AIR Developers Meeting

5 Mar 2010


Jie Bao, Ian Jacobi, Lalana Kagal, Ankesh Khandelwal, Fuming Shih, Mike Speciner, Sam Wang
Lalana Kagal


lkagal: Minutes of earlier meetings
... http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/Talks/0301-AIR/minutes-0103.html
... http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/Talks/0301-AIR/minutes-0203.html

ankesh joined the chat room.

lkagal: todo: get rid of air:statement from reasoner
... agenda: Questions, issues, clarifications from Monday

fuming joined the chat room.

lkagal: ACTION: Ian to get rid of air:statement
... ACTION: Ian to change repo name to air
... ACTION: developing tests for diff features of air
... Agenda: K's points
... ACTION: Ian to think about adding default assertion & desc associated with the RuleSet. If no rule fires in the RuleSet, the default assertion & desc will be added/
... ACTION: Ian to add filter parameter to air:justifies

fuming left the chat room. (Quit: fuming)

baojie joined the chat room.

baojie: hi, I have to be late. Can't leave BBN until 4pm, and will arrive about 4:40pm

lkagal: Hi Jie, thanks for letting us know.

fuming joined the chat room.

lkagal: Agenda: justification ontology
... Ankesh gives presentation on justification ontology
... Ian gives demo of work in progress of modifying air to generate new justification ontology
... Ian: we don't have variable mapping in tms, needs to be re-engineered
... Ian: haven't decided how to represent builtins

fuming left the chat room. (Client Quit)

lkagal: Ian: need to modify tms
... Ankesh: customized justification for each builtin
... Ian: might need to modify the tms to store additional info about each builtin to generate this customized justification

fuming joined the chat room.

fuming left the chat room.

fuming joined the chat room.

samuelsw: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/DHS-fusion/ui-prototype/MD_version.html

baojie left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)

lkagal: ACTION: Sam and Fuming to pull documentation together from MIT and RPI sources.
... ACTION: Mike to develop test framework for AIR
... ACTION: Ian to freeze air ver 2.5
... ACTION: Mike and Ankesh with Ian's help to modify air ver 2.5 to use new justification ontology
... USER http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/IARPA-PIR/test-plan/bob-smith.n3
... SPARQL sparql-in-rdf
... sparql-in-rdf will be something like @prefix s: <http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/IARPA-PIR/sparql#> .
... :Query11058084991267651340 a s:SPARQLQuery;
... s:clause [
... s:triplePattern { :s <http://example.com/#a> :a };
... s:triplePattern { :s <http://example.com/#b> :b };
... s:triplePattern { :s <http://example.com/#c> };
... s:triplePattern { :a s:booleanGT "18 "};
... ];
... s:retrieve [
... s:var :a;
... s:var :b;
... s:var :c;
... s:var :s;
... ].
... USER http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/IARPA-PIR/test-plan/bob-smith.n3
... SPARQL http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/IARPA-PIR/test-plan/sparql-in-rdf1.n3
... SPARQL http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/IARPA-PIR/test-plan/sparql-in-rdf2.n3
... SPARQL translator: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/policy-assurance/sparql2n3.py
... @prefix s: <http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2009/IARPA-PIR/sparql#> .
... :Query15652217331267652078 a s:SPARQLQuery;
... s:clause { :s <http://example.com/#age> :a. :s <http://example.com/#firstname> :b. :s <http://example.com/#lastname> :c. :a s:booleanGT "18 "};
... ];
... s:retrieve [
... s:var :a;
... s:var :b;
... s:var :c;
... s:var :s;
... ].
... adjourned

Summary of Action Items

  • ACTION: Ian to get rid of air:statement
  • ACTION: Ian to change repo name to air
  • ACTION: developing tests for diff features of air
  • ACTION: Ian to think about adding default assertion & desc associated with the RuleSet. If no rule fires in the RuleSet, the default assertion & desc will be added
  • ACTION: Ian to add filter parameter to air:justifies
  • ACTION: Sam and Fuming to pull documentation together from MIT and RPI sources
  • ACTION: Mike to develop test framework for AIR, Sam to send links
  • ACTION: Ian to freeze air ver 2.5
  • ACTION: Mike and Ankesh with Ian's help to modify air ver 2.5 to use new justification ontology
  • [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
    $Date: 2010-03-05 16:13:50 -0500 (Fri, 05 Mar 2010) $