End-to-End Semantic Accountability & TAMI Project
Face-to-Face Meeting
DRAFT Agenda
12 - 13 July 2007
32-D463 (aka Star) (12 July)
Bleil Boardroom, 32-G601 (13 July for DTO site visit)
MIT Stata Center
Cambridge, MA USA
Timing: 0930 - 1830
Coordinates: IRC: irc.freenode.net#tami
Attendees Expected:
- Hal Abelson
- Tim Berners-Lee?
- Dan Connolly (10am-1pm, by phone)
- Li Ding
- Joan Feigenbaum
- Jen Golbeck
- Chris Hanson
- Jim Hendler
- Lalana Kagal
- Yosi Scharf
- Gerry Sussman
- K. Krasnow Waterman
- Danny Weitzner
- <RPI Student>
Day 1 - Thursday
Boot up [9:15 - 9:30]
Welcome and Introductions [9:30 -
- introductions
- meeting goals
- scribing
- other logistics (timing, meals, etc.)
- orientation to deliverables
A. Key Project Components
[20 minute presentations and 20 minutes for discussion of each.]
- Policy Language Outline (Lalana) [10:00 - 10:40]
- presentation: requirements of policy language and sample syntax
- discussion
- System Architecture (Chris) [10:40 - 11:20]
- presentation: Current architecture and system components
- discussion
- Scenarios -- #9 (KKW & LD) [11:40 - 12:20]
- Description (K)
- RDF Representation and example (Li)
- CWM Status (Tim & Yosi) [12:20 - 1:00]
- plans for cwm this year
- plans for teaching cwm the policy language
B. Related Work
- Dependency Systems (Gerry) [2:00 - 2:30]
- presentation: new work from Gerry and Chris on dependency
- discussion
- Provenance (Jen Golbeck) [2:30 - 3:00]
C. Publication Plans and Educational Activities [3:30-4:15]
- MIT: 6.805 and masters adjunct (Hal)
- publication opportunities and identification of lead authors
D. Project Planning [4:15 - 5:15]
- review deliverables and milestones
- code repository
- discuss dependencies and agree
E. Site Visit Planning [5:15 - 6:15]
Initial plan:[agenda]
- Project Goals and Overview (Danny)
- Policy Language and System Architecture (Chris and Lalana)
- Policies and Rules on the Web (Jim)
- How this is different from traditional security research (Joan)
- Discussion of project metrics (all)
F. Scheduling [6:15 - 6:30]
- Weekly class
- FTF meetings
- NICECAP PI meetings
- TAMI Advisory Board
Day 2 - Friday
PIs in site visit, others working
Each day:
11:00 - 11:15 Break
12:30 - 13:00 Lunch
3:30 - 4:00 Break
18:30 Adjourn
19:30 Dinner (Thursday night only)
Location TBA
Required Reading
- REI+ draft specification [pending]
- Weitzner, Abelson, Berners-Lee, Feigenbaum, Hendler, Sussman, Information
Accountability, MIT CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2007 (13 June
2007) [DSpace
- Jennifer Golbeck, James Hendler. 2007. A Semantic Web
and Trust Approach to the Provenance Challenge. Concurrency and
Computation: Practice and Experience, to appear.>
- End-to-End Semantic Accoountability Technical
- TAMI-Portia Workshop report
- Lalana Kagal, Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Connolly, and Daniel Weitzner, Using Semantic Web Technologies
for Policy Management on the Web, 21st National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), July 16 - 20, 2006.
- Hanson, Berners-Lee, Kagal, Sussman, Weitzner, Data-Purpose
Algebra: Modeling Data Usage Policies, accepted by IEEE
- Lalana Kagal, Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Connolly, and Daniel Weitzner, Self-describing
Delegation Networks for the Web, IEEE Workshop on
Policy for Distributed Systems and Networks (IEEE Policy), 5 - 7 June
- Weitzner, Abelson, Berners-Lee, Hanson, Hendler, Kagal, McGuinness,
Sussman, Waterman, Transparent Accountable
Data Mining: New Strategies for Privacy Protection,; MIT CSAIL
Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2006-007
[DSpace handle]
(27 January 2006).
- Weitzner, Hendler, Berners-Lee, Connolly, Creating the
Policy-Aware Web: Discretionary, Rules-based Access for the World Wide
Danny Weitzner
23 January 2007