06:32:44 tlr has quit (Client Quit) 07:00:42 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 07:49:04 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 08:08:47 tlr (~tlr@ has joined #dig 08:12:44 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 08:34:24 tlr has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 08:39:06 tlr (~tlr@ has joined #dig 08:43:06 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 08:43:58 mhausenblas_ (~mhausenbl@wg1-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 08:44:46 tlr has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 08:46:52 mhausenblas has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) 08:46:52 mhausenblas_ is now known as mhausenblas 09:01:11 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 09:31:58 melvster (~melvin@p5797FA51.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 10:28:37 danbri (~danbri@cable-146-255-156-245.dynamic.telemach.ba) has joined #dig 12:17:19 Ralph (Ralph@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:17:30 Ralph is now known as RalphS 12:18:28 DIGlogger (~dig-logge@groups.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:18:28 topic is: Decentralized Information Group @ MIT http://dig.csail.mit.edu/ 12:18:28 Users on #dig: DIGlogger RalphS danbri melvster mhausenblas bblfish cheater presbrey kennyluck nunnun_away manu1 kjetilkWork sandro ericP Yudai mattl manu-db 12:59:34 danbri has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 12:59:59 danbri (~danbri@server52836.uk2net.com) has joined #dig 13:00:14 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 13:29:57 betehess (~betehess@betehess.w3.org) has joined #dig 13:38:46 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 13:39:20 mhausenblas_ (~mhausenbl@wg1-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 13:43:04 mhausenblas has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 13:43:04 mhausenblas_ is now known as mhausenblas 14:29:42 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 14:29:59 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 14:30:03 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 14:35:11 amy (~amy@30-6-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 14:35:36 mhausenblas has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 14:52:53 melvster1 (~melvin@p4FF971E7.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 14:54:35 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 14:56:09 danbri_ (~danbri@cable-146-255-156-245.dynamic.telemach.ba) has joined #dig 14:59:32 danbri has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 15:28:58 danbri_ is now known as danbri 15:36:56 Pipian_ (~pipian@31-34-98.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 16:12:30 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 16:12:30 [tabulator] presbrey force-pushed gh-pages from 5ef70e7 to 3e45136: http://git.io/ho2knA 16:12:30 [tabulator/gh-pages] gh-pages: latest build - Joe Presbrey 16:12:30 github has left #dig 16:19:12 bblfish : is this helpful to you? https://github.com/toolness/postmessage-proxied-xhr/#readme 16:20:48 ooh just saw https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/wiki/HTML5-Cross-browser-Polyfills 16:24:27 that polyfill page looks useful yes 16:26:20 a section on CORS 16:28:51 timbl (~timbl@178-82-173-194.dynamic.hispeed.ch) has joined #dig 16:30:32 ericP has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 16:33:17 ericP (~ericP@ssh.w3.org) has joined #dig 16:35:15 timbl, presbrey : an interesting js library working with CORS https://github.com/toolness/postmessage-proxied-xhr/#readme 16:40:15 hmm I think I saw facebook and stripe do that 16:40:52 ah cool I see that http://linkeddata.github.com/rdflib.js/example/people/social_book.html is now working again! 16:41:14 "The above example can be made simpler using the PPX jQuery plugin" 16:41:23 jQuery.proxyAjaxThroughPostMessage("http://foo.com/server.html"); 16:41:47 perhaps we can activate our proxy via with jQuery.proxyAjaxThroughPostMessage 16:42:16 (at least in chrome it works, still not in my FF) 16:42:27 (9.0.1) 16:43:05 bblfish looks really nice, what is 'The Wall'? 16:43:22 A song by The Doors 16:44:04 not fleshed out 16:44:05 you mean Pink Floyd? :) 16:44:09 ah yes 16:44:21 lol 16:44:24 it's all about a wall people were drawing on at the time. 16:44:35 and it had doors that opened perceptions 16:46:23 nobody knows what they were going on about in the 60ies 16:48:35 bblfish, does your Firefox load this: https://test.data.fm/a/b/c ? 16:48:53 => as tabulator dataskin (!ext) ? 16:49:11 yes 16:49:31 do you get the .meta Link header? 16:49:43 yes 16:49:46 .meta shown as triple ? 16:49:56 comes thru as: see also 16:50:03 A*lso 16:50:45 I get this 16:50:47 16:50:48 .meta 16:50:48 ReferenceError: namespaceCounts is not defined 16:50:50 undefined 16:50:51 ReferenceError: namespaceCounts is not defined undefined 16:50:53 at [object Object].symbolToN3 (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6274:17) undefined 16:50:54 at [object Object].atomicTermToN3 (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6176:25) undefined 16:50:56 at termToN3 (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6117:27) undefined 16:50:57 at propertyTree (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6083:57) undefined 16:50:59 at subjectTree (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6058:53) undefined 16:51:00 at statementListToTree (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6049:26) undefined 16:51:02 at [object Object].statementsToN3 (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:6144:16) undefined 16:51:03 at Object.render (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:11554:22) undefined 16:51:04 at TabulatorMousedown (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:21551:40) undefined 16:51:05 at HTMLTableElement. (http://linkeddata.github.com/tabulator/js/mashup/mashlib.js:21304:17) 16:51:31 when I click on the as N3 button 16:52:13 but I also see the same info in a pink box at the botton 16:52:41 my N3 button doesnt work yet either 16:52:58 so the seeAlso from .meta is new entirely in chrome 16:53:20 there was a lookup like xhr.header['link'] 16:53:33 that chrome always has undefined 16:53:57 try changing any of those you see to xhr.getRequestHeader 16:54:09 and even more cool stuff might start working ;) 16:55:26 bblfish: try not to flood, sometime you can get booted ... pastebin is better :) 16:55:50 ok 16:57:57 mho I had tried https://test.data.fm/a/b/c in Google Chrome 16:58:04 it does not work in FF 16:58:36 what doesn't work? 16:58:43 well it keeps asking me "A script from "https://test.data.fm" is requesting " 16:58:51 I'll select "remember this decision" 16:59:10 did you do the signed code thing in about:config? 16:59:33 ah no. I thought you wanted me to test on a normal browser 16:59:47 yes I was going to say 'UNDO that' 17:00:07 I'm not seeing any permission requests 17:00:09 ah mho let me see perhaps I still have it in there 17:00:29 on Firefox 9.0.1 on XP 17:00:44 do you mean signed.applets.codebase_principal_support ? 17:01:06 yeah reset that if you changed the default 17:01:11 it will be bold if its bad 17:01:30 ah ok 17:02:59 I don't get all the questions, but I don't get much displayed either 17:03:15 in the test file there isn't much 17:04:25 well it changing the properties did not make http://linkeddata.github.com/rdflib.js/example/people/social_book.html work 17:04:46 try http://dev.data.fm/proxy?uri=http://bblfish.net/people/henry/card 17:05:03 in which browser? 17:05:20 all the ones you have 17:05:20 ok, that works in FF 17:05:29 your phone :) 17:06:16 don't have a phone 17:06:35 tablet? 17:06:59 btw that url that points to my personal tabulator trunk so don't depend on it too long :) 17:09:10 yes, that seems to work in Chrome and FF 17:09:43 but not Opera 17:10:11 you need to wait for opera 12 17:11:57 It does not completely work in Safari 17:14:10 so it's all going through your proxy? 17:15:12 i guess in theory we should all run proxies on our desktop 17:30:25 or on our Freedbom Box 17:30:48 presbrey: is there a big difference between your code and the one on github? 17:34:45 no I don't have any outstanding changes 17:35:23 ah ok. So then there's a bug of some sort in my social_book code I suppose 18:03:14 presbrey: perhaps we should make a shared area utils.data.fm ... for useful operations such as examining data, cleanup, access control lookup and change etc. ? 18:03:55 great idea! use util. 18:04:00 cool 18:04:14 manu-db has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86-rdmsoft [XULRunner]) 18:04:24 do we need a git for it? 18:04:35 i dont think so 18:04:50 with things like DELETE you give people all sorts of power to disrupt 18:04:51 manu-db (~msporny@digitalbazaar.com) has joined #dig 18:05:08 so maybe we can just do useful janitorial stuff 18:06:26 as the acls get more utilized we build up more robustness 18:07:15 but i guess doesnt harm really ... i need to sort out the permissions on my sites 18:07:34 to get things going ive generally gone for public access 18:08:04 i can just shove handy things on there as i build them 18:08:21 cool I'm working on the chrome extension for a bit, start it off :) 18:08:33 will do! :) 18:14:29 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 18:21:18 github (~github@sh1-ext.rs.github.com) has joined #dig 18:21:18 [tabulator-chrome] presbrey pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/ig2BdA 18:21:18 [tabulator-chrome/master] onBeforeSendHeaders: add factory, promote Accept values - Joe Presbrey 18:21:18 [tabulator-chrome/master] skin: latest incantation - Joe Presbrey 18:21:18 github has left #dig 18:28:13 timbl, possible Turtle parser bug 18:28:26 err, N3 parser bug rather 18:28:33 load up latest tabulator-chrome 18:29:23 http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ 18:29:45 scroll down to where it says "Friends: https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=" 18:29:59 click that one with the access_token and latest tabulator will load it 18:30:43 TypeError: Object _:n4 has no method 'append' 18:30:49 Error trying to parse <> as Notation3 18:35:14 amy has quit (Quit: ?) 18:49:29 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 18:49:50 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 18:57:35 amy (~amy@30-6-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:05:54 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 19:41:21 danbri has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 20:12:38 danbri (~danbri@cable-146-255-156-245.dynamic.telemach.ba) has joined #dig 20:23:36 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 20:30:46 timbl (~timbl@178-82-173-194.dynamic.hispeed.ch) has joined #dig 20:45:14 kennyluck has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 20:50:23 kennyluck (~kennyluck@114-43-119-192.dynamic.hinet.net) has joined #dig 21:10:47 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 23:00:23 danbri has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 23:00:47 danbri (~danbri@server52836.uk2net.com) has joined #dig 23:01:54 RalphS has quit () 23:08:19 danbri_ (~danbri@cable-146-255-156-245.dynamic.telemach.ba) has joined #dig 23:12:01 danbri has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 23:21:37 melvster1 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)