AIR specifications
- Variables (N3 Quantification)
- use N3 syntax to quantify variables (@forAll, @forSome)
- used to declare universal/existential variables that can
be used inside patterns
- variables scope to the file with a unique URI. Two
variables with the same URI are the same variable. If the
variable is bound before a rule is invoked, it is passed as
a constant
- Rule descriptions (air:description)
- list of variables and strings that are put together to
provide the NL description
@forAll :VAR1, :VAR2.
:Policy2 a air:Policy;
air:rule [
air:pattern { @forSome :VAR3 . :VAR3 a air:Policy; air:rule :VAR2 . };
air:assertion { ... };
air:description (:VAR1, “ is a variable that is declared in :Policy2 and ”, :VAR2,
“ is a variable that is declared in this rule”);
air:rule [ ... ]