Tim Berners-Lee
A minimalist approach to documentating vocabularies
Decentralized Information Group
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
, ...owl:FunctionalProperty
-- unstructured documentationrdfs:label
human-readable namerdfs:seeAlso
-- untyped links.:CanisFamiliaris rdfs:comment """The class of animals designated Canis familiaris (domestic dog). This includes all the dog breeds, but not wolves."""; rdfs:label "Canis familiaris"; rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.agrobiologicals.com/glossary/G3089.htm>.
A paragraph or two.
For properties:
For classes:
:Pat owl:sameAs :Patrick.
See @@'s work connecting existing ontologies
:Dog owl:equivalentClass :CanisFamiliaris.
:Dog owl:sameAs :CanisFamiliaris.
:mother a owl:FunctionalProperty.
:sam :mother :jackie. :sam :mother :jacqueline.
:jackie = :jacqueline.
contact:mailbox a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. :jacqueline contact:mailbox <mailto:j@example.org>. :jackie contact:mailbox <mailto:j@example.org>.
:jackie = :jacqueline.
:jackie owl:differentFrom :jacqueline.
:Man s:subclassOf :Human . :YoungMan s:subclassOf :Man .
:CanisFamiliarisDingo owl:subClassOf :CanisFamiliaris; # Dingos are Dogs! rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.naturalworlds.org/wolf/canis/Canis_familiaris_dingo.htm>. :CanisRufus a owl:Class; owl:subClassOf :Canis; owl:disjointFrom :CanisFamiliaris; # Wolves are not Dogs! rdfs:label "Red Wolf"; rdfs:comment """As of 1999 there were about 300 individuals of this endangered species"""; rdfs:seeAlso <http://druidry.org/obod/endangered/redwolf.html>.
Saying that classes are disjoint can help OWL systems detect input errors and data errors as well as ontology errors.
:father s:domain :Human; s:range :Man. :Sara :father :Alan. ______________________________________ :Sara a :Human. :Alan a :Man.
If the ontology gives the domain and range of properties, then the data doesn't have to give the class of everything.