IRC log of dig on 2010-08-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:02:17 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Quit: timbl)
00:24:20 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
00:49:18 [knappy]
knappy has quit (Quit: knappy)
01:23:07 [nunnun]
nunnun is now known as nunnun_away
01:44:34 [melvster]
melvster has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
03:08:46 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
03:19:09 [nunnun_away]
nunnun_away is now known as nunnun
04:31:49 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal)
04:42:50 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!)
05:01:41 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck)
06:30:45 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
07:25:50 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck)
07:29:55 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
08:34:19 [melvster]
melvster ( has joined #dig
10:18:42 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit (Quit: kennyluck)
11:17:26 [RalphS]
RalphS ( has joined #dig
12:41:59 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
12:59:01 [timbl]
re melvster: how actually do you allow public access in the ACL ... is Public a foaf:Group?
12:59:20 [timbl]
Well, foaf:Person is a class.
12:59:33 [timbl]
and so is foaf:Agent.
13:04:20 [timbl]
presbrey, I can't rememebre what we had for "ANyone ro anything, don't autheniate hem" and "anything with a webid -- authenticate them"
13:04:30 [timbl]
We need wo conventional classes.
13:04:38 [timbl]
maybe owl:Thing and foaf:Agent
13:05:24 [timbl]
These aren't groups, they are classes.
13:05:50 [timbl]
groups and clases are related IIRC by a property in tne foaf ontology
13:55:36 [melvster]
timbl: that makes sense ... was thinking about it more ... in unix you have three bits, one for user (webid) ... one for group (foafGroup) ... one for world (foaf:Person)
14:15:28 [timbl]
timbl has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
14:40:50 [nunnun]
nunnun is now known as nunnun_away
14:47:58 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
14:51:24 [nunnun_away]
nunnun_away is now known as nunnun
14:56:19 [Yudai_]
Yudai_ is now known as Yudai
15:24:50 [nunnun]
nunnun is now known as nunnun_away
15:26:21 [Pipian]
Pipian ( has joined #dig
15:27:42 [timbl]
timbl ( has joined #dig
15:33:54 [nunnun_away]
nunnun_away is now known as nunnun
15:37:36 [lkagal]
lkagal has quit (Quit: lkagal)
15:40:31 [knappy]
knappy ( has joined #dig
16:19:24 [lkagal]
lkagal ( has joined #dig
17:13:23 [knappy]
knappy has quit (Quit: knappy)
17:28:42 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
17:28:43 [kennyluck]
kennyluck has quit (Excess Flood)
17:29:38 [presbrey]
re. unix, theres no group analogous to the unix primary group that I'm aware of
17:31:49 [presbrey]
rather than compare to three bits, might as well compare to unix ACLs:
17:32:00 [presbrey]
~/AFS/dig$ fs la
17:32:00 [presbrey]
Access list for . is
17:32:00 [presbrey]
Normal rights:
17:32:01 [presbrey]
dig-admin:dig-users rlidwk
17:32:03 [presbrey]
dig-admin rlidwka
17:32:05 [presbrey]
system:administrators rlidwka
17:32:07 [presbrey]
system:anyuser l
17:32:09 [presbrey]
oshani.cron rl
18:06:43 [kennyluck]
kennyluck ( has joined #dig
18:35:40 [RalphS]
RalphS has quit (Quit: leaving ...)
19:01:44 [knappy]
knappy ( has joined #dig
19:02:16 [presbrey]
so timbl we can do 'anything with a webid' without ACLs
19:11:50 [timbl]
What stat if the ACLmodule in?
19:55:07 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!)
19:55:49 [presbrey]
19:55:50 [timbl]
19:56:04 [timbl]
Got back Amaya saying "Could save : python error"
19:56:15 [timbl]
Thought it would be just worth a try :)
19:57:01 [presbrey]
hmm. I was supposed to be getting emails from python exceptions
19:57:31 [timbl]
Should we have a separate space if we want to save non-date files, or should we mix up the files in the same space I wonder
19:58:22 [melvster]
s/date/data :)
19:58:41 [presbrey]
I'm find with mixed
19:58:44 [presbrey]
19:59:04 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
19:59:27 [melvster]
btw ive started using the 'add' triple button (blue plus) on tabulator now ... it works superbly ...
19:59:49 [presbrey]
melvster, the issue tracker?
20:00:28 [timbl]
melvster, compliments for the write back wit the blue button to Kennyluck ...
20:00:33 [timbl]
with which stroe?
20:00:48 [melvster]
20:01:15 [melvster]
kennyluck: great job! :)
20:01:29 [melvster]
or better
20:01:36 [timbl]
We just have to make sure that when stuff is stored witha html content type it is not reserialised into N3
20:01:53 [timbl]
We could clean it up into XHTML of ocurse
20:02:43 [presbrey]
I am not reserializing non-n3 afaik
20:02:54 [presbrey]
doing a test PUT of /etc/hosts now
20:03:17 [presbrey]
did you see my webID-required folder?
20:03:48 [presbrey]
go to the wiki index and hit Enable/Disable SSL
20:05:21 [timbl]
20:05:30 [knappy]
20:05:41 [presbrey]
I had no trouble with PUT of a non-n3 file using curl
20:05:55 [timbl]
hows it going knappy?
20:05:58 [timbl]
got code to push?
20:06:10 [knappy]
I pushed yesterday
20:06:18 [knappy]
currently I'm looking at userinput.js
20:06:42 [knappy]
for autocompleting the journal titles
20:06:49 [timbl]
for what functionality?
20:06:56 [timbl]
I see.
20:07:03 [timbl]
That's interesting.
20:07:32 [timbl]
I'd like a nice widget for doing autocomplete for teh bug panel too.
20:07:52 [knappy]
Thanks for warning me about userinput
20:08:03 [timbl]
Does it make sense? If not I'll have a look at it, if it does you can explain it to me
20:08:15 [timbl]
20:08:19 [knappy]
I'm still looking at it, I'm taking notes
20:08:24 [knappy]
So far it's okay
20:08:52 [knappy]
I'm learning more to code better with it too
20:20:48 [webr3]
do you guys put the ACL in the .meta file? as I've been using cern metafiles and simply pointing to the ACF from the .meta file using the Link: header [i fear I've gone v wrong here]
20:22:45 [webr3]
timbl, I spoke to the httpbis guys a couple of months ago about serving the 'same resource' via both HTTP and HTTPS; and was informed that when serving a resource over http:// I could use the Content-Location: header to specify the https:// location, thus hinting/pointing at where to send update/delete requests to - do you consider this good advice / recommended or?
20:23:20 [presbrey]
webr3, yes we put the ACL in the meta
20:24:23 [presbrey]
it would be nice to simply redirect a non-HTTPS POST if thats what the ACL requires, but thats not allowed right?
20:24:33 [presbrey]
also, by that point the user has already exposed his query in plain-text
20:24:51 [presbrey]
presumably the ACL is designed to protect against that
20:26:36 [oshani]
oshani has quit (Quit: Mama nidi!)
20:30:28 [timbl]
webr3, the idea of using the content-location header might br the right thing .. you can always read the spec of course .. it has to be not hinting but either you follow the content-location header for a put or you don't
20:30:54 [timbl]
presbery, I retried the push from Amya and it fals repeatably
20:31:42 [timbl]
Tried saving
20:31:50 [presbrey]
[presbrey@endor ~]$ curl -T /etc/hosts -v 2>&1 | grep HTTP
20:31:50 [presbrey]
> PUT /wiki/hosts HTTP/1.1
20:31:50 [presbrey]
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
20:31:50 [presbrey]
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
20:32:09 [presbrey]
does Amaya run on linux?
20:32:19 [timbl]
20:32:29 [presbrey]
lucky for your bug :P
20:32:53 [timbl]
20:32:54 [timbl]
20:32:55 [ericP]
heya presbrey, have you played with the exceptions propagation at all?
20:33:02 [presbrey]
only problem is that when it uploaded it got renamed to hosts.n3
20:33:25 [timbl]
20:33:26 [presbrey]
so we need to rethink the if statement which appends '.n3' to uploaded files
20:33:29 [timbl]
well, clearly we need a table
20:33:46 [melvster]
yes i run amaya on linux
20:33:49 [presbrey]
or maybe no rename with PUT
20:33:53 [timbl]
have a convention taht in mime.types the first one is the one added?
20:33:54 [presbrey]
just rewrite with POST
20:33:57 [webr3]
ty for the responses, re ACL in the meta, is there a reason for that rather than pointing to the ACF from the resources meta?
20:34:16 [timbl]
I think it is important for the server to alwats store a file so that it would be served correctlt.
20:34:19 [timbl]
20:34:30 [presbrey]
the rewrite from hosts to hosts.n3 is absolutely necessary for POST because you don't want to reference <stuff.n3> in the SPARQL, not so sure its needed for PUT at all
20:34:47 [timbl]
Maybe we should ban dots from the name in fact, and only use them internally in the srver to specify content-type.
20:35:28 [timbl]
The client has to have the consistent nptio that it is deling with the same URI all the time
20:35:31 [timbl]
20:35:48 [timbl]
so currently the client is dealing with a clean uri with no extension
20:36:16 [timbl]
I like the idea of hiding the extension from HTTP clients
20:36:30 [presbrey]
hmm I don't
20:36:41 [presbrey]
I only like hiding the extensions in my Linked Data and SPARQL
20:37:04 [presbrey]
I don't want you to hide .ogg from my music players
20:37:16 [presbrey]
s/you/the server/g
20:37:27 [presbrey]
.html sure maybe that doesn't matter
20:37:40 [presbrey]
we have doctype and mime magic
20:38:35 [presbrey]
well, it might work
20:40:45 [melvster]
delete works too ... i didnt even know tabulator could do a delete until just now ... epic! :)
20:41:08 [presbrey]
ha yes and update via delete>>insert
20:41:19 [presbrey]
ericP, I haven't seen the exceptions in python land... only runtimeerror
20:41:50 [presbrey]
ericP, there is a need for relativizing URIs to base_uri in swobjects serializers
20:42:32 [presbrey]
if I edit the ACLs for one domain in a virtual-host environment, it breaks the ACLs for all my other domains
20:42:41 [presbrey]
edit the ACL (using swobjects)
20:42:58 [presbrey]
clearly editing by hand works fine
20:43:39 [presbrey]
ericP, the current real world example here is editing ACLs on breaks them on
20:44:07 [timbl]
Even using relative URIs?
20:44:17 [presbrey]
when swobjects serializes the new ACL after SPARQLing it sticks in URIs
20:44:46 [timbl]
Your music player will find out from the mime type
20:44:50 [timbl]
and the directory listing
20:44:58 [timbl]
can have mime type in of course
20:46:15 [timbl]
Wehn Amaya (which is written in C) says "Sever says: Python Error" I don't expect it to be on the client :)
20:46:39 [presbrey]
did you see the magic 'webID-required' folder on ?
20:46:43 [presbrey]
I know... I'm installing Amaya now
20:49:09 [presbrey]
timbl, do you know who runs the builds for Amaya?
20:50:26 [presbrey]
I would like to request they also post the Debian/Redhat source packages
20:51:00 [presbrey]
great that you have .deb/.rpm on there but they are too old and I need to rebuild them to the latest release
20:52:54 [timbl] Laurent Carcone
20:53:03 [presbrey]
20:53:12 [melvster]
presbrey: amaya installs from the .deb in lucid lynx
20:53:24 [presbrey]
20:53:28 [presbrey]
[presbrey@endor Download]$ sudo rpm -ivh amaya_wx-11.3.1-0.x86_64.rpm
20:53:28 [presbrey]
error: Failed dependencies:
20:53:28 [presbrey] is needed by amaya_wx-11.3.1-0.x86_64
20:53:28 [presbrey] is needed by amaya_wx-11.3.1-0.x86_64
20:53:28 [presbrey]
[presbrey@endor Download]$ ls -ald /lib64/* /usr/lib64/*
20:53:28 [presbrey]
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Jun 16 13:57 /lib64/ ->
20:53:32 [presbrey]
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1653784 Jun 4 10:24 /lib64/
20:53:32 [timbl]
the latest release of the RPM system? It changes that quickly or the libs it links to do?
20:53:34 [presbrey]
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jun 16 13:57 /usr/lib64/ ->
20:53:36 [presbrey]
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 375184 Jun 4 10:24 /usr/lib64/
20:53:40 [presbrey]
libs it links
20:53:48 [presbrey]
in this case, my openssl is awesomely new
20:54:10 [melvster]
FYI: i just clicked the .deb (not the .rpm) and it installed
20:54:26 [presbrey]
there are some days I wish I had picked debian.
20:54:33 [presbrey]
very few though :P
20:57:39 [melvster]
21:01:26 [presbrey]
OK I sent away to laurent timbl, I'm off to try to get a haircut until then.
21:02:08 [oshani]
oshani ( has joined #dig
21:03:49 [timbl]
have a godo haircut
21:08:55 [presbrey]
too busy for a walk-in right now. good thing its close by
21:09:08 [presbrey]
see how far I can get with the amaya tarball
21:15:16 [presbrey]
oh timbl I got the python exceptions finally. csail mail servers are just backed up
21:15:22 [presbrey]
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/srv/dig/www/wiki/documentation/New.html.n3'
21:15:41 [presbrey]
looks like I'm just not creating you the folders for PUT
21:21:59 [timbl]
Ok -- nice .. Dacoment saved
21:22:25 [presbrey]
yep easy fix