00:22:01 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 00:33:29 bblfish (~bblfish@2a01:e34:ec28:72a0:f948:f5a9:f9df:8fad) has joined #dig 00:40:42 bblfish has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 00:54:47 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 01:07:40 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 01:37:28 bblfish (~bblfish@2a01:e34:ec28:72a0:f948:f5a9:f9df:8fad) has joined #dig 01:42:46 bblfish has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 02:38:38 bblfish (~bblfish@2a01:e34:ec28:72a0:f948:f5a9:f9df:8fad) has joined #dig 02:41:06 timbl (~timbl@c-24-62-225-55.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 02:48:38 bblfish has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 03:38:07 jmvanel (~jmvanel@ has joined #dig 04:44:54 bblfish (~bblfish@2a01:e34:ec28:72a0:f948:f5a9:f9df:8fad) has joined #dig 04:51:06 timbl has quit (Quit: timbl) 04:54:02 bblfish has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 05:22:54 Pipian_ (~Pipian@c-98-207-84-57.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #dig 05:23:10 Pipian has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 05:23:10 Pipian_ is now known as Pipian 05:25:15 bblfish (~bblfish@2a01:e34:ec28:72a0:f948:f5a9:f9df:8fad) has joined #dig 05:26:32 bblfish has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 06:20:46 bblfish (~bblfish@2a01:e34:ec28:72a0:f948:f5a9:f9df:8fad) has joined #dig 08:43:00 melvster has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 08:44:00 melvster (~melvster@ip-86-49-18-198.net.upcbroadband.cz) has joined #dig 11:09:46 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 11:25:04 timbl (~timbl@c-24-62-225-55.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 11:26:04 Ralph (rswick@w3cvpn1.w3.org) has joined #dig 11:26:09 Ralph is now known as RalphS 11:33:04 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 11:50:27 Anyone apart from deiu have the keys to rww.io? 11:50:47 It is down so no one can authenticate using their webids 12:46:41 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 12:51:57 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 12:52:28 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 13:51:54 timbl has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 13:57:56 deiu (~andrei@unaffiliated/deiu) has joined #dig 14:17:31 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9285407 14:52:28 jmvanel has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 15:50:02 rszeno (~rszeno@ has joined #dig 16:45:46 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 16:53:25 scor (scor@nat/acquia/x-szbilmafvouilvkw) has joined #dig 16:53:25 scor has quit (Changing host) 16:53:25 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 17:21:19 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 17:24:42 scor (scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 17:25:22 rszeno has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 17:52:25 nicolagreco (~mozilla@nat-215-59.internal.eduroam.ucl.ac.uk) has joined #dig 17:55:06 I am here 17:57:11 Hi Nicola 17:59:12 hello deiu ping me when ready 18:03:49 setting it up now 18:03:50 sandro (~sandro@ssh.w3.org) has joined #dig 18:04:03 timbl (~timbl@31-35-199.wireless.csail.mit.edu) has joined #dig 18:04:46 nicolagreco, go to crosscloud.org/vid 18:05:02 http://crosscloud.org/vid 18:06:47 nicolagreco, ? 18:10:12 ops just read 18:10:15 coming now 18:16:38 my audio kind of cut out 18:16:49 I can't really hear 18:18:44 \msg sandro 18:18:46 nicolagreco, do you have a phone you could use to call the speaker phone in the room? 18:18:51 sure 18:18:58 hold on 18:21:25 nicolagreco, call +1-617-761-6200 conf code 26631 18:22:00 nicolagreco: try again 18:22:04 or not 18:35:08 curl command line test 18:35:16 nicolagreco: supertest 18:37:04 PROPOSED: rename to ld-node 18:37:18 node-ld 18:40:10 npm ERR! 404 'ld-node' is not in the npm registry. 18:40:18 https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=linkeddata 18:40:19 is free 18:40:23 too 18:40:38 npm ERR! 404 'node-ld' is not in the npm registry. 18:40:42 i would just call this linkeddata 18:40:49 yup good one as well however 18:40:52 node is redundant 18:40:55 I guess 18:41:38 npm ERR! 404 'linkeddata' is not in the npm registry. 18:48:43 null25 (~frost@ has joined #dig 18:48:56 null25 has left #dig 18:55:34 timbl: https://github.com/substack/pushover github hacks to be used! 18:55:49 (I meant git repo hacks) 18:56:07 could be useful at a later stage 18:58:07 I realized I was still connected on the phone until now 19:04:34 bblfish has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 19:06:26 bblfish (~bblfish@ has joined #dig 20:04:51 RalphS has quit () 20:09:04 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 20:45:51 nicolagreco has quit (Quit: nicolagreco) 21:46:08 deiu has quit (Quit: deiu) 22:13:53 nicolagreco (~mozilla@cpc65977-camd15-2-0-cust46.20-2.cable.virginm.net) has joined #dig 22:16:05 scor (~scor@c-24-2-162-32.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #dig 22:16:05 scor has quit (Changing host) 22:16:05 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 22:27:13 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 22:39:03 bblfish has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 22:52:19 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 22:57:28 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 22:57:47 nicolagreco has quit (Quit: nicolagreco) 23:00:36 deiu? 23:25:57 scor (~scor@drupal.org/user/52142/view) has joined #dig 23:33:11 jmvanel (~jmvanel@ has joined #dig 23:36:07 scor has quit (Quit: scor) 23:39:32 bblfish (~bblfish@ has joined #dig 23:49:36 bblfish has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 23:55:57 nicolagreco (~mozilla@cpc65977-camd15-2-0-cust46.20-2.cable.virginm.net) has joined #dig