00:11:43 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 00:30:58 cheater (~cheater@dslb-084-057-001-153.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #dig 01:20:47 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 01:25:39 Pipian (~pipian@ has joined #dig 01:36:52 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 02:20:49 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 02:22:25 scor has quit (Client Quit) 02:26:20 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 02:29:07 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 02:29:37 nunnun is now known as nunnun_away 02:33:23 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 02:44:45 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 03:22:38 Pipian has quit (Quit: Pipian) 04:42:11 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 06:00:40 Yudai has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 06:01:07 Yudai (~Yudai@p656629.tokynt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) has joined #dig 06:23:09 timbl (~timbl@178-82-173-100.dynamic.hispeed.ch) has joined #dig 06:24:14 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@ has joined #dig 06:33:31 timbl, you will have much less merging trouble if use git pull --rebase 06:34:27 git pull --rebase origin master 06:34:56 history will be cleaner too 06:45:00 "By rebasing your branch to master, you put all of your changes on top of the master branch. This allows your commits to be grouped (not interwoven by date), reduces the ubiquitous (merge) commit to something that never needs to be explored, pushes all requirement to fix merge conflicts onto the branch, and always results in a clean merge to master" 06:46:18 http://mettadore.com/analysis/the-ever-deployable-github-workflow/ 06:46:25 http://darwinweb.net/articles/the-case-for-git-rebase 06:48:48 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 06:52:44 http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/11/pull-with-rebase.html 06:57:02 So anything I pull under any event should always be git pull --rebase origin master ? 06:58:08 Certianly the merge commits are a pain 07:01:51 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 08:19:50 tlr (~tlr@ has joined #dig 08:48:39 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 09:43:51 melvster (~melvin@p4FF97B51.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 09:54:31 tlr has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 10:53:29 danbri_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 11:45:32 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 11:48:07 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 12:25:35 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 12:41:17 Ralph (Ralph@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:41:24 Ralph is now known as Ralh 12:41:27 Ralh is now known as RalphS 13:38:07 manu-db has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 13:38:33 manu-db (~msporny@digitalbazaar.com) has joined #dig 13:40:22 tlr (~tlr@ has joined #dig 13:43:53 betehess has quit (Quit: Leaving) 13:48:02 kjetilkWork has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 14:03:27 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 14:06:18 betehess (~betehess@betehess.w3.org) has joined #dig 14:08:46 danbri (~danbri@cable-146-255-156-245.dynamic.telemach.ba) has joined #dig 14:57:30 Pipian (~pipian@31-33-105.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:04:46 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 15:42:24 Pipian, did you have anything about cert expiry in your original foaf-ssl doc? 15:42:36 I do not believe so. 15:52:21 hey bblfish, you around? 15:52:26 nunnun_away is now known as nunnun 15:52:40 yes 15:52:46 I'm a little confused on your stance on x509 15:53:22 because I know we both agree about extending the trust network via URIs, LD, resolvers, issues and signers 15:53:30 yes 15:53:32 cosigners, liberty boxes :), server clients 15:53:34 all day long 15:54:07 I guess maybe my problem is with proposing extended development thru/via further x509 'features' 15:54:34 well i am just saying we should be faithful to what the x509 cert says 15:54:39 as far as possible 15:54:57 Mo points out if you want to make an infinitely long lasting certificate it is easy 15:54:58 oh so I guess I'm really more of a JSON/LD day 15:55:05 guy* 15:55:28 well when we have the JSON certificates with time stamps the same will hold 15:55:46 we can already have that 15:55:55 not working in browsers 15:55:57 we have linked data and we have json-ld 15:56:03 in a relatively secure way 15:56:16 I am speaking of the certificate 15:56:28 not the linked data side of things 15:56:33 anyone can give you the first hint 15:56:40 ? 15:56:40 all you need is one URI to start your discovery 15:57:00 we already get one from the SAN, isn't that enough? 15:57:23 "not working in browsers", what? 15:57:53 ok, let's start from scratch 15:57:59 what is the problem? 15:58:01 ...also... 15:58:18 its a really bad idea to give the idea that when their x509 expires, its null and void, and they can 'throw it away' 15:58:21 why don't you Skype me, I am a bit tired of typing 15:58:44 or call me 15:58:51 if a hacker finds an expired webID, they can reactivateit 15:59:15 i think it's not that hard ... x.509 is a set of claims and LD is a set of claims 15:59:15 expired *according to the cert 15:59:33 some will be orthogonal, some may be coincident, some may conflict 15:59:43 LD oriented consumers should have a primary accent on LD 15:59:46 if a hacker finds a self signed expired cert they can reactivate it 15:59:49 unless you sign it 15:59:58 *self-signed* is important 15:59:59 X.509 consumers should have a primary accent on X.50 16:00:01 9 16:00:47 we can protect self-signed certs by moving the not{Before,After} check from the x509 into the LD 16:01:56 yes, we can also do that. But why bother right now since we can also put it in the cert 16:01:59 otherwise you have 16:02:17 2 suggested SPARQLs to implementors 16:02:25 doing 5 different checks 16:02:27 building a trust score 16:02:55 but you were the one suggesting linked signature no? 16:03:00 1 sparql for signed, 1 other sparql for self-signed 16:03:04 but im surprised the browsers allow an expired certificate to work 16:03:30 Firefox prompts you, Chrome is silent allow 16:04:22 ahh 16:04:28 well do you want to suggest that dates be part of the key in the profile> 16:04:34 ? 16:04:45 melvster already did, and yes, I agree 16:04:56 in any case having the x509 write a date is not a problem either 16:05:02 we should play nice as x509 as possible 16:05:10 eg. use their terms for our schema 16:05:24 -startdate - notBefore field 16:05:24 -enddate - notAfter field 16:05:56 LD will be easier for adoption than extending SSL routines 16:06:03 ultimately we can't do all the work ourselves :) 16:06:20 and we want to protect all webIDs equally 16:06:26 this is going to make the webid test a bit more complex 16:06:36 and the rdf to be written out more advanced 16:06:37 not just ones written by browser vendors 16:07:12 people will think if it like 16:07:20 a calendar appointment with start and end date 16:07:26 very common model to implement 16:07:52 we plan to extend profiles additionally soon anyway 16:08:03 well it's ok if you want to extend the ontology to allow validity dates on keys 16:08:12 I think more granular role setup in LD will be needed soon 16:09:14 ok. well you can propose that if you want 16:09:28 I am ok, if everyone is willing to implement it 16:09:34 dont forget there's other ways to authenticate that yield a user URI that dont involve X.509 16:10:03 yes. true 16:10:17 yes and anything will be build in LD will auto-apply to all containers/transports :) 16:10:23 still se should still be true to the cert 16:10:25 future proof 16:10:30 but this would add a double check 16:10:59 maybe there should be things like expiredKey and revokedKey ... henry suggested oldKey 16:11:21 im told revocation is considered a hard problem 16:11:43 it is for services that don't have webid melvster 16:12:01 because they either have to go to the big CA in the cloud and ask them for a list of all revoked certs 16:12:11 which can become soon a denial of service attack 16:12:41 :oldKey, :notBefore, :notAfter, all sound good to me 16:13:01 well old key means you have to change the cert 16:13:07 I mean the 16:13:10 eg. specifing when an :oldKey "became old" 16:13:13 profile 16:13:20 _when_ 16:13:41 old is ambiguous but makes checking for activeKey easy :) 16:13:44 no I suppose one has to say the following: a key is valid unless oe has info that it is expired 16:14:04 when you move it to oldKey, just mark it with the date 16:14:25 yes. But what presbrey wants is for someone when they make the key to be able to publish the key expiration date 16:14:30 too 16:14:37 that would be equivalent to having the info in the cert 16:14:44 have both 16:15:07 yes, so you see things soon get more complicated. that's why I'll leave it to you to propose something 16:15:55 arg but I just like to code... 16:17:40 me too 16:17:48 that's why WebId is so simple 16:17:54 ;-) 16:18:17 because every silly decision one has to make people can argue on it for ever 16:18:31 which is why Faebook is so big and our networks are so smal 16:19:06 rfc 4158 says 'A valid certification path cannot be built if T falls outside of the certificate validity period' whatever that means, i guess the rfc should be respected where it's mandatory 16:21:27 but there is no path with self-signed? 16:22:22 unless the null path is still a path? 16:22:29 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 16:25:39 hmm not too sure ... it's quite a big spec 16:26:33 it's probably the null path 16:27:19 it kind of makes for a good reason to have a non-self signed cert 16:27:54 FOSS guys like self signed 16:28:26 yes we do 16:28:32 lol :D 16:28:39 ;) 16:29:46 do you know if www.cacert.org allows you to specify a SAN? 16:31:03 presbrey: btw slightly different topic, I'm now using commands like : for (( ;; )) ; do inotifywait test.html ; b ; curl -T test.html http://util.data.fm/ ; done 16:31:29 b is my own little script that monitors my productivity 16:31:47 but what it does is automatically deploy a file as soon as i change it 16:32:19 you could imagine using the same technique to send messages etc. 16:32:32 ok, well the server cert is self signed, so that's ok. :-) 16:33:22 still the idea of adding validity dates to the key is not a bad one 16:34:58 but also it is really the certificate that has validity dates 16:35:03 mhh 16:35:28 i think in this way you could possibly get some real time LD working 16:35:43 what has validity dates could be the WebID-->key relation. Ie the claim that the owner will be the only one knowing that relation for such and such a time 16:35:48 similar to your wait idea 16:35:56 wait? 16:36:07 on data.fm 16:36:18 i forgot 16:36:28 is a way to do semi-realtime LD 16:36:29 inotify is awesome 16:36:44 you use it already? 16:37:07 yes hook it to templates/code to auto-recopmile 16:37:09 i think it could work really well desktop to desktop with data.fm + some scripting 16:37:13 ahh ok 16:37:16 there is a ?wait already, its sorta like a fake basic inotify 16:37:27 yes i know 16:37:42 ah cool, r u thinking of using it? 16:37:49 soon yes! :) 16:38:11 realtime stuff makes impressive demos 16:38:15 (and tools) 16:38:17 yes great! 16:38:55 I'm sure you will let me know when you find probs 16:39:16 haven't tested it much yet 16:39:21 more a case of putting the pieces together 16:39:49 we have awesome infrastructure now 16:40:34 tlr has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 16:41:42 presbrey: you use inotify on a mac? 16:49:15 no on linux 16:51:55 oh cool 17:00:24 mattl has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 17:27:01 timbl (~timbl@178-82-173-100.dynamic.hispeed.ch) has joined #dig 17:33:58 the python-inotify module is pretty efficient 17:53:55 RalphS has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 17:54:31 Ralh (Ralh@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:06:12 mhausenblas_ (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 18:07:46 mhausenblas has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 18:07:47 mhausenblas_ is now known as mhausenblas 18:20:48 mattl (mattl@fsf/staff/mattl) has joined #dig 18:22:30 here's one for the group https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat 18:22:48 fun 18:40:34 amy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 18:42:13 amy (~amy@30-6-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:37:32 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: mhausenblas) 19:42:54 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 19:45:10 mhausenblas has quit (Client Quit) 20:30:18 melvster, are you typically using turtle or json with data.fm? 20:30:45 presbrey: I used to use turtle, but im switching now to json-ld 20:32:15 what do you do for storage / querying? 20:32:50 wasn't aware of the json parser for tabulator ;) 20:33:13 storage on json-ld currently now just a POST / PUT 20:33:21 and i send in the json 20:33:30 GET to get it back 20:33:39 cool so no libs or wrappers 20:33:42 Content-Type: application/json 20:33:45 I'll just do that too 20:34:33 tho i guess it may become application/ld+json ; form=compacted 20:34:43 or whatever is in the latest spec 20:34:46 jquery can send Accept header easily 20:35:00 sure tho i use native XHR 20:35:16 I wonder how much a json parser for tabulator would speed it up 20:35:21 xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 20:35:21 xhr.open('DELETE', file, false); 20:35:21 xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'appliction/json; charset=UTF-8'); 20:35:21 xhr.send(body); 20:35:24 etc 20:35:32 since they have them built-in in C now JSON.parse/stringify 20:35:43 err C++ :) 20:35:45 im finding it pretty fast already 20:35:55 the calendar now has colors! 20:36:28 http://calendar.data.fm/ 20:36:33 still a bit buggy 20:36:36 colors? on my internet? 20:36:38 great 20:36:52 so the nice thing is you can do things like the following: 20:36:57 appointments in blue 20:37:03 little todo items in red 20:37:05 hm the ?next= login points to appbuilder 20:37:12 for webid 20:37:25 then clear out all the red items periodically with a script etc. 20:37:56 re: appbuilder sorry, fixed 20:39:10 i use the http://www.w3.org/ns/ui#color property 20:40:00 yes ive been having really positive experiences with json ld so far 20:41:54 ill do some calendar sharing too 20:46:41 hmmm i guess i should do delete event 21:04:16 I want to make a CORS schema too 21:04:26 for at least Origin, Methods 21:04:51 there's always vocab.data.fm until you put them on purl.org :) 21:04:53 so we can control that for URIs in ACL from .meta 21:05:15 no its going to w3 21:05:28 oh cool 21:06:06 I started there eg. http://ns.data.fm/posix/stat 21:06:32 but I hope the w3.org will long outlast data.fm :) 21:06:42 shorter URL too! 21:08:26 where can we put CORS schema? /ns/http/cors ? 21:09:09 http://data.fm/proxy?uri=http://www.w3.org/2006/http 21:09:20 some good stuff there for setting up redirects 21:11:01 http://data.fm/proxy?uri=http://www.w3.org/2011/http newer 21:11:52 looking quite polished already 21:14:30 yes 21:15:57 what apps are you looking at for real-time? 21:18:54 desktop messaging? 21:19:55 this ui might be free: http://roundcube.net/screens 21:21:30 presbrey: havent really anything concrete in mind just would be a nice thing to have 21:21:38 maybe some gaming stuff 21:21:42 maybe messaging / chat 21:21:45 maybe markets 21:22:03 or just tabulating things together 21:23:39 whats the windowing on your calendar? 21:23:58 just jquery ui? 21:28:10 presbrey: you mean the dialog modal ... thats jquery ui 21:28:25 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 21:28:28 quick and easy 21:28:31 just .dialog() 21:29:29 Huffington Post: Why 2012 will be 'The Year of the Semantic Web' 21:29:30 lol 21:30:51 kennyluck (~kennyluck@114-43-125-60.dynamic.hinet.net) has joined #dig 22:08:20 Pipian has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 22:09:41 Pipian (~pipian@30-9-3.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 22:38:46 tlr (~tlr@ has joined #dig 22:50:06 Ralh has quit () 22:55:49 it's tempting to do a social net clone on data.fm 23:13:53 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 23:29:46 tlr has quit (Quit: tlr) 23:42:38 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 23:47:01 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 23:58:49 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 23:59:30 bblfish has quit (Quit: bblfish)