AIR Policy Language - Providing Policy Decisions with Integrated Explanations

Lalana Kagal

13 February 2008

Decentralized Information Group
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

AIR Policy Language

Importance of Explanations

DenyServiceEvent is not compatible with MA Disability
		  Discrimination Law

Importance of Explanations

DenyServiceEvent is not compatible with MA Disability
		  Discrimination Law
Denial of service based on health information

Dependency Tracking

AIR specifications

  • Each AIR policy consists of one or more rules
    policy = { rule }
  • A rule is made up of a pattern that when matched causes an action to be fired. Optional: description, justification
    rule = { pattern, action [ description justification ]}
  • An action can either be an assertion, which is a set of facts that are added to the knowledge base or a nested rule
    action = { assertion | rule }
     :MyFirstPolicy a air:Policy;
	 air:rule [
	     air:pattern { ... };
	     air:assertion { ... };
	     air:rule [ ... ]
AIR ontology

How AIR fits into our accountability framework

  • Accountability allows violators of applicable privacy policies to be identified and held accountable
  • Privacy usage restrictions and resource access control policies are specified in AIR
  • User's actions within the framework are captured and annotated transaction logs are maintained
  • Policy compliance over transaction logs can be checked using the AIR reasoner

TAMI Architecture

Scenario extension

More information: ARL Scenario

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides for privacy of family relationships:
Article 12
"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."
More information:

:Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights_Article12 a air:Policy;
        rdfs:label "Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 12";
        air:variable :DATA, :PURPOSE, :SPURPOSE, :PEVENT;
        air:rule :UDHR_1.

:UDHR_1 a air:BeliefRule;
        air:label "Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 12 #1";
        air:pattern {
          :COMPLAINT a tami:PrivacyViolationComplaint;
                tami:prevEvent :SEARCHEVENT;
                tami:actor :ACTOR;
                tami:defendant :DEFENDANT.
           :SEARCHEVENT a tami:SearchEvent.
           :DEFENDANT a tami:Military.
       air:description (:COMPLAINT " was filed by " :ACTOR " about " :SEARCHEVENT " performed by " :DEFENDANT );
        air:rule :UDHR_2.

:UDHR_2 a air:BeliefRule;
        air:label "Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 12 #2";
        air:pattern {
            :SEARCHEVENT tami:data :DATA;
                tami:purpose :SPURPOSE.
            :DATA tami:purpose :PURPOSE.
        air:description("Purpose of " :SEARCHEVENT " was " :SPURPOSE " and it used data meant to be used for " :PURPOSE " purposes ");
        air:rule :UDHR_3.


UN General Assembly Resolution

"Humanitarian assistance must be provided in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality."

:UN_General_Assembly_Resolution a air:Policy;
        rdfs:label "UN General Assembly Resolution";
        air:variable :DATA, :PURPOSE, :SPURPOSE, :INFORMEVENT;
        air:rule :UNR_1.

:UNR_1 a air:BeliefRule;
        rdfs:label "UN General Assembly Resolution #1";
        air:pattern {
          :COMPLAINT a tami:PrivacyViolationComplaint;
                tami:prevEvent :SEARCHEVENT;
                tami:actor :ACTOR;
                tami:defendant :DEFENDANT.
           :SEARCHEVENT a tami:SearchEvent;
                tami:actor :DEFENDANT.
           #:DEFENDANT a tami:Military.
       air:description (:COMPLAINT " was filed by " :ACTOR " about " :SEARCHEVENT " performed by " :DEFENDANT );
       air:rule :UNR_2.

:UNR_2 a air:BeliefRule;
        rdfs:label "UN General Assembly Resolution #2";
        air:pattern {
            :SEARCHEVENT tami:data :DATA;
                tami:purpose :SPURPOSE;
                tami:prevEvent :INFORMEVENT.
            :INFORMEVENT  a tami:Inform;
                tami:content :DATA;
                tami:receiver :DEFENDANT;
                tami:sender tami:RedCross.
            :DATA tami:purpose :PURPOSE.
        air:description(:SEARCHEVENT  " has purpose " :SPURPOSE " and uses data obtained from the Red Cross ");
        air:rule :UNR_3.


AIR Demo

AIR contributions

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