00:54:23 cheater_1 (~cheater@p57AEB7CF.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 00:57:43 cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 02:09:25 scor (~scor@ has joined #dig 02:09:26 scor has quit (Changing host) 02:09:26 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 02:10:09 scor has quit (Client Quit) 02:10:11 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work) 03:01:04 Pipian-Work (~Pipian@ has joined #dig 04:00:45 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work) 04:23:57 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 04:52:45 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 05:04:06 Pipian-Work (~Pipian@ has joined #dig 05:09:39 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work) 05:14:02 Pipian-Work (~Pipian@ has joined #dig 06:13:49 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work) 06:26:14 Pipian-Work (~Pipian@ has joined #dig 06:28:55 kennyluck (~kennyluck@ has joined #dig 07:38:59 betehess (~betehess@ANice-157-1-160-86.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #dig 08:09:15 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work) 08:32:41 Pipian-Work (~Pipian@ has joined #dig 08:35:27 betehess has quit (Quit: Leaving) 08:56:19 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work) 08:58:46 jmv (~jmvanel@ has joined #dig 08:58:50 jmvanel (~jmvanel@ has joined #dig 09:01:33 presbrey has quit (Quit: Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.2.0) 09:02:04 presbrey (~presbrey@2001:4830:2446:b5:aede:48ff:fe00:9001) has joined #dig 09:08:10 timbl (~timbl@ has joined #dig 10:01:18 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 10:16:06 danbri (~danbri@ has joined #dig 10:33:14 webr3 (~nathan@host86-141-255-180.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) has joined #dig 11:16:08 kennyluck_ (~kennyluck@058177188156.ctinets.com) has joined #dig 11:19:30 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 11:19:31 kennyluck_ is now known as kennyluck 11:23:06 cheater_1 has quit (Quit: leaving) 11:33:43 kennyluck_ (~kennyluck@ has joined #dig 11:36:42 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 11:36:43 kennyluck_ is now known as kennyluck 12:06:03 danbri has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 12:14:12 RalphS (RSwick@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 12:22:24 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 13:27:34 trueg (~trueg@HSI-KBW-46-237-238-110.hsi.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) has joined #dig 13:36:48 manu1 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 13:39:28 melvster (~melvin@46.104.broadband2.iol.cz) has joined #dig 13:56:17 trueg is now known as trueg_away 14:04:17 kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck) 14:55:39 amy has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 15:07:02 scor (scor@nat/acquia/x-vrisrehuydaypuxw) has joined #dig 15:07:02 scor has quit (Changing host) 15:07:02 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 15:17:31 cheater__ (~cheater@p4FD0F611.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 15:17:54 cheater__ has quit (Client Quit) 15:18:10 cheater__ (~cheater@p4FD0F611.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #dig 15:25:24 manu1 (~chatzilla@pool-96-240-185-119.ronkva.east.verizon.net) has joined #dig 15:46:30 amy (~amy@30-6-207.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 15:47:23 kennyluck (~kennyluck@058177188151.ctinets.com) has joined #dig 15:56:54 tMobile4a03 has quit (Quit: Leaving) 16:00:00 tMobile4a03 (T4@n11923699036.netvigator.com) has joined #dig 16:03:35 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 16:04:43 jmv has quit (Quit: Quitte) 16:21:15 deiu (~andrei@2001:470:8b2d:7d4:d596:d895:e9d0:15d7) has joined #dig 16:21:15 deiu has quit (Changing host) 16:21:15 deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig 16:25:39 Pipian-Work (~Pipian@2001:470:8b2d:7d8:2572:c1f2:f39e:9d52) has joined #dig 16:57:48 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 17:12:35 melvster (~melvin@46.104.broadband2.iol.cz) has joined #dig 17:29:02 http://webid.mit.edu/TODO is up! :) 17:45:25 kennyluck (~kennyluck@058177188146.ctinets.com) has joined #dig 18:00:51 melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 18:03:17 01[13data.fm01] 15presbrey created 06webid (+4 new commits): 02http://git.io/DbNA0Q 18:03:17 13data.fm/06webid 14dfbeb21 15deiu: Added WebID support. Generates both certificate and local profile. 18:03:17 13data.fm/06webid 14105a286 15deiu: Added a test to check if profile document exists already when creating a new WebID. Also added the email to the profile. 18:03:17 13data.fm/06webid 14b8ce1e5 15deiu: Added a basic CA for WebID signing. 18:03:32 kennyluck_ (~kennyluck@ has joined #dig 18:06:05 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 18:06:06 kennyluck_ is now known as kennyluck 18:15:07 01[13data.fm01] 15presbrey pushed 2 new commits to 06master: 02http://git.io/h1GisQ 18:15:07 13data.fm/06master 14a84c613 15deiu: Added a WAC class. Basic access control verification for now. 18:15:07 13data.fm/06master 14c11b0f1 15presbrey: WAC: fixup _aclbase 18:25:55 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 18:35:39 kennyluck (~kennyluck@058177188166.ctinets.com) has joined #dig 18:41:11 01[13data.fm01] 15presbrey pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/p-Ro5Q 18:41:12 13data.fm/06master 143e6b19f 15presbrey: WAC: fixup instance URIs 18:58:18 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 19:01:44 kennyluck (~kennyluck@058177188134.ctinets.com) has joined #dig 19:20:04 01[13data.fm01] 15deiu pushed 2 new commits to 06master: 02http://git.io/cd5Vnw 19:20:04 13data.fm/06master 14a12f8f0 15deiu: Removed the RDF namespace when calling new Graph(). Also removed the exit(); at the end. 19:20:04 13data.fm/06master 14cf05ed0 15deiu: Added a missing require() for the WebID generator. 19:20:24 presbrey, WebID gen should work now 19:20:31 just pull the latest changes 19:21:36 done. thanks for fixing! 19:22:44 let me know when you've patched data.fm so I can test it 19:23:08 should be up already re. done 19:28:06 failed 19:28:38 can you please check if the web server has write permissions for www/wildcard/CA/demoCA/? 19:29:05 and also if there is a dir called "newcerts" in www/wildcard/CA/demoCA/ 19:44:05 kennyluck has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 19:50:50 tMobile4a03 has quit (Quit: Leaving) 19:52:26 ok deiu, I chown'd CA to apache 19:52:49 presbrey, can also mkdir www/wildcard/CA/demoCA/newcerts ? 19:53:12 ok done 19:53:30 cool, it works :) 19:54:41 and logged into my-profile.eu with it :) 20:09:33 any idea about how we can add the demoCA dir to the repo, and ignore further changes to it? 20:09:55 there's a missing newcerts dir from it right now too 20:12:00 presbrey, btw I get a 400 Bad Request when I try to create the .meta on https://deiu.data.fm 20:29:31 trueg_away is now known as trueg 20:32:52 RalphS_ (RSwick@w3cvpn1.w3.org) has joined #dig 20:33:47 RalphS has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 20:56:41 RalphS (RSwick@30-7-118.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 20:58:21 yeah I will go through and clean that stuff up a bit probably 20:58:52 I have signed with CA without writing all that before 20:59:33 trueg is now known as trueg_away 20:59:47 RalphS_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 21:00:37 just created an empty .meta at //deiu using the UI 21:00:53 RalphS_ (RSwick@w3cvpn1.w3.org) has joined #dig 21:01:14 RalphS has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 21:03:25 http://packages.python.org/pyOpenSSL/openssl-netscape-spki.html looks promising 21:07:14 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 21:10:52 I wonder 21:15:23 timbl (~timbl@ has joined #dig 21:19:53 RalphS_ has quit () 21:20:01 tyteen4a03 (~T4@n11923699036.netvigator.com) has joined #dig 21:42:16 danbri (~danbri@ has joined #dig 22:17:16 trueg_away is now known as trueg 22:26:26 trueg has quit () 22:51:42 danbri has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 22:52:24 deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving) 23:00:50 Pipian-Work has quit (Quit: Pipian-Work)