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Thanks for flying freenode! 13:57:56 betehess: I added strongly types sparql for Sesame in a patch to the pull request https://github.com/bblfish/banana-rdf/commit/02f531dcaffac58f27324b3c059b59bbd8483696 14:05:18 looks pretty good 14:05:24 I have only one comment 14:05:33 val ops: SPARQLOperations[Rdf,Sparql] in SPARQLEngine 14:05:41 this will be problematic at some point 14:06:00 having vals in trait to be mixedin are really a PITA 14:06:15 because it's hard to get the evaluation/initialization right 14:06:22 (I still don't get it) 14:07:08 also, I'm about to refactor some stuff so that we don't mix interface constraints (like executeQuery) with a default implementation 14:08:07 an good practice I've found is to 1. not have this val ops there 2. define a class that will provide a default implementation, where you can have ops as a parameter in the constructor 14:09:22 also, at some point, I'd like the sparql query parsers to return a Validation[BananaException, Q] 14:09:42 the current interface is ok for the validator project 14:09:58 because I know the queries I have, and I test them 14:10:12 but this is not true with LDP, as it's coming from the outside 14:10:19 but that's fine for now 14:10:33 ah yes the ops 14:11:03 after a better thing for the ops, you can integrate the code in the main branch if you want, or I'll do it tomorrow 14:11:20 thanks henry 14:11:53 also, if you are asked to merge: DON'T --> do a rebase :-) 14:12:15 is that not dangerous a rebase on public repos? 14:12:21 nto at all 14:12:36 you don't change the public history 14:12:41 I thought it changes the history, and so should only be done on ... 14:12:41 you change your local history 14:12:48 no problem 14:12:57 let me explain 14:13:09 let's say that you'be worked on an old changeset 14:13:21 and you want to synchronize with the public HEAD 14:13:32 yes, so first I rebase locally then I push 14:13:46 one way to do is to merge to have a common ancestor 14:14:06 or, you can try to re-apply your *changes* on the current HEAD 14:14:15 that's the rebase 14:14:20 ok 14:14:52 so there is no problem regarding the history with the main repo 14:15:05 ok, so still not clear how to best get rid of the ops 14:15:27 the reason I had it was that I did not want to duplicate the code for the fold 14:15:38 you can create a SPARQLEngineBase(val ops...) 14:15:48 for the fold 14:15:49 ? 14:15:51 let me see 14:16:29 SPARQLEngine.executeQuery has the implementation that uses the fold 14:17:08 then there was no need to implement that method in subclasses as it is always the same 14:17:30 yeah, that's the kind of design issue I'd like to get rid of 14:17:44 look at RDFOperations: it's a mess! 14:18:07 I'm mixing the typeclass constraints with the enhanced syntax that I want to provide 14:18:15 that's bad :-) 14:18:26 you have a nice workaround 14:18:32 let me give you the recipe 14:18:44 ok 14:18:54 first of all, remove the implementation from the SPARQLEngine 14:19:00 ok 14:19:35 then you define a trait SPARQLEngineSyntax: 14:19:36 [[ 14:19:39 SPARQLEngineSyntax { this: SPARQLEngine => 14:19:43 def ops: ... 14:20:04 def executeQuery(query: Sparql#Query).... = implementation 14:20:06 } 14:20:08 ]] 14:20:23 ah ok 14:20:33 then, when people want to provide a concrete implementation for SPARQLEngine 14:20:43 they just need to mixin this guy 14:21:21 ok. I'll do that... 14:21:28 "def ops" is the trick :-) 14:21:46 in practice, by the time you mixin, it will be a val 14:21:55 MyProfile update: activity streams are now available. :) 14:22:07 Cool deiu :-) 14:22:36 ok, I think I'll check that the connections are properly closed too then 14:22:59 ( had not done that cause I wanted to see if this worked at all ) 14:25:33 yes, that Validation[...] think will be important for rww (especially the generic Query() parser. 14:26:06 perhaps I should add validation on Query() in fact as it is not used by your project but likely to be used in an open world 14:26:18 feel free to add it whenever you want, I'm ok to adapt the validator code, 'cause I think it's important you have it ASAP 14:26:50 right you could do that on Query() 14:27:06 ok, will see how it works out... 14:27:12 and assume that if people know what they are doing, they should have to deal with the Validation 14:27:32 for example, in the case the sparql query is automatically generated 14:27:47 they should, or should not? 14:27:57 that's a choice to make :-) 14:28:10 oups 14:28:17 ok 14:28:19 wanted to say should not 14:28:20 sorry 14:28:25 ah ok 14:28:29 makes more sense 14:28:33 yes :-) 14:29:24 also, if you don't want people to have to deal with an Either3, you could say that it returns another object with a fold 14:29:38 but I'm expecting that will make you cry 14:29:49 so I won't insist for now ;-) 14:30:27 actually, I don't know Either3, but I'm pretty sure that it comes with a fold 14:30:33 knowing the scalaz guys... 14:31:27 ok, back to validator work now 14:31:32 thanks for the code henry 14:31:59 yes, it comes with a fold 14:32:03 heh 14:32:05 you see 14:32:32 i'm not sure why this info is on my calendar (Tim's note) but i think it's your bday today Henry. Happy birthday :) 14:32:33 don't worry, Either3 is just fine by itself 14:32:41 wait what? 14:32:47 happy birthday!!! 14:33:13 ah thnaks 14:33:17 but it's on 29July 14:33:19 :-) 14:33:22 lol 14:33:26 must be another Henry 14:33:27 perhaps an error in my foaf? 14:33:27 oh dear :) ok 14:33:40 thanks in advance though 14:34:11 well that's the nicest "you're wrong" i've ever gotten so i'll be sure to be nice in my wishes on 29 July :) 14:34:20 betehess: that's why I had though def Query(query: String): could return an Either 14:35:04 eu an Either3 14:35:20 well... 14:38:40 one can never be far from wrong in wishing someone happy birthday :-) 14:42:09 :)) 15:05:51 deiu has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 15:22:15 Pipian_ (~pipian@31-33-61.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 17:45:15 bblfish, don't know if you saw that tls/ssl just landed into Akka 17:45:53 they want to make it part of 2.1 18:07:29 RalphS has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 18:07:59 RalphS (Ralph@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:36:20 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 18:55:29 ah thanks 18:55:38 did not see that 18:56:39 just testing the changes now in banana 18:59:37 RalphS has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 19:21:45 RalphS (Ralph@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 19:39:32 ok, betehess fixed a lot of those issues, most tests pass https://github.com/w3c/banana-rdf/pull/4 19:47:10 the test suite that fails is the turtle one with reltive uris 19:55:08 normal 19:55:16 that's a bug in jena... 20:03:55 bblfish, you will hate me: I just pushed some modifications :-) 20:04:24 I was ready to do the rebase myself, but was surprised that I didn't have to do anything ;-) 20:04:43 ah you pulled it? 20:05:24 ah, I thought you would just push it w3c/banana-rdf 20:06:05 well there's not that much hurry 20:07:58 but perhaps you'll understand better how to merge my pull request with your work 20:09:08 it looks like your big change is def executeSelect(graph: JenaGraph, query: JenaSPARQL#SelectQuery): Iterable[PartialFunction[String, Jena#Node]] 20:13:29 ah I see, it is so people can work their way through the solution more easily... 20:13:52 what should I do, merge or do you want to do that? 20:20:25 RalphS has quit () 20:28:01 I can take your stuff tomorrow 20:28:25 but he we do it like that, the history from your repo and the main one won't be quite the same 20:28:32 should be fine though 20:28:49 yeah, we've got a problem this morning 20:29:01 because we have a MAX in a query 20:29:11 which is an aggregate 20:29:26 if nothing matches, you don't get no result 20:29:33 you actually have one line 20:29:40 ok. I see 20:29:40 with no bindings :-) 20:29:53 so we were missing asDefinedAt 20:30:09 interesting... 20:30:23 Is it easier if I rebase my repo? 20:30:29 I mean safer 20:30:32 yeah, I needed ericP to help me checking what was going wrong 20:30:42 yes 20:31:10 ok. Looks like your changes should not have too much impact on what I did. 20:42:01 nope 21:04:47 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 21:08:32 kennyluck (~kennyluck@114-43-117-162.dynamic.hinet.net) has joined #dig 21:44:11 ok did a merge https://github.com/w3c/banana-rdf/network 21:44:27 betehess: sorry for merge, but I'd rather not mess with histories on public repositories 21:44:28 melvster1 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 21:45:47 ( I ended up doing the proceduire 3 times: 2 to 3 rebases gave the wrong history, then I just merged) 21:46:19 hum 21:46:42 git pull --rebase should do most of the work for you 21:47:25 if it produces too many outstanding merge issues, then a real merge probably makes sense 21:47:35 but I believe it should have been ok in this case 21:47:54 ah I see it closed my pull request 21:48:42 yes, but I think then there would be a synchronisation problem between by banana on bblfish and the one on w3c 21:48:49 s/by/my/ 21:49:07 Anyway, will add 'git pull --rebase' to my tricks db 21:50:43 amy has quit (Quit: bye) 21:51:42 well, to be honest, the history coming from bblfish's account should not matter 21:52:12 you never know. someone might clone it 21:52:13 the workflow is more: clone, change, pull-request, rebase 21:52:19 so what? 21:52:34 people want to see only one clean history 21:52:38 the one at w3c 21:52:39 why? 21:52:52 because it does not make sense to have several official repositories 21:52:54 I don't unerstand the issue with clean history 21:53:10 you look at it and see linear time 21:53:10 all git repos branch and merge 21:53:15 no 21:53:21 most of them do rebase 21:53:28 at least for the important enough projects 21:53:36 Well, I'll try to rebase when its possible and easy 21:53:37 unless there is a good reason 21:53:59 There is no linearity problem if you look at the graph 21:54:16 there is always one if you look at the graph 21:54:29 and it becomes more and more complex with time 21:54:45 think more about applying patches 21:54:49 well not if they merge back together 21:54:53 but you still have the granularity 21:55:03 merge back together? 21:55:29 the idea is that all cloned repository should synchronize with the main repo on a regular basis 21:55:35 https://github.com/w3c/banana-rdf/network 21:55:39 and send pull-request regularly 21:55:41 that shows quite well what happened? 21:55:44 no 21:56:01 I mean: that shows quite well what haeppened, don't you think? 21:56:32 it shows that we worked in parallel, which is exactly what did happen 21:56:38 no, because you changes didn't need to create another branch 21:56:51 it just happened that some changesets were pushed in the meantime 21:57:02 but they did not affect the logic of your changes 21:57:40 yes, but I'd rather that, that I make a big silly mistake 21:57:50 by rebasing mistakenly the wrong way 21:58:06 As I said, I tried 3 times 21:58:18 clone your local repo before doing experiments :-) I also make mistakes 21:59:01 well if we were pure functional programmers we should not try to mess with history 21:59:15 only procedural people do that 21:59:17 ;-) 21:59:30 there is no mess with history 21:59:46 you branch has created a fake parallel history 21:59:59 but it merged back, so it's ok 22:00:11 next push you'll go it'll be one clean branch again 22:01:11 as I said, I'll try rebasing. But I'd rather my repo and yours are consistent. In case someone branches of mine fro some bizaare reason 22:03:55 someone told me once how difficult it was to explain rebase, still important... 22:07:51 if you can convince me that rebasing on published repositories would not potentially be problematic then I'd use it more freely - but there is a big WARNING sign in the doc on rebase on this issue. Otherwise I rebased a lot when I have my local private repostory. 22:08:48 Pipian_ has quit (Quit: Pipian_) 22:12:35 I suppose it's a question of open versus closed world 22:12:54 Since in git we don't know if someone has clone a repo or not, we have to assume that someone might have 22:13:27 so we can't rewrite history - we can only do that on repos that we KNOW have not gone public 22:13:55 the warnings are for when you rewrite old history 22:14:44 it's not only about going public 22:14:57 it's about trust and accountability 22:15:14 in the case of banana-rdf, this is happening in one place 22:15:25 one can always clone and go somewhere else 22:15:41 but nobody should try to maintain consistency between all repos 22:15:45 that does not make sense 22:16:26 well if you don't lie, then the repos are consistent by default 22:16:38 and if they are consistent then merging is easier 22:17:17 so as I see it, not changing history gives you benefits in the ability to do things longer term 22:17:20 let's say you don't have push right in w3c/banana-rdf. then I, Alexandre, take only pull-requests, aka. patches. I never lie to anybody 22:17:42 the history of w3c/banana-rdf never changes 22:17:49 that's the only thing that matters 22:17:54 that sounds reasonable 22:18:02 and that's the case 22:18:35 but I was worrying that one changes the hashes somehow by renaming 22:18:49 no 22:18:59 that would be pretty bad 22:21:20 good n8 23:00:21 bblfish has quit (Remote host closed the connection)