00:20:57 bblfish_ (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-320-119.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 00:23:30 bblfish has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 02:40:45 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 03:26:48 Pipian (~pipian@static-mum- has joined #dig 05:20:15 bblfish_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 05:20:51 bblfish (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-320-119.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 07:05:19 Pipian has quit (Quit: Pipian) 07:51:28 deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig 08:48:55 melvster (~melvin@p5797FBCF.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 08:50:31 bblfish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 08:51:06 bblfish (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-320-119.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 08:51:09 melvster1 (~melvin@p5797F4A4.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 08:53:03 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 09:46:48 deiu: do you think this should work to post to my profile wall? https://gist.github.com/3082339 09:50:56 maybe i should add content type 09:51:08 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 09:51:54 worked!! 09:59:58 right i can start reposting from twitter to MyProfile now :) 10:12:57 cheater__ (~cheater@g230227152.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #dig 10:15:42 cheater_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 10:16:33 melvster1, yeah it should work 10:16:42 is great :) 10:17:21 btw, if you want to also read the wall, you can use Last-Modified and Etag to avoid checking for new messages 10:18:36 hey...isn't that code based on my old gist? :) 10:19:18 nvm, I just read the mail...I'm glad it works! :) 10:38:08 RalphS (Ralph@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 10:51:48 melvster1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 11:04:46 melvster (~melvin@p5797F4A4.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 11:41:14 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 11:59:22 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 12:19:33 betehess: I have a mini version of rww-play up on github https://github.com/read-write-web/rww-play 12:19:40 still a lot to do 12:23:24 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 12:31:18 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 12:34:58 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 12:38:58 un_jon has quit (Client Quit) 12:42:14 timbl (~timbl@31-34-123.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 13:40:05 bblfish, WTF, you're commiting failing tests :-) 13:40:35 [[ 13:40:37 [error] Failed tests: 13:40:37 [error] org.w3.banana.jena.JenaGraphQueryTestJson 13:40:37 [error] org.w3.banana.jena.JenaGraphQueryTestXml 13:40:37 I was trying to keep up with the speed of change 13:40:38 ]] 13:41:01 yeah, me too 13:41:10 is that a new failing test? 13:41:14 I was about to merge jon's stuff in 13:41:14 I just fixed two 13:41:19 no it's not new 13:41:31 I am on the sesame test 13:41:33 what's new is that it wasn't failing before afaik 13:42:06 ah... 13:42:12 oh you mean just now 13:42:14 damn 13:42:19 looks like it's https://github.com/w3c/banana-rdf/commit/e0f338eca6e5c6ebde32cffdaed272142c705b5e 13:42:45 ah interesting. 13:42:50 can you fix it now and ping me? I'm on jon's stuff right now 13:42:53 I should have done a full test before commiting 13:43:00 ok 13:43:01 good idea for next time :-) 13:44:19 how long will it take? just wondering if I can do the merge now and force you to learn rebase at the same time :-) 13:46:06 I think it takes 30 minutes 13:46:19 ( why is Murphy's law so true ? ) 13:48:44 he was a claver guy I guess 13:48:52 damn, was coding while talking on the phone, my last fix is bogus 13:49:13 hrm, I see some stuff that is wrong in jon's pull-request 13:52:09 wow, I just had a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 13:52:13 sbt? 13:52:31 scor (~scor@ has joined #dig 13:52:31 scor has quit (Changing host) 13:52:31 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 13:53:34 bblfish, I just did the merge to help jon working form there, but a simple hg pull --rebase should be fine on your side 13:53:45 ok, 13:53:53 you mean git pull --rebase? 13:54:11 :-) 13:54:31 yes :-) 13:54:41 sorry, I'm using both everyday 14:02:06 bblfish, is jon around? 14:02:13 He's at the dentist 14:02:24 in Paris 14:02:26 how convenient when I have questions for him :-) 14:03:18 he is using IRC more regulary recently, so I think he might be on 14:03:25 later 14:03:42 k 14:04:46 argh, Sesame's api for sparql is annoying 14:05:14 one has to know before parsing a sparql answer whether it is an ASK or a SELECT..! 14:07:42 really? 14:07:51 yes 14:07:57 maybe you can do brute-force to start with... 14:07:59 I had a discussion on their list about that 14:08:04 not perfect, but it works 14:08:09 yes, I remember 14:08:09 yes, I need to try to make it throw an exception 14:08:13 yep 14:08:24 I think I have to try ASK first, then tuple 14:08:29 testing 14:08:56 you should test the most likely first 14:09:08 so ASK would be last I guess 14:09:13 I'm not sure 14:09:18 what do people use? 14:09:51 Euh, I tested SELECT first, but it returns an empty iteration 14:10:01 so it does not throw an exception 14:10:33 empty iteration of what? 14:10:43 of select queries? 14:10:47 yes 14:10:52 what? 14:11:03 well they don't type their answers 14:11:22 you parse something and you potentially get several things in return? 14:11:31 sigh 14:11:40 we're not speaking of query execution, are we? 14:11:49 only parsing, right? 14:12:05 what does it mean to parse several queries at once? 14:12:19 I don't understand 14:12:27 I parse an ANSWER 14:12:39 the answer could be the answer to a SELECT or an ASK query 14:12:58 their answer parser forces one to know which one it is 14:13:23 So I have to find a way of sorting that out. 14:13:32 It's probably nearly easier to write a parser for that 14:13:55 I still don't see where the iteration comes up 14:14:08 ok, /me is letting you figuring out the details 14:14:22 here /Volumes/Dev/Programming/w3.org/git/banana-rdf/sesame/src/main/scala/sesame/SparqlQueryResultsReader.scala 14:14:37 bblfish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 14:15:11 bblfish (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-320-119.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 14:15:13 ok, let me dereference this guy 14:15:19 oh drat, doesn't work 14:15:27 :-) 14:15:40 I'll look into that later anyway 14:15:46 I've got other things to do 14:15:57 just search in your code for SparqlQueryResultsReader 14:16:10 yep 14:16:30 QueryResultIO.parse is the method that returns an iterator 14:46:11 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 14:48:52 betehess: un_jon has joined 14:49:53 betehess: I pushed a fix for the issue we were discussing. The last bug is quite consistent now: Sesame can't find you in the list of editors but Jena can 14:51:30 still not ok 14:52:32 it's either a bug on the sesame side, in that case you use the flag that jon has provided, or it's an error on your side, and you'll need to fix it 14:53:08 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 14:53:12 betehess: the error now is related to it not finding you in the file 14:53:55 which is a different error from the previous one 14:54:05 the question is: is it supposed to work or not? 14:54:06 the two errros shown have the same cause now 14:54:32 Well, now one can check and see if this is a bug in Sesame, or elsewhere 14:54:37 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 14:54:47 if the logic in the test looks good, then you need to take action to fix it somehow 14:55:07 "one" == bblfish :-) 14:55:09 agreed. Was about to look into it now 14:55:13 ok 14:55:14 thanks 14:55:18 :) 14:55:30 just putting it up there in case someone has an idea too... 14:55:52 no time to invest right now 14:57:00 btw, betehess did you see https://github.com/read-write-web/rww-play 14:57:28 that's my first code for a RWW in play2.0 14:58:07 bblfish that's nice ! 14:58:24 ah un_jon betehess had a question for you earlier 14:58:37 not tried yet 14:58:42 question? 14:59:15 I'm writing the UnsafeExtractor typeclass right 14:59:27 betehess that's funny, my question was about the tests and the Monad 14:59:43 betehess so you are on it. 15:00:20 yes 15:00:22 DIGlogger: pointer 15:00:22 See http://dig.csail.mit.edu/irc/dig/2012-07-10#T15-00-22 15:00:30 should be there in less than 30 minutes 15:01:24 yes, http://dig.csail.mit.edu/irc/dig/2012-07-10#T14-02-06 15:01:26 betehess Ok ! 15:02:02 un_jon: hows your teeth ? 15:02:35 what is a Frenchman doing at Starbucks? 15:02:42 C'est un scandale! 15:02:47 Starbucks is overrated 15:02:56 Sure it is ! 15:03:28 Starbucks massively increased the quality of coffee in the US 15:03:44 bblfish, ah yes, but that's a different story 15:04:01 sadly you can't really get good lattes in france 15:04:11 you can easily find good coffee almost everywhere in EU 15:04:18 in Palo-Alto there is a coffee shop that makes excellent ones 15:04:37 no, not really good capucinos 15:04:40 oh, and they open early (that's another +) 15:05:08 the coffee shop in Foyles in Lodnon is quite good 15:05:15 Starbucks was the only shop opened at 7am on Sunday in San Francisco 15:05:15 pretty close to excellent 15:07:41 I have no idea where in Paris one can get really good coffee 15:07:54 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 15:09:17 I'm sure there are lots of places, but I don't know of one where you can really "sit & enjoy" a good cup 15:09:19 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 15:09:54 most Starbucks shops in Paris are fully of hipsters and Apple fanboys 15:10:23 That's true ! 15:10:43 un_jon, it's done, you can continue the work now 15:11:03 But I look like an Hipsters and an Apple fanboys, so it's okay ! 15:11:03 :D 15:11:03 betehess thank you ! 15:11:10 not sure if it's worth providing enhanced syntax for the unsafeExtract 15:11:24 as it's only meant for tests 15:11:40 you'll tell me, let's do without first 15:12:08 ok ! 15:12:23 now, I'm working on enhancing the graphstore to store objects directly 15:12:40 I expect some clever things to happen with sub-graphs, we'll see 15:13:09 also, I need to support reverse properties in the ComplexBinder 15:13:38 and update some parts of this code to make use of the new union 15:14:48 would be nice if we could pass all the tests before the end of the day ;-) 15:17:12 working on it 15:18:47 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 15:19:07 deiu: what's the difference in the POST between posting to the public wall and posting to your personal wall? 15:20:29 name = write_wall ? 15:21:22 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 15:21:22 both seem to go to wall.php 15:25:10 ah ha 15:25:19 user = user82401ddc / local 15:27:45 yeah 15:27:48 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 15:29:18 (un_jon's 15minute free Starbucks internet must have expired, probably needs to buy another grande) 15:32:21 deiu: is there an easy way i can find my userid? then i can post to my personal wall from the command line 15:32:29 i guess i can just hard code it for now 15:32:46 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 15:34:59 let me test 15:35:46 melvster, https://my-profile.eu/subscription.php 15:36:05 ahhh 15:36:11 the same hash for the link to your private wall 15:37:20 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 15:37:31 deiu, good point, i guess i do something wrong since my wall is empty 15:38:50 awesome it worked :) 15:39:42 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 15:39:47 mhausenblas (~mhausenbl@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie) has joined #dig 15:43:48 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 15:47:10 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:00:08 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 16:01:29 deiu: im going to start using MyProfile like my twitter feed now, in fact probably instead :) 16:01:57 cool 16:02:01 it would be to cool to have a script that posts on twitter :) 16:02:13 read your private wall -> post on twitter 16:02:28 maybe I can do that by default 16:02:40 no wait...twitter limits messages to 160 chars 16:02:41 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:06:35 yes 16:06:57 i wonder if i should put the URI of my wall inside my FOAF? 16:08:43 melvster, holdAccount ? 16:09:17 16:09:46 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 16:09:47 hmmm toby's site seems to be down 16:10:05 but that's what was suggested 16:10:17 is down from a long time 16:10:34 ill shoot toby a mail 16:11:52 i use foaf:holdsAccount in foaf to point to identica and facebook, but i'm not sure if is not broken( the logic) 16:13:13 :), i'm blind, is not broken are bnodes for each account, i don't know what i saw before but i was sure are mixed 16:13:55 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:14:03 an account is not a wall tho 16:14:47 yes, agree, :) but a wall is an account, :) 16:15:46 imo, central point must be foaf, who need something can get from it and use 16:16:48 this way i don't need to spread data all over the place and is easy to maintain 16:20:40 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 16:22:57 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:30:06 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 16:31:58 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:36:07 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 16:40:05 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:46:42 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 16:50:37 un_jon (~textual@37-8-173-64.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 16:54:46 mhausenblas has quit (Quit: brb) 16:54:50 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 16:57:42 un_jon (~textual@37-8-163-98.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 17:08:59 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 17:12:42 un_jon (~textual@37-8-163-98.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 17:13:35 melvster, that's cool :) 17:17:03 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 17:34:24 deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving) 17:39:23 Pipian_ (~pipian@static-mum- has joined #dig 18:13:56 deiu (~andrei@2a01:e35:8b67:4160:39dd:30f6:1fb9:6f7d) has joined #dig 18:13:56 deiu has quit (Changing host) 18:13:56 deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig 18:20:33 bblfish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 18:21:07 bblfish (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-320-119.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 18:39:07 Pipian_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 18:39:08 Pipian (~pipian@static-mum- has joined #dig 18:53:03 cheater__ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) 18:54:04 cheater__ (~cheater@g230227152.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #dig 19:28:54 deiu has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 19:31:26 deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig 19:32:00 Pipian has quit (Quit: Pipian) 20:35:53 bblfish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 20:36:28 bblfish (~bblfish@AAubervilliers-651-1-320-119.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 20:54:50 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 21:19:27 kennyluck has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21:27:15 kennyluck (~kennyluck@114-43-118-69.dynamic.hinet.net) has joined #dig 21:54:55 un_jon (~textual@37-8-162-205.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 22:14:23 RalphS has quit () 22:15:42 deiu has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 22:37:53 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 22:38:00 un_jon has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) 22:44:10 un_jon (~textual@37-8-162-205.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 22:52:38 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 22:55:16 un_jon (~textual@37-8-162-205.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 22:57:13 betehess how do you trigger manually Scalariform ? 23:01:54 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 23:05:47 un_jon (~textual@37-8-162-205.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 23:10:05 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 23:12:11 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 23:15:28 un_jon (~textual@37-8-162-205.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 23:33:40 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 23:36:54 un_jon (~textual@37-8-162-205.coucou-networks.fr) has joined #dig 23:43:35 un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 251 seconds)