TAMI Scenario 9 Storyline

January 2008

Decentralized Information Group
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

these slides: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2008/Talks/0131-tami-s9-story/

Demo Scenario

  • An unconscious man under treatment in an emergency room is found to have a drug-resistant strain of tubercolsis. In order to prevent an epidemic, the CDC, acting under statutory authority, contacts people the works with, his choir, the members of his scout troop and people he has called.
  • In the course of this investigation, the CDC gets his phone records from XPhone
  • Sometime later Bob Same has phone troubles and calls XPhone to schedule an appt
  • The customer service operator sees that CDC had obtained his records (because the anonymous TB patient once called him) and infers that he must have some contagious disease
  • So she refuses to schedule a repairman
Scenario 9

AIR in Action - Investigating possible mis-use (the transaction log)

Scenario 9
  • Bob Same complains to XPhone that he believes he was denied service improperly
  • XPhone's Chief Privacy Officer begins an investigation
  • The CPO locates the log of the interactions related to Bob

AIR in Action - Investigating possible mis-use (the policy)

Scenario 9
  • The CPO locates the relevant policy that applies to use of customer data

AIR in Action - Investigating possible mis-use (raw reasoning results)

Scenario 9
  • Click 'run reasoner' and the rules system analyzes the application of the policy rules to the transaction log, providing a description of the policy conclusion.

AIR in Action - Investigating possible mis-use (A short explanation)

Scenario 9
  • Ask Why ("?") and the justification browser provides a short explanation (built up from templated descriptions in the rules) along with the premised used to reach the conclusion

next slide showing more information

AIR Policy Language

A policy is an explicit representation of social and legal norms of behavior

Importance of Explanations

Reasoning technique used: Dependency Tracking

AIR specifications

  • Each AIR policy consists of one or more rules
    policy = { rule }
  • A rule is made up of a pattern that when matched causes an action to be fired
    rule = { pattern, action }
  • An action can either be an assertion, which is a set of facts that are added to the knowledge base or a nested rule
    action = { assertion | rule }
     :MyFirstPolicy a air:Policy;
	 air:rule [
	     air:pattern { ... };
	     air:assertion { ... };
	     air:rule [ ... ]
AIR ontology

How AIR fits into our accountability framework

  • Accountability allows violators of applicable privacy policies to be identified and held accountable
  • Privacy usage restrictions and resource access control policies are specified in AIR
  • User's actions within the framework are captured and annotated transaction logs are maintained
  • Policy compliance over transaction logs can be checked using the AIR reasoner

TAMI Architecture

Do it yourself AIR Demo

More Information

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