Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides for privacy of
family relationships:
Article 12
"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his
privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his
honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection
of the law against such interference or attacks."
More information: http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/lang/eng.htm
:Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights_Article12 a air:Policy;
rdfs:label "Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 12";
air:rule :UDHR_1.
:UDHR_1 a air:BeliefRule;
air:label "Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 12 #1";
air:pattern {
:COMPLAINT a tami:PrivacyViolationComplaint;
tami:prevEvent :SEARCHEVENT;
tami:actor :ACTOR;
tami:defendant :DEFENDANT.
:SEARCHEVENT a tami:SearchEvent.
:DEFENDANT a tami:Military.
air:description (:COMPLAINT " was filed by " :ACTOR " about " :SEARCHEVENT " performed by " :DEFENDANT );
air:rule :UDHR_2.
:UDHR_2 a air:BeliefRule;
air:label "Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 12 #2";
air:pattern {
tami:purpose :SPURPOSE.
:DATA tami:purpose :PURPOSE.
air:description("Purpose of " :SEARCHEVENT " was " :SPURPOSE " and it used data meant to be used for " :PURPOSE " purposes ");
air:rule :UDHR_3.
UN General Assembly Resolution
"Humanitarian assistance must be provided in accordance with the
principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality."
:UN_General_Assembly_Resolution a air:Policy;
rdfs:label "UN General Assembly Resolution";
air:rule :UNR_1.
:UNR_1 a air:BeliefRule;
rdfs:label "UN General Assembly Resolution #1";
air:pattern {
:COMPLAINT a tami:PrivacyViolationComplaint;
tami:prevEvent :SEARCHEVENT;
tami:actor :ACTOR;
tami:defendant :DEFENDANT.
:SEARCHEVENT a tami:SearchEvent;
tami:actor :DEFENDANT.
#:DEFENDANT a tami:Military.
air:description (:COMPLAINT " was filed by " :ACTOR " about " :SEARCHEVENT " performed by " :DEFENDANT );
air:rule :UNR_2.
:UNR_2 a air:BeliefRule;
rdfs:label "UN General Assembly Resolution #2";
air:pattern {
tami:purpose :SPURPOSE;
tami:prevEvent :INFORMEVENT.
:INFORMEVENT a tami:Inform;
tami:content :DATA;
tami:receiver :DEFENDANT;
tami:sender tami:RedCross.
:DATA tami:purpose :PURPOSE.
air:description(:SEARCHEVENT " has purpose " :SPURPOSE " and uses data obtained from the Red Cross ");
air:rule :UNR_3.