IRC log of dig on 2012-07-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:36:38 [un_jon]
un_jon ( has joined #dig
00:45:57 [melvster]
melvster ( has joined #dig
00:57:35 [un_jon]
un_jon has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
00:57:55 [melvster]
melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
01:52:05 [Pipian]
Pipian ( has joined #dig
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Pipian_ ( has joined #dig
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Pipian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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Pipian_ is now known as Pipian
02:21:31 [scor]
scor ( has joined #dig
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scor has quit (Changing host)
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scor ( has joined #dig
02:42:37 [Pipian]
Pipian has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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Pipian ( has joined #dig
02:49:39 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
03:28:42 [scor]
scor has quit (Quit: scor)
03:32:47 [Pipian]
Pipian has quit (Quit: Pipian)
04:53:43 [Pipian]
Pipian (~pipian@ has joined #dig
04:58:44 [Pipian]
Pipian has quit (Quit: Pipian)
06:54:48 [melvster]
melvster ( has joined #dig
08:09:41 [melvster]
rszeno, im thinking about a 'share this' bookmarklet for MyProfile
08:10:16 [melvster]
something like
08:14:48 [deiu]
deiu (~andrei@2a01:e35:8b67:4160:8e89:a5ff:fe2a:24ea) has joined #dig
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deiu has quit (Changing host)
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deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig
08:16:15 [melvster]
deiu ... thinking about a share bookmarklet for MyProfile something like
08:16:45 [deiu]
08:17:05 [deiu]
melvster, I'm going to publish a 'lite' version of libAuthentication
08:17:12 [melvster]
08:17:28 [deiu]
I removed all unneeded files/classes and kept just the ones for delegated auth
08:18:03 [deiu]
I'll try to maintain it (maybe in parallel with your libAuthentication)
08:18:12 [melvster]
08:24:28 [deiu]
deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:29:22 [deiu]
deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig
08:33:58 [melvster]
08:35:55 [deiu]
melvster, pretty cool!
08:35:59 [melvster]
08:37:25 [deiu]
I have a crazy idea about an UI for MyProfile
08:37:57 [deiu]
it will totally change the way users interact with data
08:38:11 [melvster]
you do?
08:39:17 [deiu]
most social web apps look very static (e.g. twitter / fb / G+/ etc.)
08:39:48 [deiu]
sometimes people get lost in clicks, and information doesn't get delivered in a natural way
08:40:05 [deiu]
unfortunately that's also the case for MyP
08:41:26 [melvster]
you mean something like this?
08:48:53 [deiu]
close to that, but not quite
08:49:01 [deiu]
that page is still very static
08:49:57 [deiu]
you get too much information displayed at once
08:50:56 [melvster]
melvster has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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melvster ( has joined #dig
08:59:13 [un_jon]
un_jon ( has joined #dig
10:01:23 [melvster]
melvster has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:03:44 [deiu]
deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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melvster ( has joined #dig
10:10:24 [deiu]
deiu (~andrei@2a01:e35:8b67:4160:8e89:a5ff:fe2a:24ea) has joined #dig
10:10:24 [deiu]
deiu has quit (Changing host)
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deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig
10:13:00 [cheater_]
cheater_ ( has joined #dig
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cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
10:20:18 [deiu]
deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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deiu (~andrei@2a01:e35:8b67:4160:c11e:8722:6536:1cce) has joined #dig
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deiu has quit (Changing host)
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deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig
10:30:55 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
10:32:40 [scor]
scor ( has joined #dig
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scor has quit (Quit: scor)
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scor ( has joined #dig
11:00:42 [rszeno]
rszeno has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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scor has quit (Quit: scor)
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scor ( has joined #dig
11:25:35 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Quit: timbl)
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un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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un_jon ( has joined #dig
12:25:52 [scor]
scor has quit (Quit: scor)
12:27:24 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
13:06:14 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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RalphS ( has joined #dig
13:46:53 [scor]
scor ( has joined #dig
13:48:55 [trueg]
trueg ( has joined #dig
13:49:34 [Pipian]
Pipian ( has joined #dig
14:01:25 [scor]
scor has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
14:34:19 [bblfish]
betehess: do you have any trouble getting sbt to work in spray ? Just wanted to create a gen-idea so I can walk through the code there
14:36:18 [betehess]
I don't use spray yet
14:36:25 [betehess]
never tried actually
14:36:36 [bblfish]
thanks, using find and vi instead...
14:37:22 [betehess]
bblfish, re: file-base MGraphStore, I think I'll have time next week to work on that
14:37:42 [betehess]
it's actually pretty (it's geek week at w3c)
14:38:03 [betehess]
s/pretty/pretty sure/
14:38:25 [bblfish]
ah. so you are thinking of using LazyActorRef in there?
14:38:59 [betehess]
extracting, forking and then adapting, I guess :-)
14:39:22 [betehess]
it's a pretty well independent class
14:39:39 [bblfish]
yes, was just reading it to see what I should do there
14:39:59 [betehess]
you should focus on your web server for now
14:40:08 [betehess]
and using the existing stores
14:40:46 [betehess]
just try to use GraphStore, not the QueryStore
14:40:59 [bblfish]
how do you think one should work it so that one can put pictures, js and other contents in with rdf?
14:41:06 [betehess]
14:41:10 [betehess]
good question
14:41:15 [betehess]
that goes beyond LDP
14:41:52 [bblfish]
( You saw I added a hack to the rww on w3c hg for that, because for social web we kind of need quite a lot of flexiblitiy - well one could put some constraints in )
14:41:52 [betehess]
and I see why you were looking into spray now
14:42:18 [betehess]
I agree, this is a crucial feature
14:42:21 [betehess]
14:42:34 [betehess]
can you wait 10 more days?
14:42:41 [bblfish]
for what?
14:42:54 [betehess]
for me to hack all of that part in one shot
14:43:01 [betehess]
me and another colleague here
14:43:09 [bblfish]
what am I meant to hack then?
14:43:18 [betehess]
ah, you're done with all the rest :-)
14:43:35 [bblfish]
well not sure, since I am not quite sure what you are going to do
14:43:42 [betehess]
do whatever you have to do!
14:44:15 [bblfish]
well you see what I have done up to now
14:44:19 [bblfish]
its quite simple
14:44:45 [bblfish]
essentially you can do PUT and POST queries and GET for graphs
14:44:56 [bblfish]
and a CORS proxy
14:45:54 [bblfish]
now, I can add some form of WebID
14:46:18 [bblfish]
and access control
14:46:36 [bblfish]
but I think for access control I need to have rww working.
14:53:37 [bblfish]
I can't quite see a whole LDP server not containing images, music, or other types of documents.
14:53:58 [bblfish]
Or at least a lot less interesting. Perhaps I should add that to the ldp use case.
14:54:20 [betehess]
that's clearly out-of-scope for LDP itself
14:54:46 [bblfish]
well not necssarily: you have binaries in rdf stores
14:54:56 [bblfish]
how would you put binaries in ldp?
14:55:06 [bblfish]
a link to a resource seems the best way to do it
14:56:04 [betehess]
LDP concerns only RDF resources, and how you interact with them
14:56:14 [betehess]
it's up to us to build things on top of that
14:56:25 [bblfish]
yes, they don't have access control either
14:56:42 [betehess]
unless if we come up with a solution that works
14:57:01 [betehess]
ACL is ok, but not necessary for the success of this WG
14:57:18 [betehess]
it can be a NOTE if someone has got something good enough to propose
14:57:23 [bblfish]
acl is essential, but not necessary...
14:57:52 [bblfish]
acl is essential for work such as social web, ...
14:57:56 [betehess]
bblfish, that's the life of a WG...
14:58:07 [bblfish]
14:58:21 [betehess]
LDP has a charter, with very precise problems to be solved
14:58:42 [betehess]
and it's trying to tackle the most important ones
14:58:44 [betehess]
14:58:51 [bblfish]
no problem
14:59:10 [bblfish]
still a real life application should be able to accept pictures of cats
14:59:50 [bblfish]
I think Atom is quite generic at that level for example
15:00:16 [bblfish]
it would be odd if LDP does not at least reach Atom genericity
15:00:36 [betehess]
that's a point of view, but you won't change the scope
15:01:00 [bblfish]
I'll look at the scope
15:01:15 [bblfish]
I think there are collections, and the types of things you can post in a collection
15:01:18 [bblfish]
these could be images
15:01:38 [betehess]
15:01:45 [bblfish]
ah, that's interesting.
15:01:48 [bblfish]
15:01:49 [betehess]
they are collections of RDF things
15:02:04 [bblfish]
why such a restriction?
15:02:39 [bblfish]
I'll bring it up. Seems arbitrary to me
15:02:42 [betehess]
because it's about linking data, not other kind of things :-) and because it's already difficult enough
15:02:49 [bblfish]
pictures is data
15:03:02 [betehess]
you're playing with words
15:03:05 [bblfish]
15:03:12 [bblfish]
videos is data too
15:03:17 [betehess]
well, that's exactly what they will tell you
15:03:27 [betehess]
stay focus
15:03:35 [bblfish]
I am focused: the social web
15:03:43 [betehess]
LDP is just RDF and HTTP
15:03:43 [bblfish]
not some academic thing
15:04:00 [betehess]
it's not academical either
15:04:10 [bblfish]
the social web certainly is not
15:04:21 [betehess]
LDP is one piece of a bigger picture that you can call social web
15:04:39 [betehess]
don't try to bring the whole social web in there
15:04:50 [bblfish]
yes. Well all that needs to happen is that there has to be open to allowing other types of data to be posted
15:04:56 [bblfish]
I am not
15:04:57 [betehess]
you'll end up with people not listening to you, and you don't want that
15:05:09 [bblfish]
just allowing collections to define that they are collections of pictures
15:05:29 [bblfish]
seems like an easy thing to do semantically
15:05:47 [bblfish]
and it fits in quite neatly with their architecture...
15:05:56 [bblfish]
anyway, that's what I have to build
15:06:14 [betehess]
look, really, this is not the spirit of what this WG tries to achieve
15:06:29 [betehess]
and it doesn't prevent you from building on top of it
15:06:38 [betehess]
you may eventually propose another spec for that
15:06:40 [bblfish]
I did not say I am forcing it on the WG. I said I need to build collections which can contain things other than RDF
15:06:56 [betehess]
yes, and that's not their use-case
15:07:01 [bblfish]
it's mine
15:07:17 [betehess]
sure, I know that
15:07:28 [betehess]
I'm also very interested into this one
15:07:44 [bblfish]
15:07:47 [bblfish]
15:07:55 [betehess]
it's just *not* the right place, and I'm trying to save you from loosing interest from the other people
15:09:06 [bblfish]
ah well it's not as if they are mving fast. We'll have a demo for Lyon
15:09:16 [betehess]
that is perfect
15:09:22 [betehess]
that's the way to go
15:32:45 [rszeno]
rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig
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scor (~scor@ has joined #dig
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scor has quit (Changing host)
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scor ( has joined #dig
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trueg is now known as trueg_away
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un_jon has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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un_jon ( has joined #dig
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trueg_away is now known as trueg
17:42:07 [Pipian]
Pipian has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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Pipian ( has joined #dig
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trueg has quit ()
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betehess has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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Pipian_ ( has joined #dig
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betehess ( has joined #dig
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Pipian_ ( has joined #dig
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Pipian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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Pipian_ is now known as Pipian
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scor has quit (Quit: scor)
20:34:34 [deiu]
deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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Pipian has quit (Quit: Pipian)
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melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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timbl has quit (Quit: timbl)
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un_jon has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
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timbl ( has joined #dig
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RalphS has quit ()
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timbl has quit (Quit: timbl)