00:04:42 scor (scor@conference/drupalcon/x-dlozaqomcvrvcoah) has joined #dig 00:04:42 scor has quit (Changing host) 00:04:42 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 02:08:45 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 02:22:27 scor (scor@conference/drupalcon/x-rbgmbwjjngaaznwx) has joined #dig 02:22:28 scor has quit (Changing host) 02:22:28 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 03:11:04 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 05:17:09 melvster (~melvin@ has joined #dig 05:30:08 melvster has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 05:49:29 melvster (~melvster@ip-94-112-34-93.net.upcbroadband.cz) has joined #dig 05:56:21 cheater__ has quit (Quit: a) 06:08:37 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 06:49:57 cheater__ (~cheater@zentrale.gutefrage.net) has joined #dig 07:48:37 deiu (~andrei@ has joined #dig 07:48:38 deiu has quit (Changing host) 07:48:38 deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig 08:36:16 cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 08:42:43 cheater__ (~cheater@zentrale.gutefrage.net) has joined #dig 09:09:14 Yudai has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 09:19:16 Yudai (~Yudai@nttkyo165225.tkyo.nt.ngn2.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) has joined #dig 11:31:07 cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 11:36:32 cheater__ (~cheater@zentrale.gutefrage.net) has joined #dig 11:40:37 Ralph_ (RSwick@w3cvpn1.w3.org) has joined #dig 11:41:16 RalphS (RSwick@w3cvpn1.w3.org) has joined #dig 11:58:25 cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 12:18:12 cheater__ (~cheater@zentrale.gutefrage.net) has joined #dig 13:21:37 melvster has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 13:39:28 melvster (~melvin@ has joined #dig 13:48:53 RalphS has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 13:49:54 Ralph_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 14:10:06 Ralph_ (RSwick@w3cvpn1.w3.org) has joined #dig 14:10:07 Ralph_ is now known as RalphS 14:39:42 cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 15:07:54 webr3 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 15:08:55 deiu has quit (Quit: Leaving) 15:11:49 webr3 (~nathan@host81-154-0-232.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #dig 15:23:55 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 15:26:56 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 16:01:22 cheater__ (~cheater@zentrale.gutefrage.net) has joined #dig 16:06:53 scor (~scor@67-131-100-3.dia.static.qwest.net) has joined #dig 16:06:53 scor has quit (Changing host) 16:06:53 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 16:33:05 rszeno has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 16:35:59 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 17:04:57 timbl (~timbl@30-6-217.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:00:41 scor (scor@conference/drupalcon/x-uopxiifdugucidcj) has joined #dig 18:00:42 scor has quit (Changing host) 18:00:42 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 18:27:27 cheater__ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 18:54:42 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 19:19:08 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 20:02:15 cheater__ (~cheater@p57AE9DCE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #dig 20:20:14 RalphS has quit () 20:46:47 scor (scor@conference/drupalcon/x-mevzwkdyvehvdbys) has joined #dig 20:46:47 scor has quit (Changing host) 20:46:47 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 20:59:03 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 21:11:18 scor (scor@conference/drupalcon/x-kbokjyepjksjasfm) has joined #dig 21:11:18 scor has quit (Changing host) 21:11:18 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 21:11:32 scor has quit (Remote host closed the connection)